傷 伤
to injure
戕害 打伤 加害 损坏 损伤 残害 毁伤 伤害 伤人 误伤 拉伤 杀伤 摔伤 抓伤
创伤 硬伤 外伤 暗伤 误伤 补时 内伤 重伤 伤停补时 工伤 工伤假 个人伤害 冻害 公伤 三手病 重复使力伤害 重复性劳损 公伤事故 伤筋动骨 治伤 伤势 负伤 伤筋断骨 鼻青眼肿 受害 雪上加霜 人身事故 犬伤 卧草 验伤 请别见怪
外伤 伤口 创口 疮痍 创伤 疮口 打伤 并激 致命伤 枪伤 伤道 皮外伤 养伤 创痛 刀疤 膏药 验伤 砍伤 好了伤疤忘了疼 弥合
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 名 wound; injury:
- 刀伤 knife wound
- 浑身是伤 be covered with cuts and bruises
- 伤好了。 The wound has healed.
II 动
1   injure; hurt:
- 伤及无辜 hurt (or harm) the innocent
- 摔伤 fall and hurt oneself
- 被汽车撞伤 be knocked down and injured by a car
- 伤其十指,不如断其一指。 Injuring all of a man's ten fingers is not as effective as chopping off one. 伤感情
2   be distressed:
- 伤春 lament over the passing of spring
3   get sick of sth. ; develop an aversion to sth. :
- 这孩子吃糖吃伤了。 The child has got sick of eating sweets.
4   be harmful to; hinder:
- 伤面子 hurt sb. 's dignity
- 无伤大体 not matter much
- 有伤国体 discredit one's country
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 人体或其他物体受到的损害 {wound; injury}:
- 内~ {internal injury}
- 虫~ {insect bites}
- 探~ {flaw detection; defect detection; fault detection}
- 轻~不下火线。 {remain at the battlefront despite minor wounds}
2. 伤害 {injure; hurt}:
- ~了筋骨 {injure the muscles and bones}
- 出口~人 {make offensive remarks; speak offensively}
- ~感情。 {hurt one's feelings}
3. 悲伤 {be distressed; be grieved}:
- 忧~ {grief; sorrow}
- 哀~ {grief; sorrow}
- ~感。 {sentimental; sick at heart}
4. 因过度而感到厌烦(多指饮食) {get sick of sth. (esp. food and drink); develop an aversion to sth.}:
- ~食 {be sick from overeating; suffer from indigestion}
- 吃糖吃~了。 {get sick from eating too many candies}
5. 妨碍 {be harmful to; hinder}:
- 无~大雅 {not affect the major principles; not matter much}
- 有~风化。 {be a moral disgrace}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

injury; wound
- 治伤 treat a wound
- 刺伤 punctured/stab wound
- 剑伤 sword wound
- 新伤 fresh wound
- 眼伤 eye injury
- 重伤 serious/severe wound
- 老太太跌伤了胳膊。 The old lady had a fall and injured her arm.
- 她的头部受了轻伤。 She received a slight/minor injury to her head.
hurt; injure
- 伤感情 hurt sb's feelings
- 伤面子 hurt sb's feelings/sensibilities
- 伤身体 impair health
- 别让此事伤了和气。 Don't let this hurt our friendship.
- 他伤了腿。 He injured himself in the leg.
- 你伤了他的自尊心。 You've injured his self-esteem.
be distressed
develop an illness
get sick of sth; develop an aversion to sth
be harmful to; hinder
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

hurt; injure
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典

injure; injury; wound
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
shāng(shāng hài )
injure, injury,指伤害人的健康或感情。
- 她被汽车撞伤了。 She was knocked down and injured by a car.
- 好在男孩只伤了一条腿。 Fortunately the boy injured only one of his legs.
- 这种艰苦生活最终会伤害你的身体。 This rough life will injure your health in the end.
- 我希望我没有伤到你的感情。 I hope I didn't injure your feelings.
- 你的内伤好点没有? Have you got better from your internal injuries?
- 他摔倒时伤了腿。 He hurt (injured) his leg when he fell.
- 你现在没危险了,没伤着吧? You are safe now, you're not hurt (injured), are you?
- 骑自行车如果不小心,既会伤害自己也会伤害别人。 You might hurt yourself and others if you are not careful when you ride your bike.
- 一位绅士在任何情况下都没有权力去伤害一位女士。 A gentleman has no right to hurt a woman under any circumstances.
- 刀伤使这个战士昏迷了几天。 The knife wound left the soldier unconscious for days.
- 他的枪伤好了。 His bullet wound has healed.但wound也可用来指心灵、情感的伤害,这时与hurt, injure没有多少区别。
- 她恶毒的用词真的伤了他。 Her nasty remark really wounded him.
- 你说这样的话,伤(害)了他的自尊心。 You have wounded his pride by saying things like that.
- 每句话都伤到了我心里。 Every word wounded me to the soul.
- 他们没有伤害任何人,因此伤害他们是错误的。 They do no harm to anyone, and it is wrong to hurt them.
- 你在这么暗的灯下看书会伤眼睛的。 Reading in such dim light will harm your eyes.
- 医生说吸烟伤身体。 Doctors say smoking harms our health.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典