[wǎn jiù]
to save
⇒ 保存 拯救 救援 省却 省 保住 拯 节 救 省去 攒 积蓄 存储 贮 节余 援救 节省 省劲 省力 储蓄 节食 省事 节水 省钱 全活 存钱 节电 省电 救国 救亡
to remedy
⇒ 裨补 补救 拾遗 补偏救弊 拾遗补缺 回天乏术 揪痧
to rescue
⇒ 搭救 抢救 拯救 救 解救 获救 全活 救出 救护 拯 营救 救难 援救 驰援 接应 路见不平,拔刀相助 勤王 从井救人 解民倒悬 围魏救赵 危而不持
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 save; remedy; rescue:
- 挽救病人的生命 save the patient's life
- 挽救失足青少年 reform juvenile delinquents
- 想出一个有效的挽救办法 think of an effective remedy
动 save; remedy; rescue:
- 挽救病人的生命 save the patient's life
- 挽救失足青少年 reform juvenile delinquents
- 想出一个有效的挽救办法 think of an effective remedy
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
从危险中救回来 {save; rescue}:
- ~病人的生命。 {save the life of a patient}€
从危险中救回来 {save; rescue}:
- ~病人的生命。 {save the life of a patient}€
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 save; remedy; rescue
- 挽救病人的生命 save the life of a patient
- 挽救爱情/婚姻 save one's/sb's love/marriage
- 挽救溺水者 save a person from drowning
- 挽救生命垂危者 rescue the dying
- 挽救失足青少年 redeem the juvenile delinquents
- 非人力所能挽救 be beyond all human help
- 无法挽救 be beyond/past remedy
- 挽救的文档 retrieved file
动 save; remedy; rescue
- 挽救病人的生命 save the life of a patient
- 挽救爱情/婚姻 save one's/sb's love/marriage
- 挽救溺水者 save a person from drowning
- 挽救生命垂危者 rescue the dying
- 挽救失足青少年 redeem the juvenile delinquents
- 非人力所能挽救 be beyond all human help
- 无法挽救 be beyond/past remedy
- 挽救的文档 retrieved file
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
retrieval; saving
retrieval; saving
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
wǎn jiù
- 说真话,我一度曾经犹豫过,为了挽救这一病人我是否应该作一次最后的尝试。 To tell you the truth, I once hesitated whether I should make one last attempt to save the patient.
- 法西斯主义挽救不了资本主义,而且还会加速其灭亡。 Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction.
- 你愿牺牲自己来挽救公司吗? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to save the company?
- 一支警察小分队紧急出动去挽救被恐怖分子劫持的人质。 A police detachment took immediate action to rescue the hostages hijacked by terrorists.
- 是政府挽救了我们公司不致破产。 It was the government that rescued our firm from bankruptcy.
- 他不顾党对他的教育和挽救,坚持错误不肯悔改。 He persisted in his errors and refused to repent, disregarding the Party's efforts to educate and redeem him.
- 我们要挽救尽可能多的失足青少年。 We must redeem as many juvenile delinquents as possible.
remedy, 指挽救的办法。
- 我们得考虑一个有效的挽救办法来应付财政危机。 We have to think out an effective remedy to meet the financial crisis.
- 谁想得到这个孤注一掷的挽救办法竟决定了这场战斗? Who would have thought that this desperate remedy should decide the fight?
wǎn jiù
- 说真话,我一度曾经犹豫过,为了挽救这一病人我是否应该作一次最后的尝试。 To tell you the truth, I once hesitated whether I should make one last attempt to save the patient.
- 法西斯主义挽救不了资本主义,而且还会加速其灭亡。 Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction.
- 你愿牺牲自己来挽救公司吗? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to save the company?
- 一支警察小分队紧急出动去挽救被恐怖分子劫持的人质。 A police detachment took immediate action to rescue the hostages hijacked by terrorists.
- 是政府挽救了我们公司不致破产。 It was the government that rescued our firm from bankruptcy.
- 他不顾党对他的教育和挽救,坚持错误不肯悔改。 He persisted in his errors and refused to repent, disregarding the Party's efforts to educate and redeem him.
- 我们要挽救尽可能多的失足青少年。 We must redeem as many juvenile delinquents as possible.
remedy, 指挽救的办法。
- 我们得考虑一个有效的挽救办法来应付财政危机。 We have to think out an effective remedy to meet the financial crisis.
- 谁想得到这个孤注一掷的挽救办法竟决定了这场战斗? Who would have thought that this desperate remedy should decide the fight?
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典