阿鼻地獄 阿鼻地狱
[Ā bí Dì yù]
(Buddhism) the Avici Hell, the last and most painful of the eight hot hells
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
ābí dìyù
名 【佛】 Avici Hell (infernal region where the condemned go through endless cycles of suffering, death and rebirth without intermission)
ābí dìyù
名 【佛】 Avici Hell (infernal region where the condemned go through endless cycles of suffering, death and rebirth without intermission)
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
ābí dìyù
〈佛教 Budd.〉指犯了重罪的人死后灵魂受苦的地方。 {Avici Hell, the last and deepest of eight hot infernos where the condemned are put through round after round of misery, death and rebirth without letup}[阿鼻,梵 {Sanskrit:
ābí dìyù
〈佛教 Budd.〉指犯了重罪的人死后灵魂受苦的地方。 {Avici Hell, the last and deepest of eight hot infernos where the condemned are put through round after round of misery, death and rebirth without letup}[阿鼻,梵 {Sanskrit:
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
ābí dìyù
名 <佛教> Avīci [place where the souls of those who committed monstrous sins in life are subject to various sufferings]
ābí dìyù
名 <佛教> Avīci [place where the souls of those who committed monstrous sins in life are subject to various sufferings]
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典