- AND circuit
- absolute pressure
- absolute program
- absolute programming
- accelerated test
- accelerating
- accelerometer
- acceptable reliability level
- accessibility
- accumulator
- accuracy
- accuracy rating
- acoustic coupler
- acoustic measurement
- acoustic velocity
- active device
- active filter
- active redundancy
- active sensor
- actual value
- actuator
- adaptive control system
- addition
- additional code
- address
- addressable storage
- adiabatic change
- adiabatic efficiency
- adjustable stroke cylinder
- adjustment factor
- administrative time
- aeration
- after-cooler
- air blast
- air capacity
- air circuit breaker
- air conditioning unit
- air consumption
- air cushion
- air dryer
- air motor
- air quantity
- air receiver
- air slide
- air turbine
- aliasing effect
- alignment function
- allocate
- alpha factor
- ammeter
- amplification
- amplifier
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude limiting
- amplitude ratio
- analog-digital converter
- and
- angle block
- annotation
- annunciator
- antialiasing filter
- application program
- application software
- arithmetic logic unit
- arm
- articulated robot
- artificial intelligence
- assembly drawing
- assignment problem
- Association for Computing Machinery
- attenuation
- audit trail
- autocorrelation function
- automated inspection
- automated warehouse
- automatic
- automatic acceleration
- automatic assembly
- automatic control
- automatic control system
- automatic deceleration
- automatic dimensioning
- automatic drain valve
- automatic factory
- automatic identification
- automatic material handling system
- automatic programming
- automatic testing
- automatic tool changer
- automation
- auxiliary
- availability
- average absolute value
- average value
- B-spline
- B-spline surface
- back order
- back pressure
- backlash
- backup
- backup file
- backward
- balance relay
- ball valve
- band pass
- band printer
- bandwidth
- base
- base line
- basic code
- batch processing
- batch quantity
- battery
- battery charger
- beam lead
- beats
- Beckman thermometer
- bell
- bellow
- bellows
- benchmark
- bidirectional pulse train
- bill of material
- bimetallic thermometer
- binary counter
- bipolar pulse
- bistable device
- bit
- blanket order
- block
- block control
- blocking
- blocking oscillator
- blower
- Bode diagram
- bonding pad
- booster
- booster valve
- bootstrap circuit
- braking
- breakpoint
- bubble memory
- buried layer
- burn-in
- burst pressure
- bushing current transformer
- buzzer
- by-path
- byte
- calibration
- cam ring
- capacitance
- capacity
- capacity control
- card reader
- cart
- cascade control
- cash flow
- catastrophic failure
- cathode ray tube terminal
- cavitation
- cell
- center point
- central processing unit
- chain conveyor
- chain printer
- change-over
- change-over switch
- channel
- character
- characteristic equation
- chattering
- check digit
- check valve
- chip
- choke
- circuit
- circuit breaker
- circular interpolation
- clamp level
- clamping
- classification
- classification system
- clip level
- clipping
- clock
- clock pulse
- close
- closed loop
- closed position
- closing coil
- coating
- code
- coding system
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coherence
- coincidence
- combination pump
- command pulse