尋找 寻找
to seek; to look for
⇒ 索求 追索 觅 贪图 谋取 找寻 图 征求 谋 找 搜求 访 邀 访求 踅摸 求索 谋求 寻求 觅取 探寻 寻 营求 猎取 求 探求 倞 讨拍 不图 求取 投 投奔 取名 物色 揾 搜寻 寻摸 寻访 寻觅 蒐寻 找麻烦 找抽 寻事生非 搜证 捣乱 找事 找岔子 找台阶儿 找饭碗 找机会 讨便宜 求和 索解 找借口 寻机 求得 征婚 找辙
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 seek; look for:
- 寻找失物 look for lost articles
- 寻找真理 seek truth
动 seek; look for:
- 寻找失物 look for lost articles
- 寻找真理 seek truth
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
找 {seek; look for}:
- ~失物 {look for lost articles}
- ~真理。 {seek truth}
找 {seek; look for}:
- ~失物 {look for lost articles}
- ~真理。 {seek truth}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 seek; look/search for
- 寻找丢失的书 look for a lost book
- 寻找工作 seek employment; look/hunt for a job
- 寻找解决方案 find a way out; find a solution
- 寻找借口 look for an excuse
- 寻找商机 seek business opportunities
- 寻找线索 chase down clues
- 四处寻找 look about (for); look far and wide/near (for); look high and low (for); hunt about/everywhere (for)
动 seek; look/search for
- 寻找丢失的书 look for a lost book
- 寻找工作 seek employment; look/hunt for a job
- 寻找解决方案 find a way out; find a solution
- 寻找借口 look for an excuse
- 寻找商机 seek business opportunities
- 寻找线索 chase down clues
- 四处寻找 look about (for); look far and wide/near (for); look high and low (for); hunt about/everywhere (for)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
cast about for; in search of; look for; search
cast about for; in search of; look for; search
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
xún zhǎo
look for,常用于口语,指寻找丢失的或需要寻找的人或物。只指用视觉的寻找,而旦说法随便,不带感情色彩。
- 她找到了我这几天一直在寻找的手表。 She found my watch I had been looking for these days.
- 他正是你所寻找的人。 He is the right man you are looking for.
- 我要寻找一套两室一厅的房子。 I want to look for a flat with two bedrooms and a living room.
search for,指带有搜索性的寻找,而且这种寻找不仅用目力,也要用脑力。
- 勘探队要寻找一个好地点来搭帐篷。 The prospecting team wanted to search for a good place to pitch their tents.
- 科学家们在寻找非典型性肺炎的病原体,然后再寻找其特效药。 The scientists are searching for the causative agents of SARS, and then its specific remedy.
- 侦查员们得从千头万绪中寻找谋杀案的重大线索。 The detectives have to search for substantial clues from the extremely confused case of murder.
seek,义同search for,但说法更为正式、古老,带有“寻求”的意思。
- 我们一到,马上去寻找住处。 When we arrived, we lost no time to seek a lodging house.
- 船长通过望远镜看着远处,寻找海天相接处的敌舰。 The captain gazed in distance through telescope to seek enemy ships on the horizon.
- 人人都在寻找幸福,而有些人却在寻找财富。 Everybody seeks happiness while some people seek wealth.
locate, 指通过定位的方法寻找。
- 他要求图书管理员帮他寻找他要的那本书。 He required help from the librarian to locate the book he wanted.
- 警方在用定位仪寻找敌特的电台。 The police are locating the radio-station of the enemy's special agents with the help of position indicator.
- 赶来救援的直升机正在寻找遇难船只的位置。 The helicopter that came to rescue was locating the position of the wreck.
trace, 指通过跟踪线索寻找。
- 警方正在竭力寻找失踪的女孩。 The police are trying every possible way to trace the missing girl.
- 根据现有资料,我们尚不能开始寻找郑国古都的工作。 Basing ourselves on the existing materials, we are unable to start the work of tracing the seat of the ancient capital of the State of Zhen.但trace在强调结果时可以有“找到”的意思。
- 我们已经找到你要的文件。 We have traced the document you want.
xún zhǎo
look for,常用于口语,指寻找丢失的或需要寻找的人或物。只指用视觉的寻找,而旦说法随便,不带感情色彩。
- 她找到了我这几天一直在寻找的手表。 She found my watch I had been looking for these days.
- 他正是你所寻找的人。 He is the right man you are looking for.
- 我要寻找一套两室一厅的房子。 I want to look for a flat with two bedrooms and a living room.
search for,指带有搜索性的寻找,而且这种寻找不仅用目力,也要用脑力。
- 勘探队要寻找一个好地点来搭帐篷。 The prospecting team wanted to search for a good place to pitch their tents.
- 科学家们在寻找非典型性肺炎的病原体,然后再寻找其特效药。 The scientists are searching for the causative agents of SARS, and then its specific remedy.
- 侦查员们得从千头万绪中寻找谋杀案的重大线索。 The detectives have to search for substantial clues from the extremely confused case of murder.
seek,义同search for,但说法更为正式、古老,带有“寻求”的意思。
- 我们一到,马上去寻找住处。 When we arrived, we lost no time to seek a lodging house.
- 船长通过望远镜看着远处,寻找海天相接处的敌舰。 The captain gazed in distance through telescope to seek enemy ships on the horizon.
- 人人都在寻找幸福,而有些人却在寻找财富。 Everybody seeks happiness while some people seek wealth.
locate, 指通过定位的方法寻找。
- 他要求图书管理员帮他寻找他要的那本书。 He required help from the librarian to locate the book he wanted.
- 警方在用定位仪寻找敌特的电台。 The police are locating the radio-station of the enemy's special agents with the help of position indicator.
- 赶来救援的直升机正在寻找遇难船只的位置。 The helicopter that came to rescue was locating the position of the wreck.
trace, 指通过跟踪线索寻找。
- 警方正在竭力寻找失踪的女孩。 The police are trying every possible way to trace the missing girl.
- 根据现有资料,我们尚不能开始寻找郑国古都的工作。 Basing ourselves on the existing materials, we are unable to start the work of tracing the seat of the ancient capital of the State of Zhen.但trace在强调结果时可以有“找到”的意思。
- 我们已经找到你要的文件。 We have traced the document you want.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典