遺 遗
(bound form) to leave behind
遗落 留下 留遗 遗留 遗失 甩远 排忧解难 一骑绝尘
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

动 〈书〉 offer as a gift; make a present of sth. :
- 遗之千金 present sb. with a generous gift of money

I 动
1   lose 遗失
2   omit:
- 补遗 addendum; supplement
3   leave behind; keep back; not give:
- 不遗余力 spare no efforts
4   leave behind at one's death; bequeath; hand down:
- 遗案 case left over
II 名
1   involuntary discharge of urine, etc. :
- 梦遗 nocturnal emission; wet dream
2   sth. lost:
- 路不拾遗 do not take any articles left by the wayside
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

1. 遗失。 {lose}
2. 遗失的东西 {sth. lost}:
- 路不拾~。 {No one picks up or pockets anything lost on the road.}
3. 遗漏 {omit}:
- ~忘 {forget}
- 补~。 {addendum}
4. 留下 {leave behind; keep back; not give}:
- ~迹 {ruins; historical remains; traces; vestiges}
- ~憾 {regret}
- 不~余力。 {spare no efforts}
5. 专指死人留下的 {leave behind at one's death; bequeath; hand down}:
- ~容 {looks of the deceased; portrait of the deceased}
- ~嘱 {will; testament}
- ~著。 {posthumous work of a deceased}
6. 排泄大小便或精液(多指不自主的 {oft. involuntarily) discharge of urine, semen, etc.}:
- ~矢 {empty one's bowels; defecate}
- ~尿 {enuresis; bed-wetting}
- ~精。 {(seminal) emission}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

〈书 fml.〉赠与;送给 {offer as a gift; make a present of sth.}:
- ~之千金。 {present sb. with a generous gift of money}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

<书> offer as a gift; make a present of; present; bestow
- 遗之豪宅 bestow sb a luxury abode

omit; slip over
something lost
leave behind; keep back
leave behind at one's death; bequeath; hand down
(involuntarily) emit; excrete; discharge
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

leave behind; lose; omit
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典