輕輕 轻轻
lightly; softly
⇒ 嫩 轻伤 浅黑 抵 轻打 翩翩 煎炒 抿 飘拂 攴 轻抚 扒拉 惊醒 厾 下毛毛雨 磨蹭 翩翩起舞 轻饶 掉以轻心 拂 点水 看轻 泰然处之 便宜 轻击球 蜻蜓点水 浮贴 捶背 蹑悄悄 轻声 低声 喁喁 细声细气 冉冉 低吟 轻言细语 轻手轻脚 轻声细语
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
形 soft; gentle
- 轻轻按一下按钮 give the button a slight press/push
- 轻轻抚摸 stroke gently/softly
- 轻轻溜出房间 steal softly out of a room
- 轻轻弹去烟灰 flick the ashes from the cigarette
- 轻轻一推 give sb/sth a gentle push
- 轻轻的脚步声 quiet/light/soft footsteps
- 轻轻的敲门声 light tap at the door
- 用手帕轻轻拭泪 dab one's eyes with a handkerchief
- 风轻轻地吹着。 The wind was blowing gently/softly.
- 河水轻轻拍打着船舷。 The river lapped gently against the sides of the boat.
形 soft; gentle
- 轻轻按一下按钮 give the button a slight press/push
- 轻轻抚摸 stroke gently/softly
- 轻轻溜出房间 steal softly out of a room
- 轻轻弹去烟灰 flick the ashes from the cigarette
- 轻轻一推 give sb/sth a gentle push
- 轻轻的脚步声 quiet/light/soft footsteps
- 轻轻的敲门声 light tap at the door
- 用手帕轻轻拭泪 dab one's eyes with a handkerchief
- 风轻轻地吹着。 The wind was blowing gently/softly.
- 河水轻轻拍打着船舷。 The river lapped gently against the sides of the boat.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典