
[fēn qīng]
to distinguish (between different things)
鉴别 分辨 辨明 判明 分别 辨别 识别 区别 脱颖而出 立功 拔萃 不分 明辨 是非分明 明辨是非 彰善瘅恶 立德 黑白分明 黑白不分 是非不分 是非莫辨 马鹿易形 真假难辨 不分青红皂白 不分皂白 立言
to make distinctions clear
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 distinguish; draw a clear distinction between; draw a clear line of demarcation between:
- 分清是非 distinguish right from wrong
- 分清敌我友 draw a distinction between ourselves, our friends and the enemy
- 分不清真假 cannot distinguish between genuine and sham
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
fēn∥qīng分辨清楚 {distinguish; draw a clear distinction between}:
- ~是非 {distinguish between right and wrong}
- 一片汪洋,分不清哪是天哪是水。 {In the wide expanse the sky is indistinguishable from the water.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
distinguish; draw a clear distinction between
- 分清敌友 draw a distinction between friends and enemies
- 分清公与私 draw a line between business and private matters; make a clear distinction between public and private interests
- 分清良莠 separate the wheat from the chaff; tell the husk from the grain
- 分清是非 distinguish right from wrong
- 分清真假 distinguish between genuine and sham
- 分清主次 distinguish the primary and the secondary
- 他发音时分不清“l”和“n”。 He cannot distinguish between 'l' and 'n' in pronunciation.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
fèn qīng
- 他们长得那么相象,我几乎分不清谁是谁。 They are so much alike that I can hardly distinguish who is who.
- 要分清养殖的珍珠和真的珍珠并不容易。 It is not easy to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.
- 分不清颜色的人都称作是色盲。 People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.
tell from,指说出区别。
- 人都应该知道如何去分清好坏。 One should know how to tell the good ones from the bad ones.
- 分清真假,我不加他。 I'm less capable than he of telling truth from falsehood.
draw (make)a distinction between,指划清。
- 只有分清敌我友才能建成统一战线。 Only by drawing a distinction between ourselves, our friends and the enemy can we forma united front.
- 他是色盲,分不清红与绿。 Being color-blind, he can't make a distinction between red and green.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典