
區別 区别
[qū bié]
分别 差分 异样 差额 分歧 歧异 差异性 差异 误差 差数 差别 价差 分毫之差 差商 差分方程 霄壤之别 相位差 时差 分毫 公差 等差 对比温度 均差 分至点 差价 温差 相差不多 没有差别 别无二致
to distinguish
鉴别 分清 分辨 辨明 判明 分别 辨别 识别 脱颖而出 立功 拔萃 不分 明辨 是非分明 明辨是非 彰善瘅恶 立德 黑白分明 黑白不分 是非不分 是非莫辨 马鹿易形 真假难辨 不分青红皂白 不分皂白 立言
to discriminate
判别 甄别 辨析 歧视 排华 偏袒 一视同仁 厚薄 厚此薄彼
to make a distinction
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名 difference:
- 这两个词在意义上没有区别。 There is no difference in meaning between the two words.
II 动 distinguish; differentiate; make a distinction between:
- 区别对待 deal with each case on its merits; deal with different things or people in different ways
- 区别好坏 distinguish between good and bad
- 把两者区别开来 differentiate one from the other
- 你能区别普通话和北京话吗? Can you tell the difference between putonghua and Beijing dialect?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 把两个以上的对象加以比较,认识它们不同的地方;分别 {distinguish; differentiate; discriminate; set apart; tell the difference between; make a distinction between}:
- ~好坏 {distinguish between good and bad; tell good from evil}
- ~对待。 {discriminate (between); differentiate (between)}
2. 彼此不同的地方 {difference; distinction}:
- 我看不出这两个词在意义上有什么~。 {I can't see any difference in meaning between the two words.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
distinguish; differentiate; discriminate; separate; make a distinction between; tell apart
- 区别善恶 sort out/discriminate/distinguish good from evil; distinguish between good and evil
- 区别同义词词义 discriminate synonyms
- 区别正确与错误 distinguish between right and wrong; discriminate/tell right from wrong
- 加以区别 make/draw a distinction between; make the differentiation
- 区别对待 deal with each case on its merits; deal with sb/sth in a different way; treat sb/sth differently/discriminately
- 把两者区别开来 differentiate one from the other
- 翅膀和羽毛使鸟类区别于其他动物。 Wings and feathers discriminate birds from other animals.
- 黑色和深绿色在光线昏暗时很难区别。 Black is hardly distinguishable from deep green when it is dark.
difference; distinction; differentiation; discrimination
- 发现区别 find/detect/discern/tell the difference/distinction
- 没有区别 there is no/little difference (between)
- 区别很大 considerable/big/great/stupendous difference
- 本质/根本区别 essential/fundamental distinction/difference
- 明显区别 evident/sharp difference; obvious/sharp distinction
- 细微区别 nice/subtle/delicate distinction; slight/subtle/trifling difference
- 显著区别 marked/notable/noticeable/substantial difference
- 主要区别 main distinction
- 这两个词在意义上有很大区别。 There is much difference in meaning between the two words.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
differentiate; distinguish; make a distinction between; sever
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
difference; differentiate; discriminate; distinguish; part; secern
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
qū bié(qū fèn )“区别”和“区分”是两个同义词,前者着重在“有别”,后者着重在“可分”。两者在用作动词时可以互换,但只有“区别”可作名词。
differentiate, difference, different,指通过仔细比较事物的特征或特点而作出区别。
- 这种鸟以其异常的筑巢习惯区别于其他鸟类。 Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.
- 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。 A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.
- 这两个词在意义上没有区别。 There is no difference in meaning between the two words.
- 你能区分京剧和豫剧吗? Can you tell the difference between Beijing opera and Henan opera?
- 对不同的人或事都要区别对待。 Deal with different people or things in different ways.
distinguish, distinction,指通过事物的特点或特性而做出区别。
- 人类能说话,故区别于其他动物。 Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from other animals.
- 如何区别家兔与野兔? How do you distinguish the rabbit from the hare?
- 我对这两个案例作了区分。 I made the distinction between the two cases.
- 区分领导人的政治与老百姓的看法十分重要。 It is very important to draw a distinction between the politics of the leaders and the views of ordinary people.
- 他能对几种同样优质的酒进行区别。 He can discriminate among several equally fine wines.
- 法律区分了过失杀人和故意杀人。 The law discriminates accidental and intentional killing.
mark off, 指划分出来的区别。
- 她脸上的黑痣使她跟别的姑娘有所区别。 The mole on her face marks her off from other girls.
- 1949年的解放区分了两个历史时期。 Liberation in the year of 1949 marked off two historical epochs.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典