[jí bù kě dài]
⇒ 急性病 急吼吼 急拍拍 心急 急切 猴急 悁 躁 性急 心切 眼巴巴 燥 不耐烦 焦躁 迫不及待 操之过急 沉不住气 急于求成 发急 浮躁 少安毋躁 一口吃个胖子
eager to
⇒ 急于 好胜 好学 要强 好强 巴不得 怦怦 捋臂揎拳 利禄薰心 跃跃欲试 爱才若渴 摩拳擦掌
anxious to
⇒ 人心惶惶 牵肠挂肚 犯愁 发愁 发急 求知 急眼 愁眉苦脸 着急 急 担心 急欲 灭此朝食 挂念 忧思 牵记 怦怦 惴惴不安 急人之难
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
〈成〉 too impatient to wait; extremely anxious:
- 他一拿到信,在路上就急不可待地拆开看了。 As soon as he was handed the letter, he anxiously ripped it open and read it right on the street.
〈成〉 too impatient to wait; extremely anxious:
- 他一拿到信,在路上就急不可待地拆开看了。 As soon as he was handed the letter, he anxiously ripped it open and read it right on the street.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
<熟> be too impatient to wait; can't wait to do sth; be extremely anxious
- 他急不可待地想知道考试成绩。 He was impatient to know the result of his examination.
- 她急不可待地接受了去欧洲旅行的提议。 She eagerly accepted the offer of a trip to Europe.
<熟> be too impatient to wait; can't wait to do sth; be extremely anxious
- 他急不可待地想知道考试成绩。 He was impatient to know the result of his examination.
- 她急不可待地接受了去欧洲旅行的提议。 She eagerly accepted the offer of a trip to Europe.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典