[tū rán]
sudden; abrupt; unexpected
⇒ 倏 突 撒然 蓦然 魆 骤 急剧 急遽 暴 回马枪 骤死 突变 急袭 一闪念 兴会 突发事件 戄 奇祸 闷雷 三长两短 灵机 闪念 暴热 猛力 突兀 恍然醒悟 突击检查 暴利 一下子 婴儿猝死综合症 飞来横祸 箭步 匆猝 猛 摇身 急转直下 串 一雨成秋 出人意外 不期而至 意料之外 惊爆 不虞 不速 想不到 横 出人意料 出乎意外 不测 出乎意料 出乎预料 意想不到 未料 意外 奇彩 不速而至 横祸 绝招 黑马 乌龙 变化球 不速之客 剑走蜻蛉 起死回生
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 形 sudden; abrupt; unexpected:
- 突然死亡 sudden (or unexpected) death
- 准备对付一切突然事变 prepare for all eventualities (or contingencies)
- 他病得太突然。 His illness was very sudden.
- 听到这消息我感到突然。 The news took me by surprise.
- 这场冰雹突然极了。 The hail was totally unexpected.
II 副 suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly:
- 突然哭起来 burst into tears
- 灯突然灭了。 Suddenly the lights went out.
- 突然间,火车停住了,许多乘客从座位上摔了下来。 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
- 突然袭击 surprise attack; sudden onslaught
I 形 sudden; abrupt; unexpected:
- 突然死亡 sudden (or unexpected) death
- 准备对付一切突然事变 prepare for all eventualities (or contingencies)
- 他病得太突然。 His illness was very sudden.
- 听到这消息我感到突然。 The news took me by surprise.
- 这场冰雹突然极了。 The hail was totally unexpected.
II 副 suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly:
- 突然哭起来 burst into tears
- 灯突然灭了。 Suddenly the lights went out.
- 突然间,火车停住了,许多乘客从座位上摔了下来。 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
- 突然袭击 surprise attack; sudden onslaught
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
在短促的时间里发生,出乎意外 {abruptly; suddenly; unexpectedly; happen or occur in a short time}:
- ~袭击 {surprise attack; sudden onslaught}
- 他来得很~。 {He arrived unexpectedly.}
在短促的时间里发生,出乎意外 {abruptly; suddenly; unexpectedly; happen or occur in a short time}:
- ~袭击 {surprise attack; sudden onslaught}
- 他来得很~。 {He arrived unexpectedly.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unanticipated; unlooked-for
- 突然死亡 sudden/unexpected death
- 准备对付一切突然事变 prepare for all eventualities/contingencies
- 她听到这消息感到很突然。 The news took her by surprise.
副 suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly; all of a sudden
- 突然奔跑起来 break into a run
- 突然结束/停止 come to an abrupt end/stop
- 突然哭起来 burst into tears
- 突然提问 pop a question
- 突然一声响,吓了我一跳。 The sudden noise made me jump./The sudden noise gave me a big scare.
- 很抱歉突然向你提出这件事。 I hate to spring this on you at such short notice.
- 录音机突然停止工作。 The recorder ceased to operate all of a sudden.
- 我突然起了疑心。 Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind.
形 sudden; abrupt; unexpected; unanticipated; unlooked-for
- 突然死亡 sudden/unexpected death
- 准备对付一切突然事变 prepare for all eventualities/contingencies
- 她听到这消息感到很突然。 The news took her by surprise.
副 suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly; all of a sudden
- 突然奔跑起来 break into a run
- 突然结束/停止 come to an abrupt end/stop
- 突然哭起来 burst into tears
- 突然提问 pop a question
- 突然一声响,吓了我一跳。 The sudden noise made me jump./The sudden noise gave me a big scare.
- 很抱歉突然向你提出这件事。 I hate to spring this on you at such short notice.
- 录音机突然停止工作。 The recorder ceased to operate all of a sudden.
- 我突然起了疑心。 Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind.
