
大部分 大多 大部 多半 泰半 太半 多数 大半 撑死 八成 十有八九 至爱 充其量 至当 重头 独领风骚 最远 最为 十之八九 顶多 十万火急 最多 横是 至多 莫大
the most
最为 首要 至尊 大奸似忠 好半天 大多 敬悉 大都 大抵 心头肉 能者多劳 晚近 校草 班草 首重 佳境 竞艳 主力军 状元 因利乘便 一瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡 半瓶水响叮当 如获至宝 滑天下之大稽 基拉韦厄 见缝就钻 命根 青春不再 趋利避害 阿鼻地狱 颜厚有忸怩
-est (superlative suffix)
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
㝡 最
variant of 最[zuì]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
冣 最
old variant of 最[zuì]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

I 副
1   [in front of an adjective or a verb] most; -est:
- 最大 the biggest
- 最美 the most beautiful
- 最小 the smallest
- 最不发达国家 the least developed country
- 最基本的条件 fundamental prerequisites
- 他最不讲道理。 He's most unreasonable.
- 我最喜欢吃巧克力冰激凌。 I like chocolate ice cream best.
2   [placed in front of a noun of locality, or a place word] farthest or nearest to (a place):
- 最东头 farthest to the east; at the very east end
- 最上头 farthest (or nearest) to the top; at the very top
II 名 the utmost; the best (or highest, greatest, etc. ):
- 钻石之最 the best (or biggest) of all the diamonds
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典

【所属学科】 航空科技→推进技术与航空动力装置
【英文术语】speed difference;slip
【又  称】 转速差(slip)
【定  义】 发动机高压转子与低压转子转速之差。
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语

1. 〈副词<posen>adv.</posen>表示某种属性超过所有同类的人或事物 {[indicating surpassing all people or things of the same kind in a certain attribute] most; least; best; to the highest or lowest degree}:
- 我国是世界上人口~多的国家。 {Ours is the most populous country in the world.}
2. 居首位的;没有能比得上的 {in the first place; incomparable}:
- 中华之~ {the best of China}
- 世界之~。 {the best of the world}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

[used before adjectives or verbs to show the superlative degree] most; superlatively
- 最不费劲 the least tiring
- 最不讨人喜欢 the least pleasant person
- 最大 the biggest
- 最广大群众 overwhelming majority of the masses; the broadest masses of the people
- 最基本的条件 fundamental prerequisites
- 最先进的电脑程序 state-of-the-art computer program
- 那是我们最不用担心的。 That's the least of our worries.
- 他是我最要好的朋友。 He is the best of my friends.
- 他最不会干那种事。 He is the last man to do that.
- 只有妈妈最心疼我。 Of all the people around me, Mom loves me most dearly.
[used before a noun of orientation or of a place] farthest to/nearest
- 最北/西 northernmost/westernmost
- 最东头 farthest to the east; at the very east end
- 最南端 extreme south
- 最前线 foremost front
- 最上头 farthest to/nearest the top; at the very top; the topmost
- 最优先股 prepreference shares/stocks
- 走在队伍的最前方 march at the head of the procession
number one; best; top
- 世界之最 number one in the world
- 中华之最 number one in China
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典

best of all; furthest
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典

- 青年是人类社会中最为积极、最有生气的力量。 The young people are the most active and vital force in society.
- 进攻是最好的防御。 Offense is the best defense.
- 要做最坏的打算,争取最好的结果。 Prepare for the worst to win the best.
- 哪些国家属于最不发达的国家? Which countries are among the least developing countries?
不过有些形容词和名词不需要最高级就有“最” 意思。如supreme, sovereign, ultimate, eventual, up-to-date, maximum, minimum, top, bottom等。
- 这是指导我们的外交政策的最高原则。 It is the supreme principle guiding our foreign policy.
- 我们国家的最高权力属于人民。 The sovereign power of our state resides in the people.
- 我们的最终目标是实现共产主义。 Our ultimate aim is the realization of communism.
- 所有的这些恶行使他们一步步地走向最终的灭亡。 All these evil doings were many steps towards their eventual ruin.
- 船上装有最现代化的设备。 The ship is fitted with up-to-date equipment.
- 人体功能总是在最高与最低水平之间波动。 Human functions oscillate between maximum and minimum levels.
- 这种火车行驶的最高时速为185公里。 Such a train will cruise at a top speed of 185 kilometers per hour.
- 把书放到书架最下面的一格。 Put the book on the bottom shelf.
all, everything, above all, above everything, all in all, of all things, of all others, 表示事物的极致,因此有“最”的意思。
- 他以他所能用的最激烈最挖苦的语言抨击了种族隔离政策。 He attacked apartheid with all the vehemence and bitterness he was capable of.
- 无论生什么病,乐观是最重要的。 In any disease, an optimistic outlook is everything.
- 你知道我们最需要的是批评与自我批评。 What we need, you know, above all, is criticism and self-criticism.
- 他最希望能和她单独待在一起。 He longs, above everything, to be alone with her.
- 正确的思想在任何工作中都是最重要的。 Correct ideology is all in all in any work.
- 这是我最最希望的。 It is what I desire of all things.
- 我最恨的事情就是说谎。 The one thing of all others I detest is lying.
not more than, never more than, nothing more than,否定比较级可以表示程度,也都有“最”的意思。
- 火车还有10分钟才开,我买本书最多5分钟。 The train doesn't leave for another ten minutes, and it won't take me more than five minutes to buy a book.
- 这种窗子最多能开一半。 Such window can never be more than half opened.
- 谦卑的外表最易使人上当。 Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility.
nothing…so…as(后接名词),nothing…so…as to(后接动词不定式),never…so,…as(后接从句),nothing like(后接名词)…no…like(后接名词),可以表示比喻,故也有“最”的意思。
- 我最怕无所事事。 I dread nothing so much as inactivity.
- 做决定最难。 Nothing is so difficult as to decide.
- 美和真一样,最平常时最灿烂。 Beauty like truth never is so glorious as when it goes plainest.
- 最能给人以经验的,莫过于多碰钉子。 There is nothing like frequent rebuff for teaching one experience.
- 哪儿夹脚,穿鞋的最清楚。 No one knows where the shoes pinch like the wearer.
- 谁摘的苹果最多? Who picked the most apples?
- 我最多给你500元。 I can give you five hundred yuan at most.
- 这个会议室最多能容纳50人。 This conference room can hold a maximum of fifty people.
- 这所学校招生最多的时候有5,000人。 The college's enrollment at its height reached 5,000.
- 我最多能符一天。 I can stay a day at the longest.
- 讲得最多的往往是干得最少的。 The greatest talkers are always the least doers.
- 出席会议的最少有500人。 There were at least five hundred people present at the meeting.
- 这只钻戒最少也值5,000元。 The diamond ring costs a minimum of five thousand yuan.
- 这产品的质量最好。 The product is best in quality.
- 你们都是最好的干部。 You are all first-rate cadres.
- 你最好别打扰他。 You had better not disturb him.
- 我们最好在天黑以前赶到目的地。 It would be best if we could reach our destination before dark.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典