[àn zhōng]
in the dark
⇒ 一团漆黑 瞒 无的放矢 蒙在鼓里 摸黑 漆黑一团 明枪好躲,暗箭难防 明枪易躲,暗箭难防 明月 紫砂
in secret
⇒ 暗访 密商 幽会 阴骘 点鬼火 明查暗访 明察暗访 暗察明访 阳奉阴违 听墙根 蔫儿坏 三合会 小刀会 太乙金华宗旨
on the sly
⇒ 暗地里 偷偷 背地风 暗地 偷吃 偷换
⇒ 魆魆 塞给 偷加 明人不做暗事 移花接木
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 in the dark:
- 我在暗中什么也看不见。 I couldn't see anything in the dark.
2 in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously:
- 暗中操纵 pull strings from behind the scenes
- 暗中串通 collude with; conspire
- 暗中行贿 grease sb. 's hand (or palm); offer secret bribe
1 in the dark:
- 我在暗中什么也看不见。 I couldn't see anything in the dark.
2 in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously:
- 暗中操纵 pull strings from behind the scenes
- 暗中串通 collude with; conspire
- 暗中行贿 grease sb. 's hand (or palm); offer secret bribe
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 黑暗之中 {in the dark}:
- 躲在~张望 {hide in the dark and keep watch}
- ~摸索。 {grope in the dark; explore by oneself}
2. 背地里;私下里;不公开的 {in secret; on the sly}:
- ~打听 {gather information in secret}
- ~活动。 {carry on surreptitious activities}
1. 黑暗之中 {in the dark}:
- 躲在~张望 {hide in the dark and keep watch}
- ~摸索。 {grope in the dark; explore by oneself}
2. 背地里;私下里;不公开的 {in secret; on the sly}:
- ~打听 {gather information in secret}
- ~活动。 {carry on surreptitious activities}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
副 in the dark; without light
- 暗中摸索 grope in the dark; feel one's way
- 暗中张望 look about/around in the dark
副 secretly; in secret; on the sly
- 暗中保护 protect sb/sth secretly
- 暗中操纵 pull strings/wires; manoeuvre behind the scenes; work the ropes
- 暗中策划 plot in the dark
- 暗中打听 investigate secretly; make secret enquiries
- 暗中捣乱 make trouble behind sb's back; make trouble secretly
- 暗中勾结 make secret deals with sb; collude with sb
- 暗中活动 carry out behind-the-scene activities/manoeuvres
- 暗中监视 watch in secret
- 暗中破坏 disrupt furtively; bore from within
- 暗中陷害 plot sb's ruin
- 暗中相助 give secret support (to)
副 in the dark; without light
- 暗中摸索 grope in the dark; feel one's way
- 暗中张望 look about/around in the dark
副 secretly; in secret; on the sly
- 暗中保护 protect sb/sth secretly
- 暗中操纵 pull strings/wires; manoeuvre behind the scenes; work the ropes
- 暗中策划 plot in the dark
- 暗中打听 investigate secretly; make secret enquiries
- 暗中捣乱 make trouble behind sb's back; make trouble secretly
- 暗中勾结 make secret deals with sb; collude with sb
- 暗中活动 carry out behind-the-scene activities/manoeuvres
- 暗中监视 watch in secret
- 暗中破坏 disrupt furtively; bore from within
- 暗中陷害 plot sb's ruin
- 暗中相助 give secret support (to)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
behind the scenes; in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously
behind the scenes; in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
in secret; in the dark
in secret; in the dark
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典