⇒ 不足 缺失 阙 贫乏 欠缺 绌 营养不良 蚕豆症 缺乏症 补缺 填补 艾滋病毒 气虚 找齐 补足 不匮 先天不足 弥补 阴虚 阳虚 㿠 房劳 虚损 阴虚火旺
⇒ 缺失 贫乏 缺少 短 叕 或缺 缺乏 短欠 差 匮 无 欠 少 了无 违纪 脱销 无恒 睡眠不足 缺货 失真 不差 冷漠 无序 毫无 缺角 失调 四分五裂 无后 一曝十寒 有始无终
⇒ 稀缺 空匮 紧张 紧缺 荒 枯水 拍拍屁股走人 撒丫子
vacant post
⇒ 缺位
to run short of
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 vacancy; opening:
- 空缺 vacant position; vacancy
II 动
1 be short of; lack:
- 缺人 be short of hands
- 我们队可不能缺了小林。 Our team can't do without Xiao Lin.
- 这本书缺两页。 Two pages are missing from this book.
- 这些条件缺一不可。 Not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with.
- 这种原料较缺。 This kind of raw material is rather scarce.
- 庄稼缺水缺肥就长不好。 Lacking manure and water, crops won't grow well.
2 be absent:
- 人都到齐了,一个不缺。 No one is absent. Everybody's here.
III 形 incomplete; imperfect:
- 残缺 incomplete; with parts missing
I 名 vacancy; opening:
- 空缺 vacant position; vacancy
II 动
1 be short of; lack:
- 缺人 be short of hands
- 我们队可不能缺了小林。 Our team can't do without Xiao Lin.
- 这本书缺两页。 Two pages are missing from this book.
- 这些条件缺一不可。 Not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with.
- 这种原料较缺。 This kind of raw material is rather scarce.
- 庄稼缺水缺肥就长不好。 Lacking manure and water, crops won't grow well.
2 be absent:
- 人都到齐了,一个不缺。 No one is absent. Everybody's here.
III 形 incomplete; imperfect:
- 残缺 incomplete; with parts missing
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 缺乏;短少 {be short of; lack; be devoid of; be empty of; be scant in; be wanting in; run short of; be shy of; (of sth.) be absent; be deficient}:
- ~人 {be short of hands; be short-handed}
- ~材料 {be short of material}
- 庄稼~肥~水就长不好。 {Crops won't grow well lacking fertilizer and water.}
2. 残破;残缺 {broken; incomplete; imperfect}:
- ~口 {gap; breach; nick; jag; indentation}
- 完满无~ {complete (with not a single part missing); full; perfect}
- 这本书~了两页。 {Two pages are missing from this book.}
3. 该到而未到 {be absent (from); absent oneself (from)}:
- ~勤 {be absent from duty or work}
- ~课 {be absent from class; miss a class}
- ~席。 {be absent; absent oneself; be among the missing; (legal) default}
4. 〈旧时 old〉指官职的空额,也泛指一般职务的空额 {(of an official position) unfilled; (generally of a post or work position) vacant; open}:
- 出~ {(of a high post) fall vacant}
- 肥~ {lucrative job}
- 补一个~。 {fill a vacancy}Kq
1. 缺乏;短少 {be short of; lack; be devoid of; be empty of; be scant in; be wanting in; run short of; be shy of; (of sth.) be absent; be deficient}:
- ~人 {be short of hands; be short-handed}
- ~材料 {be short of material}
- 庄稼~肥~水就长不好。 {Crops won't grow well lacking fertilizer and water.}
2. 残破;残缺 {broken; incomplete; imperfect}:
- ~口 {gap; breach; nick; jag; indentation}
- 完满无~ {complete (with not a single part missing); full; perfect}
- 这本书~了两页。 {Two pages are missing from this book.}
3. 该到而未到 {be absent (from); absent oneself (from)}:
- ~勤 {be absent from duty or work}
- ~课 {be absent from class; miss a class}
- ~席。 {be absent; absent oneself; be among the missing; (legal) default}
4. 〈旧时 old〉指官职的空额,也泛指一般职务的空额 {(of an official position) unfilled; (generally of a post or work position) vacant; open}:
- 出~ {(of a high post) fall vacant}
- 肥~ {lucrative job}
- 补一个~。 {fill a vacancy}Kq
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 incomplete; damaged
- 保存得完好无缺 be kept intact/undamaged
- 书的末尾缺一页。 The book wants a page at the end.
- 这件衬衫缺一颗扣子。 The shirt wants a button./ The shirt has a button missing.
动 be short of; lack; want
- 缺时间 be pressed/pushed for time
- 缺食物/衣服 be short of food/clothing
- 缺人手 be short of hands; be short-handed
- 到目前还不缺帮手。 There has been no shortage of helpers so far.
- 他们什么都不缺。 They are lacking in nothing./ They are in want of nothing.
- 她缺钙。 She has a calcium deficiency. / She has a deficiency in calcium. / She is deficient in calcium.
- 我们缺资金。 We are short of funds.
- 饮食缺铁会导致疾病。 A diet deficient in iron can lead to illness. / A deficiency of iron in the diet can cause illness.
形 imperfect; flawed
动 be absent
名 vacancy; opening; vacant position
形 incomplete; damaged
- 保存得完好无缺 be kept intact/undamaged
- 书的末尾缺一页。 The book wants a page at the end.
- 这件衬衫缺一颗扣子。 The shirt wants a button./ The shirt has a button missing.
