- Aachen
- abdication
- abolitionist
- aborigines
- absolute monarchy
- absolutism
- Abyssinia
- academy
- Acadia
- accession
- acid rain
- acropolis
- Act of Settlement
- Act of Union
- ad valorem
- admiral
- Adrianople
- Adriatic Sea
- African National Congress
- Afrikaner
- Agamemnon
- agnosticism
- agora
- Agra
- agriculture
- Ainu
- Akbar
- Aladdin
- Alaric
- alchemy
- Alexander I
- Alexander II
- Alexander III
- Alexander the Great
- Alexandria
- Algeciras
- alien
- Aligarh
- Allah
- Allahabad
- allegiance
- alliance
- ally
- altruism
- amah
- Amboina
- American Civil War
- American Indian
- amir
- ammunition
- amnesty
- amphitheatre
- Anabaptist
- anarchism
- anarchists
- anarchy
- ancestry
- ancien régime
- Angle
- Anglican Church
- Anglo-Saxon
- Angora
- animism
- Annam
- Anno Domini
- Anschluss
- anthrax
- anthropology
- anti-Semitism
- antibiotic
- Antioch
- antiquity
- Antonius
- Antwerp
- Anyang
- Anzio
- Apache
- apartheid
- ape-man
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Apostles' Creed
- aqueduct
- Arab
- Arab League
- Aragon
- Arc de Triomphe
- arch
- archaeology
- archbishop
- archdeacon
- archduke
- archery
- Archimedes
- architecture
- archive
- Ardennes
- arena
- Arianism
- aristocracy
- aristocrat
- Aristotle
- armada
- Armenia
- armistice
- armour
- arsenal
- Articles of Confederation
- artifact
- artillery
- Aryan
- Asia Minor
- Asian Development Bank
- Assam
- assassination
- assembly
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- Assur
- Assurbanipal
- Assyrian
- astrolabe
- asylum
- atheism
- Athena
- Athenian
- Athens
- Atlantic Charter
- Atlantis
- atomic bomb
- Attorney General
- Augustus
- Aung San Suu Kyi
- Aurangzeb
- Auschwitz
- Ausgleich
- Austerlitz
- Australasia
- authoritarianism
- autocracy
- autonomous region
- autonomy
- Ava
- Avignon
- Ayutthaya
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- Azov
- Aztec
- Babur
- Babylon
- Baden
- bailiff
- balance of power
- balance of trade
- balanced budget
- Balfour Declaration
- Balkan Peninsula
- ballistic missile
- ballot
- Baltic Sea
- Baltimore
- Baluchistan
- Bam
- Bank of England
- Bantu
- Bar
- Barbarossa
- Barcelona
- Baroque
- barricade
- barter
- Basel
- Bastille Day
- Bastogne
- Batavia
- Battle of Britain
- Bavaria
- Beirut
- Belarus
- Belgrade
- belligerent
- Benedictine
- Berchtesgaden
- Bessarabia
- Bethlehem
- Biarritz
- bicameral
- Bihar
- bilateral agreement
- Bill of Rights
- Birmingham
- bishop
- Bismarck Archipelago
- Black Death
- Black Hand
- Black Hole of Calcutta
- Black Sea
- blast furnace
- blitzkrieg