目標 目标
[mù biāo]
⇒ 靶子 垛 活靶子 的 指标 目的 臬 鹄的 鹄 标的 靶 标 对象 受众 打靶 隐显目标 硬目标 译语 靶船 靶纸 靶机 计划目标 译入语 寻的 锁定 目标地址 总体目标 瞄准 针对 对准
⇒ 进球 志向 目的 标杆 宗旨 入球 鹄 乌龙球 壮志 乌龙 门球 守门 叩关 攻入 破门 超产 阶梯 励志 打门 滑跪 小道 不到长城非好汉 射门 不到黄河心不死 戮力同心 过河拆桥 一口吃个胖子 冲刺 盗版党
⇒ 旨趣 宗旨 鹄的 客观 目的 受格 物镜 标的 总体目标 客观唯心主义 客观世界 理中客 成事 有的放矢 九连环
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 objective; target:
- 发现目标 find the target
- 攻击目标 attack a target
- 军事目标 military objective (or target)
2 goal; aim; objective:
- 共同目标 common goal (or objective)
- 生活目标 goal in life
- 跟踪目标 track a target
- 搜索目标 search a target
- 目标成本 【商】 target cost
- 目标程序 【计】 object (or target program)
- 目标观众 target audience
- 目标管理 management by objectives (MBO)
- 目标价格 【商】 target price
- 目标识别 target discrimination
- 目标市场 【商】 target market
- 目标语言 object (or target) language
1 objective; target:
- 发现目标 find the target
- 攻击目标 attack a target
- 军事目标 military objective (or target)
2 goal; aim; objective:
- 共同目标 common goal (or objective)
- 生活目标 goal in life
- 跟踪目标 track a target
- 搜索目标 search a target
- 目标成本 【商】 target cost
- 目标程序 【计】 object (or target program)
- 目标观众 target audience
- 目标管理 management by objectives (MBO)
- 目标价格 【商】 target price
- 目标识别 target discrimination
- 目标市场 【商】 target market
- 目标语言 object (or target) language
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→计算机总论
【所属学科】 计算机科学技术→计算机总论
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 地理信息系统→地理信息系统基本概念
【所属学科】 地理信息系统→地理信息系统基本概念
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
【所属学科】 航天科技→航天遥感
【所属学科】 航天科技→航天遥感
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
1. 射击、攻击或寻求的对象 {objective; target (of shooting, attack, etc.)}:
- 看清~ {see the target clearly}
- 发现~。 {find the target}
2. 想要达到的境地或标准 {goal; aim; objective}:
- 奋斗~。 {objective of a struggle}
1. 射击、攻击或寻求的对象 {objective; target (of shooting, attack, etc.)}:
- 看清~ {see the target clearly}
- 发现~。 {find the target}
2. 想要达到的境地或标准 {goal; aim; objective}:
- 奋斗~。 {objective of a struggle}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 target; objective
- 暴露目标 give away one's position
- 发现目标 find the target
- 跟踪目标 track a target
- 攻击目标 attack a target
- 轰炸目标 bomb a target
- 击中目标 hit the target
- 瞄准目标 aim at the target
- 未击中目标 miss one's aim/target
- 寻找目标 search for a target
- 追踪目标 follow the trail of the objective
- 目标地区 target area
- 军事目标 military objectives/targets
- 那一枪没有打中目标。 The shot fell short/wide of its mark.
- 他是警察追捕的目标之一。 He was one of those targeted by the police.
- 他是绑匪的重大目标。 He presents a large target to the kidnappers.
名 aim; goal; objective
- 达到目标 reach one's goal; accomplish one's objectives
- 放弃目标 forgo one's aim
- 怀着崇高的目标 with a high aim in view; with a lofty end in view
- 没有达到目标 fall short of one's goal; fail to achieve one's goal
- 实现经济增长目标 reach the economic growth targets
- 制定目标 set objectives
- 追求目标 pursue one's aim/goal
- 长远目标 long-range goal
- 共同目标 common goal
- 宏伟目标 grand goal
- 生活目标 goal in life
- 他目标始终如一。 He displayed great steadiness of purpose.
- 我的目标是当冠军。 I've set my sights on winning the championship.
