[āi cì]
in sequence
⇒ 挨 循序 次 顺次 号数 循序渐进 编次 排错 套路 串烧 和
in the proper order
⇒ 以次 递 递补
one by one
⇒ 一个个 纷纷 逐一 一个接一个 渐次 个别 逐 逐个 一一 挨个 各个 点检 数念 数一数二 化整为零 生来 挨门 挨家 挨户 近朱近墨 千万 携眷 滴水不羼 不胜枚举 屁股决定脑袋 九九归一 赐顾 升级 搬起石头砸自己的脚 起家 循分 以暴易暴
in turn
⇒ 交互 交替 接着 轮次 轮番 挨个 陆续 镟 转折 投案 上脸 倾巢而出 思谋 思量 左思右想 把玩 转运 巴前算后 倾巢来犯 思忖 忖量 做好做歹 鲛人 三从四德
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
副 one after another; in turn; in order:
- 挨次入场 file in
- 挨次上车 get on the bus one after another
- 挨次检查机器上的零件 examine the machine parts in due order
副 one after another; in turn; in order:
- 挨次入场 file in
- 挨次上车 get on the bus one after another
- 挨次检查机器上的零件 examine the machine parts in due order
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
顺次 {take turns (doing sth.); do sth. one after another or in turn}:
- ~入场 {file in}
- ~检查机器上的零件。 {examine parts of a machine in due order}(
顺次 {take turns (doing sth.); do sth. one after another or in turn}:
- ~入场 {file in}
- ~检查机器上的零件。 {examine parts of a machine in due order}(
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
副 by turns; in turn; one after another; one by one
- 挨次发言 take the floor in turn; speak in turn
- 挨次入场 go in/enter one after another; file in
副 by turns; in turn; one after another; one by one
- 挨次发言 take the floor in turn; speak in turn
- 挨次入场 go in/enter one after another; file in
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
in turn; one by one
in turn; one by one
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典