(过去式: worked; 过去完成式: worked; 现在进行式: working)
To put forth physical or mental effort; labor; toil. 劳力;劳心;劳动;工作。
- I've been working hard all day. 我整天辛勤工作。
To be occupied in business; be employed. 经营;受雇工作。
- He works in the steel mill. 他在炼钢厂中工作。
To act effectively; accomplish the end desired, as a scheme. 有效地运作;完成所希望之目的(计划)
- This machine will not work. 这架机器不能转动。
To ferment, as liquors. 发酵(如酒)
- The yeast began to work. 酵母开始发酵。
To progress slowly or laboriously. 渐进;辛苦进行
- The rain worked through the roof. 雨渐渐渗过屋顶而滴下来。
To be moved through agitation. (发自感情的)抽动。
- His features worked from emotion. 他的面容因情绪而抽动。
To change into a specified condition. 变成某种状况
- The door worked loose. 门已松脱。
To operate, manage, or set in motion. 运用;运转;开动。
- It is worked by electricity. 这是用电发动。
To prepare for use; manipulate. 操作;处理
- to work the soil 耕耘土地。
To win by labor, or achieve gradually or with difficulty. 渐渐造成;艰苦得来
- to work one's way 排除困难努力前进。
To perform, produce, or cause. 造成;产生;使成
- He worked marvelous cures. 他奇迹般地治愈人。
To make or fashion; esp. to embroider. 制作;缝制;绣成
Forge; shape. 锻炼;铸成。
- He worked a silver dollar into a bracelet. 他把一银币改铸成手镯。
To exact labor from; cause to labor, as horses. 使劳动;使工作(如马)。
- He works his men long hours. 他使他的工人长时间工作。
To solve. 解决。
- to work out a problem 解决一问题。
To influence; prevail on. 影响;劝诱;控制
- He tried to work his wife to his way of thinking. 他试图说服他的太太赞同他的看法。
To cause to ferment. 使发酵。
To utilize or exploit (a person), esp. through deceit. 【俚】利用;(尤指)诈欺。
- He was only working you for your money. 他只是在利用你的钱而已。
To play a trade in; operate in (a district). (在某地)经销。
- The salesman worked the eastern states. 推销员在东部各州推销。
To beat up; work over. 【俚】毒打;殴打。
work against 反对; 使不利。
work at 从事。
work away 持续工作。
work in 插入;巧妙地加入;引用。
work it 【俚】做得好。
work like a beaver 【口】工作迅速热诚。
work like a horse [dog, slave, Trojan] 【口】辛勤工作。
work like magic 相当成功。
work off (a)变松、松掉。(b)(藉工作)袪除。(c)结束。(d)以做工抵帐。
work on [upon] 说服;影响;缝制;继续工作;起作用。
work out (a)作出;弄出。(b)计算。(c)训练。(d)以工作抵偿。(e)达到(结论)。(f)解决问题。(g)努力达成。(h)采尽(矿藏)。
work over (a)重做。(b)【口】殴打。
work up (a)努力获致;发展。(b)激动。
work up to 渐晋于(一高位)。
Physical or mental effort directed to some end or purpose; toil; labor. 劳力;智力;劳苦;工作。
- He is doing the work of two men. 他做两个人的工作。
Occupation; employment; job. 职业;业务;工作。
- He is still looking for work. 他仍旧在找工作。
A task; an undertaking. 事务;事业。
A product of mental or physical effort, or both. (劳心及劳力所得之)成果。
The moving parts of any machinery. [~s] 任何机件中之活动部分。
Structures connected with civil or mechanical engineering, as bridges, docks, or dams. [~s] (和土木、机械工程有关的)建筑物(如桥梁、码头等)。
An establishment for manufacturing, or the like, with its contents, outbuildings, etc. [~s] 制造厂;工厂。
- The works is closed today. 工厂今天休工。
Engineering structure. 工程结构;土木。
Structure as a fortification. 防御工事。
Workmanship. 工艺品。
Effect of a force in product of the force and the amount of the displacement in the line of action of the force, measured in ergs, foot-pounds, joules, horsepower-hours, and watt-hours. 【理】功;作用。