名 target; objective
- 暴露目标 give away one's position
- 发现目标 find the target
- 跟踪目标 track a target
- 攻击目标 attack a target
- 轰炸目标 bomb a target
- 击中目标 hit the target
- 瞄准目标 aim at the target
- 未击中目标 miss one's aim/target
- 寻找目标 search for a target
- 追踪目标 follow the trail of the objective
- 目标地区 target area
- 军事目标 military objectives/targets
- 那一枪没有打中目标。 The shot fell short/wide of its mark.
- 他是警察追捕的目标之一。 He was one of those targeted by the police.
- 他是绑匪的重大目标。 He presents a large target to the kidnappers.
名 aim; goal; objective
- 达到目标 reach one's goal; accomplish one's objectives
- 放弃目标 forgo one's aim
- 怀着崇高的目标 with a high aim in view; with a lofty end in view
- 没有达到目标 fall short of one's goal; fail to achieve one's goal
- 实现经济增长目标 reach the economic growth targets
- 制定目标 set objectives
- 追求目标 pursue one's aim/goal
- 长远目标 long-range goal
- 共同目标 common goal
- 宏伟目标 grand goal
- 生活目标 goal in life
- 他目标始终如一。 He displayed great steadiness of purpose.
- 我的目标是当冠军。 I've set my sights on winning the championship.
mùbiāo chéngběn
名 object cost; target cost
mùbiāo chéngběn
名 object cost; target cost
mùbiāo chéngxù
名 target program
mùbiāo chéngxù
名 target program
mùbiāo fāngwèi
名 <军事> target bearing
mùbiāo fāngwèi
名 <军事> target bearing
mùbiāo gēnzōng léidá
名 <军事> target-tracking radar (TTR)
mùbiāo gēnzōng léidá
名 <军事> target-tracking radar (TTR)
mùbiāo guānzhòng
名 target audience
mùbiāo guānzhòng
名 target audience
mùbiāo guǎnlǐ
名 management by objectives (MBO)
mùbiāo guǎnlǐ
名 management by objectives (MBO)
mùbiāo guīhuà
名 goal programming
mùbiāo guīhuà
名 goal programming
名 (of billiards) object ball
名 (of billiards) object ball
mùbiāo shìchǎng
名 target market
mùbiāo shìchǎng
名 target market
mùbiāo zérènzhì
名 goal responsibility system
mùbiāo zérènzhì
名 goal responsibility system
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
objective; target; aim; goal; objective
objective; target; aim; goal; objective
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
aim; cause; end; goal; object; objective; target; tee
aim; cause; end; goal; object; objective; target; tee
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
mù biāo(mù de )
- 轰炸机发现了攻击的目标。 The bomber found the target of attack.
- 他发射的每发子弹都击中了目标。 He hit the target with every shot he fired.
- 我军轰炸机今天出击,以敌人的弹药库为轰炸目标。 Our bombers went out today to target the enemy ammunition depots.
- 本公司的利润是150万元,超过100万元的原定目标。 The profits of our company were l.5 million yuan, surpassing the original target of one million.
- 我给自己定了个目标,每周储蓄50元。 I have set myself a target of saving 50 yuan a week.
- 我们打算把预算平衡定为1992年度要达到的目标。 We are targeting budget balance for 1992.
- 教育部长今天成了国会批评的目标。 The minister of education was the target of criticism in Parliament today.
- 他是我们班上嘲笑的目标。 He is a target for scorn in our class.
- 他原来的目标(目的)是当一个医生。 His original intention was to become a doctor.
- 我的目的很简单,就是饱饱地吃一顿,美美地睡一觉。 My intention is very simple — to have a heavy meal and a sound sleep.此外,intention也可指邪恶的目的,而“目标”却具有“高尚”、“伟大”等褒义。因此这时的intention只能作“目的”解。
- 他怀着不可告人的目的,竭力想破坏团结,尽管他最后以失败告终。 Harboring evil intentions, he tried every possible way to undermine unity though he ended in failure.
aim, be aimed at,指追求的目标。
- 我的目标(目的)是一年做两年的工作。 My aim is to do two year's work in one year.
- 你工作那么卖力,目的是什么? What is your aim in working so hard?
- 他们的目标是打破少数人对权力的垄断。 They are aimed at breaking the monopoly of power by the minority.
- 他想买幢房子,因此正在为这一目标而攒钱。 He wants to buy a house and is saving money to this end.
