- A-frame
- aberration
- abrasive
- absence
- absolute judgment
- abstraction
- abutment
- academicism
- academy
- acanthus
- accelerator
- accessibility
- accession
- accountability
- acetate
- acetone
- achromatic
- acoustical hologram
- acroterion
- acrylic
- acrylic sheet
- action
- action painting
- activation
- activator
- actuator
- ad hoc
- additive primaries
- addressee
- adherent
- adhesive
- adornment
- advertising
- adze
- aerial perspective
- aerial view
- aesthete
- aesthetic
- aesthetician
- aesthetics
- affect
- affective computing
- afflatus
- affordable
- after image
- agalmatolite
- Agamemnon
- agate
- agateware
- aggregation
- agitprop
- Agni
- agreement
- airbrush
- aisle
- Ajanta
- alienation
- alkyd
- alla prima
- allegorical
- allegory
- allusion
- altar
- altarpiece
- alternative text
- alum
- amber
- ambiguity
- ambisonics
- amethyst
- Amor
- amorphous
- amphiprostyle
- amphitheatre
- amphora
- anaglyph
- analog-to-digital converter
- analogue
- anamorphic lens
- anchor
- androgyny
- android
- angular perspective
- animal glue
- animated
- animation
- Anne
- annunciation
- anteroom
- anthropomorphism
- anti-aliasing
- anti-art
- Antigone
- antique
- antitype
- Anubis
- aperture
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- apostle
- apotheosis
- apparent porosity
- appeal
- apple green
- application
- appropriation
- apricot
- apse
- aquamarine
- aquarelle
- aquatint
- arboretum
- arcade
- arcade game
- arch
- archaic
- archetype
- architectural design
- architrave
- archive
- Ares
- Aristophanes
- armature
- art
- art deco
- art director
- art glass
- art nouveau
- Artemis
- artifacts
- artificial life
- artistic
- artistry
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- Aryan
- ascender
- ascension
- asexual
- Ash Can School
- aspect ratio
- asphaltum
- assimilation
- association of ideas
- associative learning
- Assumption
- asynchronous transmission
- atelier
- Aten
- Athena
- atlantes
- atmospheric perspective
- atomizer
- attendee
- attributes
- attribution
- audience
- audio signal
- audio track
- augmented reality
- aura
- aureola
- auteur theory
- auteurism
- authenticity
- authorship
- autoclave
- autographic
- autohypnosis
- automatic speech recognition
- automatism
- avatar
- azurite