副 suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly; all of a sudden
副 suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly; all of a sudden
tūránsǐwáng fǎ
名 <体育> sudden death
tūránsǐwáng fǎ
名 <体育> sudden death
<熟> surprise attack; sudden onslaught
- 向敌人发起突然袭击 launch a sudden attack on the enemy; come plump upon the enemy
<熟> surprise attack; sudden onslaught
- 向敌人发起突然袭击 launch a sudden attack on the enemy; come plump upon the enemy
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
abruptly; abruptness; all at once; all of a sudden; bolt; sudden
abruptly; abruptness; all at once; all of a sudden; bolt; sudden
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
tū rán
sudden, suddenly,指在很短的时间、毫无思想准备的情况下的突然。
- 尽管已有人透风,但这仍是一次突然的打击。 Though someone had dropped hints, this was a sudden blow.
- 他做出结婚的决定相当突然。 His decision to get married is rather sudden.
- 就在这个时候灯都灭了。 Meanwhile the lights went out suddenly.
unexpected, unexpectedly,指在意想不到的情况下发生的突然,一般可与sudden, suddenly换用。
- 他的突然死亡对他的家庭是个致命的打击。 His unexpected (sudden) death was a deathblow to his family.
- 他的提升相当突然。 His promotion was quite unexpected (sudden).
- 关系一直改善到他被突然推翻为止。 Relations continued to improve until he was unexpectedly (suddenly) overthrown.
- 火车突然停车,使好多乘客都从座位上摔了下来。 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
- 我想我得为我昨天的突然离去向你道歉。 I think I must apologize to you for my abrupt departure yesterday.
- 他们哈哈笑着,接着突然不作声了。 They laughed, then fell silent abruptly.
- 我军发起突然攻击,夺下了该市。 Our troops made a surprise attack and seized the city.
- 想不到他竟会突然发表这个声明。 Who would have thought that he should have made this surprise statement?by surprise 可以用作状语。
- 我们不给他任何通知,要搞他个突然袭击。 We shall not give him any notice, and we must take him by surprise.
burst into,是动词,强调暴发性的突然。
- 我捅了捅炉火,突然冒出了火苗。 When I poked the fire, it burst into flames.
- 她一见到我突然就哭了起来。 As soon as she saw me she burst into tears.
- 我正要过来看你,突然又碰上了一位老同学。 I was coming along to see you when I ran into an old classmate.
- 我在一所中学里刚教了一个月,突然通知我调离该校。 I had been teaching in a middle school only for a month when I was told to be transferred from it.
tū rán
sudden, suddenly,指在很短的时间、毫无思想准备的情况下的突然。
- 尽管已有人透风,但这仍是一次突然的打击。 Though someone had dropped hints, this was a sudden blow.
- 他做出结婚的决定相当突然。 His decision to get married is rather sudden.
- 就在这个时候灯都灭了。 Meanwhile the lights went out suddenly.
unexpected, unexpectedly,指在意想不到的情况下发生的突然,一般可与sudden, suddenly换用。
- 他的突然死亡对他的家庭是个致命的打击。 His unexpected (sudden) death was a deathblow to his family.
- 他的提升相当突然。 His promotion was quite unexpected (sudden).
- 关系一直改善到他被突然推翻为止。 Relations continued to improve until he was unexpectedly (suddenly) overthrown.
- 火车突然停车,使好多乘客都从座位上摔了下来。 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
- 我想我得为我昨天的突然离去向你道歉。 I think I must apologize to you for my abrupt departure yesterday.
- 他们哈哈笑着,接着突然不作声了。 They laughed, then fell silent abruptly.
- 我军发起突然攻击,夺下了该市。 Our troops made a surprise attack and seized the city.
- 想不到他竟会突然发表这个声明。 Who would have thought that he should have made this surprise statement?by surprise 可以用作状语。
- 我们不给他任何通知,要搞他个突然袭击。 We shall not give him any notice, and we must take him by surprise.
burst into,是动词,强调暴发性的突然。
- 我捅了捅炉火,突然冒出了火苗。 When I poked the fire, it burst into flames.
- 她一见到我突然就哭了起来。 As soon as she saw me she burst into tears.
- 我正要过来看你,突然又碰上了一位老同学。 I was coming along to see you when I ran into an old classmate.
- 我在一所中学里刚教了一个月,突然通知我调离该校。 I had been teaching in a middle school only for a month when I was told to be transferred from it.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典