
在於 在于
[zài yú]
to rest with; to lie in; to be due to (a certain attribute)
在乎 着落 龙龛手鉴 横陈 卧床 长眠 打埋伏 窥伺 埋伏 赖床 轮休 枕藉 列子 无颜见江东父老
(of a matter) to be determined by; to be up to (sb)
视乎 公休 拥塞 卡壳 生长 鼻酸 成串 不通 丧失殆尽 热血沸腾 使坏 大放光明 腻烦 受够 背倚 夹杂 厌倦 过硬 贪恋 胜任 力不胜任 哽噎 恋栈 就口 分身乏术 落炕 废寝忘食 后话 弄巧成拙
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

1   depend on; rest with; determined by:
- 有收无收在于水,多收少收在于肥。 Water determines whether or not we have a harvest, and fertilizer determines whether the harvest is big or small.
- 最后怎么决定在于你。 The final decision rests with you.
2   lie in; consist in:
- 我们的力量在于人民群众。 Our strength lies in the people.
- 战争的目的在于消灭战争。 The aim of war is to eliminate war.
- 这项工程的问题不在于进度,而在于质量。 The problem with this project is one not of speed but of quality.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 指出事物的本质所在,或指出事物以什么为内容 {[used to point out the essence or contents of sth.] lie in; consist in}:
- 先进人物的特点~他们总是把集体利益放在个人利益之上。 {A hallmark of advanced workers lies in that they always put collective interest above their own.}
2. 决定于 {depend on; rest with; be determined by}:
- 去不去~你自己。 {It's up to you whether to go or not.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
lie in; consist in
- 幸福在于知足。 Happiness consists in contentment.
- 战争的目的在于消灭战争。 The aim of war is to eliminate war.
depend on; rest with; be determined by
- 去不去在于你。 It's up to you to decide whether to go or not.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
consist; rest with
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
zài yú
- 人民代表大会的各个委员会的主席职位在于资历。 The chairmanship of committees in the National People's Congress is determined by seniority.
- 有收无收在于水,多收少收在于肥。 Water determines whether or not we have a harvest, and fertilizer determines whether the harvest is big or small.
depend on, 指依靠于。主语大多为从句。
- 一个人在工作上能挣多少在于他的能力。 How much a person can earn at his work depends on his ability.
- 他能不能去,在于他家长的愿望。 Whether he can go or not depends on his parent's wishes.
rest with,指取决于。主语常为无灵物或从句。
- 最终的决定在于校长。 The final decision rests with the headmaster.
- 下一步怎么走,在于你自己。 How you will make the next move rests with you.
lie in,指存在于,主语往往为无灵物。
- 我们的力量在于人民群众。 Our strength lies in the masses of the people.
- 事物发展的根本原因在于事物内部的矛盾性。 The fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies in its internal contradictoriness.
consist in, 指内容存在于…,主语往往为无灵物。
- 她的魅力不仅在于美貌,也在于性格。 Her charm does not only consist only in her beauty, but also in her character.
- 我们最大的幸福在于为人民服务。 Our greatest happiness consists in serving the people.
not so much...as,有“不在于…而在于”的意思。
- 问题的关键不在于我们花了多少时间,而在于我们如何利用时间。 The key to the question is not so much the hours we spend as how we use them.
- 学校教育最大的效用不在于教你的东西,而在于教你学习的方法。 The great use of a school education is not so much what you are taught as how you are taught to learn.
- 事业的成功不在于在校的成绩报告单,而在于为人的诚恳与勤奋。 Success in business does not depend so much on one's school record as on one's honesty and diligence.
- 战争的目的在于消灭战争。 The aim of war is to eliminate war.
- 学习的重要性在于坚持。 In study the important thing is to keep at it.
有时,not of.一but of也有“不在于…而在于”的意思。
- 这项工程的问题不在于进度,而在于质量。 The question of this project is one not of speed but of quality.
- 他这个人不在于口才,而在于才华。 He is a man not of eloquence but of parts.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典