
to violate
违戾 违悖 触犯 侵犯 侵权 背逆 违犯 奸污 违反 违背 违逆 蹂躏 违纪 违章 乱伦 违反宪法 违规 犯忌 违约 犯讳 犯禁 得罪 违恩负义 破戒 以身试法 忘恩负义 违禁
to offend
惹恼 冲撞 触犯 惹人 冒犯 开罪 再犯 得罪 刺眼 犯上 惹不起 以下犯上 伤天害理 惹火 冷语冰人 惊世骇俗 玩人丧德 老好人 臭架子 倒粪 好人
to assault
侵犯 力攻 施暴 进攻 冲锋 猥亵 劫色 性侵犯 性侵 抢滩 攻坚 迎头痛击 袭警 捡尸 反杀
人犯 刑事 犯罪者 罪犯 犯人 元恶 要犯 累犯 黑社会 逃犯 惯犯 刑拘 刑事拘留 刑事警察 刑侦 控罪 刑警 犯罪记录 刑事审判庭 涉黑案 黑帮 匪帮 刑事犯 悍匪 案底 犯罪行为 亡命之徒 刑诉法 战犯 刑事犯罪 恶势力
罪行 犯罪 警匪 罪孽 愆尤 罪恶 重罪 战争罪 仇恨罪行 暴力犯罪 低龄犯罪 连续犯 仇恨罪 犯罪集团 案发现场 业海 大不韪 轻罪 明知故犯 行凶 重案 滔天大罪 经侦 黑社会 黑帮 反人道罪行 间谍罪 罪刑 触线 作案
to make a mistake
失误 疏失 犯错 出错 搞错 失错 铸成大错 将错就错
recurrence (of mistake or sth bad)
递推 递归 递推关系 递推公式
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 动
1   violate; offend (against the law, etc. ):
- 犯纪律 violate discipline
- 犯校规 offend (or break) a school rule
2   attack; invade; work against:
- 犯边 invade the frontiers of another country
3   have a recurrence of (an old illness); revert to (a bad habit):
- 犯脾气 get angry; fly into a temper; be in a bad temper
- 他的气喘病又犯了。 He's got another attack of asthma.
4   commit (a mistake, crime, etc. ):
- 犯错误 make a mistake
- 犯官僚主义 commit the error of bureaucratism
II 名 criminal:
- 战犯 war criminal
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

- 简体中文>英语, 天文学名词数据库

1. 抵触;违犯 {offend; violate; go against; encroach on}:
- ~法 {violate or break the law}
- ~规 {break the rules or regulations}
- ~忌讳 {violate a taboo}
- 众怒难~。 {One cannot afford to incur public wrath.}
2. 侵犯 {attack; invade; assail}:
- 进~ {invade; intrude}
- 秋毫无~ {(of troops) not the slightest violation of discipline; no encroachment on people's interests in the least}
- 人不~我,我不~人;人若~我,我必~人 {We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.}
- 井水不~河水。 {Well water does not encroach on river water (no mutual interference).}
3. 罪犯 {offender; criminal; culprit}:
- 主~ {principal offender or culprit}
- 盗窃~。 {thief; robber}
4. 发作;发生(多指错误的或不好的事情) {recurrence (of wrong or bad things)}:
- ~愁 {worry; feel anxious}
- ~错误 {make (or commit) a mistake (or an error)}
- ~脾气 {flare up; be in a bad mood}
- 他的胃病又~了。 {He had another bout of stomach-ache.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

offend; go against
attack; invade
violate; break
commit (a crime, mistake, etc); perpetrate
suffer recurrence (of an illness); revert to (a bad habit)
need; be worthwhile
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

commit; make; offend; perpetrate; violate;crime; misdemeanor; offense; violation; convict; criminal; offender
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典

commission; infract; perpetrate
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典

- 他的脾气又犯了。 He got angry again.
- 她对他犯了疑。 She got suspicious about him.
- 这孩子三天两头犯病。 The child gets ill too often.
- 听着教师单调的声音,她犯了困。 Listening to the teacher's monotonous voice, she felt sleepy.
- 小男孩走进校长室就犯悚。 The little boy felt timid as soon as he entered the headmaster's office.
- 要是我们在几年前谈论这样的话题,那就犯忌了。 We would have violated a taboo if we had discussed a topic like this a few years ago.
- 他犯纪律而被开除。 He was dismissed for violating discipline.
- 他犯了法,可能会被起诉。 He's broken the law and may be prosecuted.
- 你犯了校规要受到警告处分。 You've broken the school rules and have to be given disciplinary warning.
- 他犯了反对中国人民的可怕罪行。 He committed horrible crimes against the Chinese people.
- 她说她犯了官僚主义的错误。 She said she had committed the error of bureaucracy.
- 他的气喘病又犯了。 He has got another attack of asthma.
- 就在那时他犯了痢疾。 Just then he was seized with an attack of dysentery.
- 重婚是犯法的。 Bigamy is against the law.
- 玩足球,用手触球是犯规。 It is against the rules to handle the ball in soccer.
- 为这么点小事跟他吵架,犯得着吗? Is it worthwhile quarreling with him over such a trifle?
- 犯得着为他冒这种风险吗? Is it worthwhile taking such a risk for him?
not worthwhile,指不值得,用于否定陈述句。
- 在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。 It isn't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems.
- 这种不讲理的人,犯不着跟他计较。 It's not worthwhile to argue with such an unreasonable man.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典