過分 过分
excessive; undue
⇒ 过火 超标 滥 夸张 淫 冗冗 溢 过当 浮 亢 甚 浮滥 无度 足 过多 过度 过量 不为过 超前消费 管手管脚 过度紧张 淫雨 聪明过头 嗜睡症 过度关怀 标榜 过剩 防卫过当 妇人之仁 别太客气 奢望 徒长 偏劳 操之过急
unduly; overly
⇒ 偏重 偏注 妄自菲薄 齁甜 杯弓蛇影 婆婆妈妈 亵昵 甜腻 姑息 玻璃心 老古板 疑神疑鬼 雕琢 恣睢 钱串子
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
形 excessive; undue; too much; more than enough:
- 过分强调 put undue stress on; overemphasize
- 过分的要求 excessive demands
- 做得太过分 go too far; overdo sth.
- 过分谦虚,就显得虚伪了。 Modesty carried too far smacks of hypocrisy.
- 说他骄傲自大,一点儿也不过分。 It is no exaggeration to say that he is conceited.
形 excessive; undue; too much; more than enough:
- 过分强调 put undue stress on; overemphasize
- 过分的要求 excessive demands
- 做得太过分 go too far; overdo sth.
- 过分谦虚,就显得虚伪了。 Modesty carried too far smacks of hypocrisy.
- 说他骄傲自大,一点儿也不过分。 It is no exaggeration to say that he is conceited.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
guò∥fèn(说话、做事)超过一定的程度或限度 {(of speech or action) exceed the proper degree or limit; to excess; to a fault; going too far; (of sth.) be excessive; be undue; overshoot the mark}:
- ~谦虚,就显得虚伪了 {Too much modesty may appear hypocritical.}
- 这幅画虽然画得不够好,但你把它说得一文不值,也未免~了。 {It's true the painting is not that good, but you are going too far by describing it as worthless.}
guò∥fèn(说话、做事)超过一定的程度或限度 {(of speech or action) exceed the proper degree or limit; to excess; to a fault; going too far; (of sth.) be excessive; be undue; overshoot the mark}:
- ~谦虚,就显得虚伪了 {Too much modesty may appear hypocritical.}
- 这幅画虽然画得不够好,但你把它说得一文不值,也未免~了。 {It's true the painting is not that good, but you are going too far by describing it as worthless.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 excessive; undue; over; going too far; too much
- 过分吹捧 praise with extravagance
- 过分讲究吃穿 be particular about what one eats and wears; be too fussy about one's clothes and food
- 过分宽容 be too tolerant
- 过分老实 be honest to a fault
- 过分敏感 be oversensitive/hypersensitive
- 过分谦虚 carry modesty to excess
- 过分指责别人的错误 be too critical of others'mistakes
- 过分注意自己的长相/体重 be particular about one's appearance/weight; be too fussy about one's appearance/weight; fuss with one's appearance/weight
- 过分自信 be overconfident; be overly confident
- 不要过分麻烦人家 try not to give them too much trouble
- 对漂亮女孩过分热情 go overboard for pretty girls
- 对自己的健康过分担忧 fuss too much about one's health
- 玩笑开得太过分 carry/push a joke too far
- 做得太过分 go overboard; go too far; go to extreme
- 你也太过分了! You have gone too far.
- 说他是天才未免有些过分。 To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick.
- 为了这点儿小事就处罚学生,有些过分了。 It is a bit strong to punish the students for such a small thing.
- 文章中不应过分引用。 Quotations in an essay should not be overdone.
- 一天去三次也太过分了。 Going there three times a day would be overkill.
- 这项工作无论怎么认真都不过分。 Too much care cannot be exercised in this work.
