[jiè yì]
to care about
⇒ 关心 在乎 在意 放在心上 管 放在眼里 吃粮不管事 人走茶凉
to take offense
⇒ 见怪 动不动就生气
to mind
⇒ 见怪 在意 介怀 毫不介意 不在意 不以为意 想到 勾起 追怀 映入脑海 成象 想起 牢记 彪蒙 谨记 麻醉 沁人心脾 服膺 记住 记在心里 有心 读心 有话要说 踏实 运思 直言无讳 发疯 陶冶情操 直抒胸臆 有一说一 变卦
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 介怀 〈书〉) 动 [usu. in the negative] take offence; mind:
- 我是开玩笑,你可别介意呀。 Please don't take offence; I was only joking.
- 即使有些批评过头了,他也不介意。 He didn't mind even when some criticisms were excessive.
(also 介怀 〈书〉) 动 [usu. in the negative] take offence; mind:
- 我是开玩笑,你可别介意呀。 Please don't take offence; I was only joking.
- 即使有些批评过头了,他也不介意。 He didn't mind even when some criticisms were excessive.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
jiè∥yì把不愉快的事记在心里;在意(多用于否定词后 {oft. in the negative}) {take offence; mind}:
- 刚才这句话我是无心中说的,你可别~。 {I didn't mean to say it, so I hope you will not take offence.}
jiè∥yì把不愉快的事记在心里;在意(多用于否定词后 {oft. in the negative}) {take offence; mind}:
- 刚才这句话我是无心中说的,你可别~。 {I didn't mean to say it, so I hope you will not take offence.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 mind; take offence
- 很介意 mind very much
- 一点也不介意 not mind a bit/at all
- 我在这儿吸烟你不介意吧? Do you mind my smoking here?
- 我肯定她不会真的介意。 I am sure she won't really mind.
动 mind; take offence
- 很介意 mind very much
- 一点也不介意 not mind a bit/at all
- 我在这儿吸烟你不介意吧? Do you mind my smoking here?
- 我肯定她不会真的介意。 I am sure she won't really mind.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
mind; reck
mind; reck
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典