遊蕩 游荡
[yóu dàng]
to wander
⇒ 漫步 游移不定 游移 辗转 彷徉 云游 偏离 浮游 流浪 晃 走散 兜兜转转 趴趴走 瞎逛 游走 转悠 走失 走丢 流落 徜徉 吟游 流转 流落他乡 走板 浪迹 颠沛流离 流离
to roam about
⇒ 出没 彷徉 浪迹 瞎晃 四海为家
to loaf about
⇒ 懒办法
to be idle
⇒ 游手 饱食终日,无所用心
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 loaf about; loiter; wander:
- 在街上游荡 wander the streets
动 loaf about; loiter; wander:
- 在街上游荡 wander the streets
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 闲游放荡,不务正业。 {idle; loaf about; loiter; wander}
2. 闲游;闲逛 {stroll; saunter}:
- 独自一人在田野里~。 {stroll alone in the fields}
3. 飘浮晃荡 {float}:
- 船在湖心随风~。 {The boat is floating in the middle of the lake.}
1. 闲游放荡,不务正业。 {idle; loaf about; loiter; wander}
2. 闲游;闲逛 {stroll; saunter}:
- 独自一人在田野里~。 {stroll alone in the fields}
3. 飘浮晃荡 {float}:
- 船在湖心随风~。 {The boat is floating in the middle of the lake.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 loaf about; loiter; hang about/around
- 游荡一番 have a loaf
- 在游荡着 on the loaf
- 在城里游荡 gad about town
- 四处游荡,无所事事 drift about doing nothing
- 这孩子无事可做,只在街头游荡。 The boy has nothing to do, just hanging about the street corners.
动 wander
- 孩子们放学后在街上游荡。 The children wandered the streets after school.
动 drift about
- 船在湖心随波游荡。 In the middle of the lake, the boat rolled in the water with the come and go of small waves.
动 loaf about; loiter; hang about/around
- 游荡一番 have a loaf
- 在游荡着 on the loaf
- 在城里游荡 gad about town
- 四处游荡,无所事事 drift about doing nothing
- 这孩子无事可做,只在街头游荡。 The boy has nothing to do, just hanging about the street corners.
动 wander
- 孩子们放学后在街上游荡。 The children wandered the streets after school.
动 drift about
- 船在湖心随波游荡。 In the middle of the lake, the boat rolled in the water with the come and go of small waves.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
debauchery; fool; gad; jazz; jazz around; loaf; louse around; wander
debauchery; fool; gad; jazz; jazz around; loaf; louse around; wander
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典