挨邊 挨边
[āi biān]
to keep close to the edge
near the mark
close to (the true figure)
⇒ 合拢 切 瞑 闭上 关闭 关 挨 闭 邻 暗 上门 近 截止 停课 合 临近 结束 阖 关上 濒临 将近 封闭 缄 巴 合上 近乎 掩 关门 关张 贴近 抿 紧闭
relevant (used with negative to mean totally irrelevant)
⇒ 相关 相应 贴题 相干 归口 着边 贴边 沾边 主管机关 考本 红头文件
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
āi∥biān(~ㄦ {āi∥biānr})
1. 靠着边缘 {keep close to the edge}:
- 上了大路,要挨着边ㄦ走。 {Keep close to the side when walking on the road.}
2. 接近(某数,多指年龄) {be near; be close to (a figure, usu. age)}:
- 我六十~ㄦ了。 {I'm getting on sixty.}
3. 接近事实或事物应有的样子 {be close to the truth of sth.; be relevant}:
- 你说的一点也不~ㄦ! {What you have said is totally irrelevant.}(
āi∥biān(~ㄦ {āi∥biānr})
1. 靠着边缘 {keep close to the edge}:
- 上了大路,要挨着边ㄦ走。 {Keep close to the side when walking on the road.}
2. 接近(某数,多指年龄) {be near; be close to (a figure, usu. age)}:
- 我六十~ㄦ了。 {I'm getting on sixty.}
3. 接近事实或事物应有的样子 {be close to the truth of sth.; be relevant}:
- 你说的一点也不~ㄦ! {What you have said is totally irrelevant.}(
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 keep close to the edge
- 上了大路,请挨边走。 Please keep/cling to the edge when you get onto the main road.
动 be near/close (to)
- 我爸都八十挨边了。 My father is getting on for eighty. / My father is approaching/nearing eighty.
动 have sth to do with; be relevant
- 你说的一点儿也不挨边。 What you said is completely irrelevant. / What you said is wide off the mark.
动 keep close to the edge
- 上了大路,请挨边走。 Please keep/cling to the edge when you get onto the main road.
动 be near/close (to)
- 我爸都八十挨边了。 My father is getting on for eighty. / My father is approaching/nearing eighty.
动 have sth to do with; be relevant
- 你说的一点儿也不挨边。 What you said is completely irrelevant. / What you said is wide off the mark.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典