- 这全是为达到目的的一种手段。 It is all a means to an end.
- 他这么干的目的是什么? What is his object in doing that?
- 这是我党近期的政策目标。 It is the object of our Party's policy in the near future.
- 他们只有一个目的,就是获得财富。 They have only one objective -to gain wealth.
- 那可能是他当前的目标。 That must be his immediate objective.
- 他来这里的目的是什么? What's his purpose in coming here?
- 他的目标是医学院毕业,当一名外科医生。 His purpose is to graduate from the medical college and become a surgeon.
- 共产党员都应为共同的目标而奋斗。 All communists must fight for their common goal.
- 看来,这一年的雄心勃勃的经济目标是可以实现的。 It seems quite likely that the year's ambitious economic goals would be reached.
- 他进入大厦,目的是偷东西。 He entered the building with intent to steal.
- 罪犯由于企图杀人而受到起诉。 The criminal was charged with intent to kill.
- 计划的目标是要驱逐独裁者。 The design of the plot was to oust the dictator.
- 他们的目的是要搞你的钱。 They have designs on your money.
- 法律是他学习的目标。 The destination of his study is law.
- 导弹是通过无线电和雷达控制装置而导向其指定目标的。 The missile is guided to its destination by radio and radar control.
mù biāo(mù de )
- 轰炸机发现了攻击的目标。 The bomber found the target of attack.
- 他发射的每发子弹都击中了目标。 He hit the target with every shot he fired.
- 我军轰炸机今天出击,以敌人的弹药库为轰炸目标。 Our bombers went out today to target the enemy ammunition depots.
- 本公司的利润是150万元,超过100万元的原定目标。 The profits of our company were l.5 million yuan, surpassing the original target of one million.
- 我给自己定了个目标,每周储蓄50元。 I have set myself a target of saving 50 yuan a week.
- 我们打算把预算平衡定为1992年度要达到的目标。 We are targeting budget balance for 1992.
- 教育部长今天成了国会批评的目标。 The minister of education was the target of criticism in Parliament today.
- 他是我们班上嘲笑的目标。 He is a target for scorn in our class.
- 他原来的目标(目的)是当一个医生。 His original intention was to become a doctor.
- 我的目的很简单,就是饱饱地吃一顿,美美地睡一觉。 My intention is very simple — to have a heavy meal and a sound sleep.此外,intention也可指邪恶的目的,而“目标”却具有“高尚”、“伟大”等褒义。因此这时的intention只能作“目的”解。
- 他怀着不可告人的目的,竭力想破坏团结,尽管他最后以失败告终。 Harboring evil intentions, he tried every possible way to undermine unity though he ended in failure.
aim, be aimed at,指追求的目标。
- 我的目标(目的)是一年做两年的工作。 My aim is to do two year's work in one year.
- 你工作那么卖力,目的是什么? What is your aim in working so hard?
- 他们的目标是打破少数人对权力的垄断。 They are aimed at breaking the monopoly of power by the minority.
- 他想买幢房子,因此正在为这一目标而攒钱。 He wants to buy a house and is saving money to this end.
- 这全是为达到目的的一种手段。 It is all a means to an end.
- 他这么干的目的是什么? What is his object in doing that?
- 这是我党近期的政策目标。 It is the object of our Party's policy in the near future.
- 他们只有一个目的,就是获得财富。 They have only one objective -to gain wealth.
- 那可能是他当前的目标。 That must be his immediate objective.
- 他来这里的目的是什么? What's his purpose in coming here?
- 他的目标是医学院毕业,当一名外科医生。 His purpose is to graduate from the medical college and become a surgeon.
- 共产党员都应为共同的目标而奋斗。 All communists must fight for their common goal.
- 看来,这一年的雄心勃勃的经济目标是可以实现的。 It seems quite likely that the year's ambitious economic goals would be reached.
- 他进入大厦,目的是偷东西。 He entered the building with intent to steal.
- 罪犯由于企图杀人而受到起诉。 The criminal was charged with intent to kill.
- 计划的目标是要驱逐独裁者。 The design of the plot was to oust the dictator.
- 他们的目的是要搞你的钱。 They have designs on your money.
- 法律是他学习的目标。 The destination of his study is law.
- 导弹是通过无线电和雷达控制装置而导向其指定目标的。 The missile is guided to its destination by radio and radar control.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典