依舊 依旧
[yī jiù]
as before; still
⇒ 照样 仍然 一如既往 照旧 依然 如初 如故 照 完好如初 一切如旧 老地方 沿用 原样 沿袭 因循 道之所存,师之所存 不误 澶 还是 静 迄今为止 静谧 仍旧 蒸馏器 恬静 更 安生 静止 尚 尚且 宓 仍 阒寂 侐 但 兀自 清 犹自 还 静默 犹 涠 文风不动 尚存 剧照
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 形 as before; unchanged:
- 山河依旧。 The landscape remains unchanged.
II 副 as before; still:
- 书房的陈设依旧未变。 The study is furnished as it was before.
- 他依旧是那个老样子。 He still looks his old self.
I 形 as before; unchanged:
- 山河依旧。 The landscape remains unchanged.
II 副 as before; still:
- 书房的陈设依旧未变。 The study is furnished as it was before.
- 他依旧是那个老样子。 He still looks his old self.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
照旧 {remain the same}:
- 风物~ {The landscape remains unchanged.}
- 别人都走了,他~坐在那里看书。 {He still sat there reading after everybody had left.}
照旧 {remain the same}:
- 风物~ {The landscape remains unchanged.}
- 别人都走了,他~坐在那里看书。 {He still sat there reading after everybody had left.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 remain the same
- 风景依旧。 The scenery remained unchanged. / The scenery looked the same.
- 他依旧是老样子。 He still looks his old self./He is still what he was.
- 他虽已年过花甲,但依旧很勤奋。 He is over sixty, but he is still as diligent as ever.
动 remain the same
- 风景依旧。 The scenery remained unchanged. / The scenery looked the same.
- 他依旧是老样子。 He still looks his old self./He is still what he was.
- 他虽已年过花甲,但依旧很勤奋。 He is over sixty, but he is still as diligent as ever.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
as of old
as of old
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典