
挨邊 挨边
[āi biān]
to keep close to the edge
near the mark
close to (the true figure)
合拢 闭上 关闭 上门 截止 停课 临近 结束 关上 濒临 将近 封闭 合上 近乎 关门 关张 贴近 紧闭
relevant (used with negative to mean totally irrelevant)
相关 相应 贴题 相干 归口 着边 贴边 沾边 主管机关 考本 红头文件
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
āi∥biān(~ㄦ {āi∥biānr})
1. 靠着边缘 {keep close to the edge}:
- 上了大路,要挨着边ㄦ走。 {Keep close to the side when walking on the road.}
2. 接近(某数,多指年龄) {be near; be close to (a figure, usu. age)}:
- 我六十~ㄦ了。 {I'm getting on sixty.}
3. 接近事实或事物应有的样子 {be close to the truth of sth.; be relevant}:
- 你说的一点也不~ㄦ! {What you have said is totally irrelevant.}(
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
keep close to the edge
- 上了大路,请挨边走。 Please keep/cling to the edge when you get onto the main road.
be near/close (to)
- 我爸都八十挨边了。 My father is getting on for eighty. / My father is approaching/nearing eighty.
have sth to do with; be relevant
- 你说的一点儿也不挨边。 What you said is completely irrelevant. / What you said is wide off the mark.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典