动 be short of; lack; want
- 缺时间 be pressed/pushed for time
- 缺食物/衣服 be short of food/clothing
- 缺人手 be short of hands; be short-handed
- 到目前还不缺帮手。 There has been no shortage of helpers so far.
- 他们什么都不缺。 They are lacking in nothing./ They are in want of nothing.
- 她缺钙。 She has a calcium deficiency. / She has a deficiency in calcium. / She is deficient in calcium.
- 我们缺资金。 We are short of funds.
- 饮食缺铁会导致疾病。 A diet deficient in iron can lead to illness. / A deficiency of iron in the diet can cause illness.
形 imperfect; flawed
动 be absent
名 vacancy; opening; vacant position
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
imperfect; lack; minus
imperfect; lack; minus
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
quē(quē fá 、quē shǎo )“缺”、“缺乏”、“缺少”均为同义词。“缺”一般与单音词连用,而“缺乏”与“缺少”则与双音词连用。
be short of, 指短缺,着重点为缺。
- 我说过我们公司缺人。 I said that our firm was short of men.
- 要是缺乏资金就很难开拓业务。 It is hard to develop our business if we are short of funds.
- 中国缺少已经探明的富铁矿。 China is short of known high-grade iron ore deposit.
- 他缺少(乏)经验。 He lacks experience.
- 他有钱什么都不缺。 As he is rich he lacks nothing.lack用作现在分词,现在只有lacking (in)这样一种形式,而且后面都接抽象名词。
- 他缺少力量。(勇气、兴趣、幽默、保护) He is lacking in strength.(courage, interest, humor, protection)
- 完成这项工程缺钱。 Money was lacking to complete the project.
- 庄稼缺水缺肥就长不好。 Lacking water and manure, crops won't grow well.
- 他的弱点是缺乏经验。 Lacking experience is his weak-point.
- 我厂苦于缺乏零件。 Our factory suffers from the lacking of spare parts.lack 还可用作名词。
- 植物由于缺水而枯死。 The plants died for lack of water.
- 这门学科的文献不缺。 There is no lack of literature on this subject.
- 地震后许多人都缺粮食缺住处。 Many people wanted food and shelter after the earthquake.
- 他缺少长跑运动员的耐力。 He wants the stamina of a long-distance runner.
- 战时生产有时苦于缺乏人手来看管机器和收割庄稼。 War production occasionally suffered from want of hands to tend the machines and harvest the crops.
- 他缺少勇气。 He is deficient in courage.
- 他缺心眼。 He is mentally deficient.
- 该国缺乏资源。 The country is deficient in resources.
- 食物既坏又缺。 The food was both bad and deficient.
- 这种原料较缺。 This kind of raw material is rather scarce.
- 这本书缺两页。 Two pages are missing from this book.
- 这些条件缺一不可。 Not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with.
- 这些都是不可或缺的条件。 These are all indispensable conditions.
- 我们队缺了小林不行。 Our team can't do without Xiaolin.
- 人都到齐了,一个不缺。 No one is absent, everybody's here.
- 他工作认真,但缺少办法。 He's a conscientious worker, but is not very resourceful.
quē(quē fá 、quē shǎo )“缺”、“缺乏”、“缺少”均为同义词。“缺”一般与单音词连用,而“缺乏”与“缺少”则与双音词连用。
be short of, 指短缺,着重点为缺。
- 我说过我们公司缺人。 I said that our firm was short of men.
- 要是缺乏资金就很难开拓业务。 It is hard to develop our business if we are short of funds.
- 中国缺少已经探明的富铁矿。 China is short of known high-grade iron ore deposit.
- 他缺少(乏)经验。 He lacks experience.
- 他有钱什么都不缺。 As he is rich he lacks nothing.lack用作现在分词,现在只有lacking (in)这样一种形式,而且后面都接抽象名词。
- 他缺少力量。(勇气、兴趣、幽默、保护) He is lacking in strength.(courage, interest, humor, protection)
- 完成这项工程缺钱。 Money was lacking to complete the project.
- 庄稼缺水缺肥就长不好。 Lacking water and manure, crops won't grow well.
- 他的弱点是缺乏经验。 Lacking experience is his weak-point.
- 我厂苦于缺乏零件。 Our factory suffers from the lacking of spare parts.lack 还可用作名词。
- 植物由于缺水而枯死。 The plants died for lack of water.
- 这门学科的文献不缺。 There is no lack of literature on this subject.
- 地震后许多人都缺粮食缺住处。 Many people wanted food and shelter after the earthquake.
- 他缺少长跑运动员的耐力。 He wants the stamina of a long-distance runner.
- 战时生产有时苦于缺乏人手来看管机器和收割庄稼。 War production occasionally suffered from want of hands to tend the machines and harvest the crops.
- 他缺少勇气。 He is deficient in courage.
- 他缺心眼。 He is mentally deficient.
- 该国缺乏资源。 The country is deficient in resources.
- 食物既坏又缺。 The food was both bad and deficient.
- 这种原料较缺。 This kind of raw material is rather scarce.
- 这本书缺两页。 Two pages are missing from this book.
- 这些条件缺一不可。 Not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with.
- 这些都是不可或缺的条件。 These are all indispensable conditions.
- 我们队缺了小林不行。 Our team can't do without Xiaolin.
- 人都到齐了,一个不缺。 No one is absent, everybody's here.
- 他工作认真,但缺少办法。 He's a conscientious worker, but is not very resourceful.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典