言論 言论
[yán lùn]
expression of opinion
⇒ 一说
⇒ 观念 矛盾 浏览量 谬见 高论 政见 仁者见仁,智者见智 陈词 邪知邪见 发声 唱衰 遗教 群言堂 暗合 有主见 冥合 大鸣大放 有商有量 大声疾呼 固执己见 党同伐异 诚服 从善如流 广开言路 屁股决定脑袋 翻案 探口风 文责自负 探口气 话不投机半句多 辜鸿铭
⇒ 备注 一席话 开场白 冷话 唾余 口彩 序言 结语 备注栏 结束语 煞笔 套数 风凉话 高论 奇谈怪论 例言 浮词 圈圈点点 谦虚 说风凉话 打诨 说三道四 乱说 挖苦 致词 多栽花少栽刺 话中有刺 补白 冷语冰人 酸 偶语弃市
⇒ 说辞 诡辩术 诡辩 奇谈怪论 做好做歹 诡辩家 强词夺理 硬拗 强辩
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 discourse; statement; opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views; speech:
- 言论自由 freedom of speech
- 我们的一切言论和行动都应符合人民的利益。 Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people.
名 discourse; statement; opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views; speech:
- 言论自由 freedom of speech
- 我们的一切言论和行动都应符合人民的利益。 Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
关于政治或一般公共事务的议论 {opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views; speech}:
- 发表~ {make one's opinion heard}
- 进步的~。 {progressive opinion}�
关于政治或一般公共事务的议论 {opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views; speech}:
- 发表~ {make one's opinion heard}
- 进步的~。 {progressive opinion}�
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views
- 发表言论 air one's views
- 散布错误言论 spread wrong opinions
- 进步言论 progressive views
- 以行动支持自己的言论 second one's words with deeds
- 我们的一切言论和行动都应符合人民的利益。 Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people.
名 opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views
- 发表言论 air one's views
- 散布错误言论 spread wrong opinions
- 进步言论 progressive views
- 以行动支持自己的言论 second one's words with deeds
- 我们的一切言论和行动都应符合人民的利益。 Everything we say and do must be in the interests of the people.
yánlùn zìyóu
名 free speech; freedom of speech; liberty of speech
- 钳制言论自由 abridge one of his right to free speech
- 妨碍言论自由 hamper free speech
- 禁止言论自由 lay an embargo on free speech
- 侵犯言论自由 violate the right of speech
- 限制/享有言论自由 restrain/enjoy the freedom of speech
- 允许言论自由 allow/permit free speech
yánlùn zìyóu
名 free speech; freedom of speech; liberty of speech
- 钳制言论自由 abridge one of his right to free speech
- 妨碍言论自由 hamper free speech
- 禁止言论自由 lay an embargo on free speech
- 侵犯言论自由 violate the right of speech
- 限制/享有言论自由 restrain/enjoy the freedom of speech
- 允许言论自由 allow/permit free speech
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
free press; saying
free press; saying
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典