形 excessive; undue; over; going too far; too much
- 过分吹捧 praise with extravagance
- 过分讲究吃穿 be particular about what one eats and wears; be too fussy about one's clothes and food
- 过分宽容 be too tolerant
- 过分老实 be honest to a fault
- 过分敏感 be oversensitive/hypersensitive
- 过分谦虚 carry modesty to excess
- 过分指责别人的错误 be too critical of others'mistakes
- 过分注意自己的长相/体重 be particular about one's appearance/weight; be too fussy about one's appearance/weight; fuss with one's appearance/weight
- 过分自信 be overconfident; be overly confident
- 不要过分麻烦人家 try not to give them too much trouble
- 对漂亮女孩过分热情 go overboard for pretty girls
- 对自己的健康过分担忧 fuss too much about one's health
- 玩笑开得太过分 carry/push a joke too far
- 做得太过分 go overboard; go too far; go to extreme
- 你也太过分了! You have gone too far.
- 说他是天才未免有些过分。 To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick.
- 为了这点儿小事就处罚学生,有些过分了。 It is a bit strong to punish the students for such a small thing.
- 文章中不应过分引用。 Quotations in an essay should not be overdone.
- 一天去三次也太过分了。 Going there three times a day would be overkill.
- 这项工作无论怎么认真都不过分。 Too much care cannot be exercised in this work.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
a bit thick; to a fault; without measure
a bit thick; to a fault; without measure
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
guò fèn
excess, excessive,指过多。
- 人过分高兴就会哭起来。 Excess of joy weeps.
- 这孩子的精力过分充沛。 The child has an excess of energy.
- 饮酒过分是有害的。 It's harmful to drink to excess.
- 她是过分慷慨。 She is generous to excess.
- 子女对父母的依赖固然令人不安,过分独立又何尝不是。 Dependence of children on their parents, no doubt, is disquieting, and excessive independence is, too.
- 她对衣服过分的感兴趣。 She takes an excessive interest in clothes.
undue, unduly,指过于。
- 你过分注意小事。 You give undue attention to trifles.
- 她结婚过分仓促。 She married with undue haste.
- 你对孩子过分严历。 You are unduly severe with your children.
- 她对可能产生的后果过分轻率了。 She was unduly reckless of what the consequence may be.
- 剧中的逗笑场面做得过分了。 The funny scenes in the play were overdone.
- 你过分强调细节弄得主次不分。 You have confused the primary with the secondary by overemphasizing details.
- 你的失败就在于你过分自信。 Your failure lies in overconfidence in yourself.
go (carry sth.)too far,指走得太远。
- 你的玩笑总是开得过分。 Your jokes always went too far.
- 谦虚过分就有点虚伪。 Modesty, carried too far, is little short of hypocrisy.
no (without) exaggeration,指毫不过分。
- 说他骄傲自大,一点也不过分。 It is no exaggeration to say that he is conceited.
- 我可以毫不过分地说,我几乎一夜没合眼。 Without much exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink.
guò fèn
excess, excessive,指过多。
- 人过分高兴就会哭起来。 Excess of joy weeps.
- 这孩子的精力过分充沛。 The child has an excess of energy.
- 饮酒过分是有害的。 It's harmful to drink to excess.
- 她是过分慷慨。 She is generous to excess.
- 子女对父母的依赖固然令人不安,过分独立又何尝不是。 Dependence of children on their parents, no doubt, is disquieting, and excessive independence is, too.
- 她对衣服过分的感兴趣。 She takes an excessive interest in clothes.
undue, unduly,指过于。
- 你过分注意小事。 You give undue attention to trifles.
- 她结婚过分仓促。 She married with undue haste.
- 你对孩子过分严历。 You are unduly severe with your children.
- 她对可能产生的后果过分轻率了。 She was unduly reckless of what the consequence may be.
- 剧中的逗笑场面做得过分了。 The funny scenes in the play were overdone.
- 你过分强调细节弄得主次不分。 You have confused the primary with the secondary by overemphasizing details.
- 你的失败就在于你过分自信。 Your failure lies in overconfidence in yourself.
go (carry sth.)too far,指走得太远。
- 你的玩笑总是开得过分。 Your jokes always went too far.
- 谦虚过分就有点虚伪。 Modesty, carried too far, is little short of hypocrisy.
no (without) exaggeration,指毫不过分。
- 说他骄傲自大,一点也不过分。 It is no exaggeration to say that he is conceited.
- 我可以毫不过分地说,我几乎一夜没合眼。 Without much exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典