[pái zi]
⇒ 兆头 志 号志 符 标志 征兆 体征 记 指标 势 标牌 迹象 手式 迹 标记 征候 影踪 预兆 号子 符号 手势 标 号 朕兆 征象 路标 还原号 本位号 哑语 等号 招牌 剪刀手
⇒ 商标 品牌 唛头 牌号 注册商标 名称权
⇒ 火印 厂牌 烙印 名牌 主品牌 崭新 杂牌 自有品牌 焕然一新 主打品牌 冒牌 烙 品牌 文面 虎牌 品名 簇新 名产 新房 兰蔻 力波 杰士派 迈巴赫 产儿 优衣库 老牌 勃朗宁 果倍爽 杜蕾斯 诉求
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 plate; sign:
- 存车牌子 tally (for parking a bicycle, motorbike, etc. )
2 billboard (for notices, advertisements, or slogans)
3 brand; trademark:
- 老牌子 old brand; well-known brand
4 title of a ci or qu poem; name of a ballad tune
1 plate; sign:
- 存车牌子 tally (for parking a bicycle, motorbike, etc. )
2 billboard (for notices, advertisements, or slogans)
3 brand; trademark:
- 老牌子 old brand; well-known brand
4 title of a ci or qu poem; name of a ballad tune
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 张贴文告、广告、标语等的板状物 {billboard for public notices, advertisements or slogans}:
- 球场四周竖立着各种广告~。 {An assortment of advertising billboards have been erected around the stadium.}
2. 用木板或其他材料做的标志,上边多有文字 {plate; sign; tablet}:
- 菜~ {vegetable price tab}
- 水~。 {small wooden or cardboard chip serving as a token for buying tap water}
3. 企业单位为自己的产品起的专用的名称 {brand; brand name}:
- 老~ {old brand; established brand}
- 闯~。 {open up the market for a certain brand of products}
4. 词曲的调子。 {tune name of a ci poem; name of a tune in ballad-singing}
1. 张贴文告、广告、标语等的板状物 {billboard for public notices, advertisements or slogans}:
- 球场四周竖立着各种广告~。 {An assortment of advertising billboards have been erected around the stadium.}
2. 用木板或其他材料做的标志,上边多有文字 {plate; sign; tablet}:
- 菜~ {vegetable price tab}
- 水~。 {small wooden or cardboard chip serving as a token for buying tap water}
3. 企业单位为自己的产品起的专用的名称 {brand; brand name}:
- 老~ {old brand; established brand}
- 闯~。 {open up the market for a certain brand of products}
4. 词曲的调子。 {tune name of a ci poem; name of a tune in ballad-singing}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 plate; sign; board
- 存车牌子 tally; check (for parking a bicycle)
- 球场四周竖立着许多广告牌子。 A lot of billboards stand around the playground.
名 brand; trademark
- 闯牌子 work hard to make the new brand known; earn a high reputation
- 老牌子产品 old-brand product; products of time-honoured reputation; products of a well-known brand
- 新牌子 new brand
名 tune of ci (词)and qu (曲)
名 reputation
名 plate; sign; board
- 存车牌子 tally; check (for parking a bicycle)
- 球场四周竖立着许多广告牌子。 A lot of billboards stand around the playground.
名 brand; trademark
- 闯牌子 work hard to make the new brand known; earn a high reputation
- 老牌子产品 old-brand product; products of time-honoured reputation; products of a well-known brand
- 新牌子 new brand
名 tune of ci (词)and qu (曲)
名 reputation
名 <曲艺> paiziqu (a kind of folk art form, involving singing of lyrics set to titled tunes, accompanied by simple instruments)
名 <曲艺> paiziqu (a kind of folk art form, involving singing of lyrics set to titled tunes, accompanied by simple instruments)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典