Meritorious act. 【神】善行。
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只用功不玩耍会使孩子变笨。
at work 工作中。
dirty work (非正式用法)困难而令人不悦之工作。
get the works 【美】【俚】受虐待;大受优待。
give the works 【美】【俚】谋杀;虐待;优待。
go to work 开始作用;开始工作。
have one's work cut out (for one) 【口】面对困难的工作。
in the works 【口】计划实行中。
in work 进行中。
make light work of (非正式用法)轻易完成。
make short work of (非正式用法)迅速完成。
make work 做不必要(分外)的工作。
mighty works 奇迹。
out of work 失业。
set to work 开始工作。
shoot the works 孤注一掷。
the donkey work 【口】难缠无趣的工作。
work camp 【美】囚犯收容所(被课以强制劳动);(教会)服务所。
work ethic 工作神圣观;职业道德。
work farm 短期(少年)犯人劳动营。
work load 工作量。
work of art (a)艺术品。(b)天然成品。
work study 工作效率研究。
works committee [council] 【英】劳资协议会。
n. worker.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (employment) 工作;职业
- She's looking for work. 她正在找工作。
- What kind of work do you do? 你做什么工作?
to be in work 有工作;在就业
to be out of work 无工作;失业
- He's out of work. 他失业了。
to find work 找到工作
to start work
(for first time) 开始(第一份)工作
- Mr Barnett started work as a school teacher. 巴奈特先生的第一份工作是做教师。
2. (tasks to be done in job) 工作;活儿;活计
- I've got work to do. 我有活儿要干。
to take work home 把活儿带回家干
- I used to take work home. 我过去常把活儿带回家干。
3. (time spent doing job) 工作时间
- Oliver had taken me out for a drink after work. 奥利弗下班后带着我出去喝过酒。
to start work 开始工作;
(daily) 开始上班
- What time do you start work? 你几点开始上班?
to be off work 没上班
- He's been off work for a week. 他已有一周时间没上班了。
4. (physical or mental effort) 劳动;辛苦;努力
- There's a lot of work to be done on the house. 那房子有很多地方需要收拾。
- We hadn't appreciated how much work was involved in organizing a wedding. 我们没有意识到筹备婚礼有多少事情要做。
hard work 辛勤劳动;艰苦的工作
- Thanks for all your hard work. 感谢您所做的一切辛苦工作。
- It's hard work. 这是累人的工作。
to start work on sth 开始做…
5. (place of employment) 工作地点;工作单位
- Many people travel to work by car. 许多人开车去上班。
- What time do you get to work and what time do you leave? 你几点上班, 几点下班?
to go to work 去上班
6. (product of work) 劳动成果;工作成果;产品
- His work was spread all over the table. 他的劳动成果铺满了整张桌子。
a piece of work 一件作品
- That's a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it. 那件作品非常漂亮, 你应当为之自豪。
to do good work 生产好产品
7. (painting, book, piece of music) (艺术家、作家、作曲家等的)作品, 著作
- This is Rembrandt's greatest work. 这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。
- I find De Niro's work too emotional. 我认为德尼罗的作品过于煽情。
a work of art 一件艺术品
8. (research) 研究;调查
- He has done pioneering work in this field. 他在这一领域做了开创性的研究。
9. (helping people) 协助;帮助
- Immunization is an important part of Save The Children's work. 疫苗接种是救助儿童会工作的一项重要内容。
sb's work with sb or sb's work among sb 某人救助…的工作
relief work 救济工作
10. 【机】 =workpiece
11. 【艺术】 (decoration) 装饰;装饰品;装饰物
12. 【工】 (structure) (桥梁、大楼等)建筑物, 建筑工程
13. 【物】 功
14. 【军-防御工事】 工事
See also: earthwork
15. at work
(at place of employment) 在工作地点;在工作场所
- He's at work at the moment. 他现在正在上班。
- She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight. 她告诉她上班的朋友们她正在努力减肥。
(working) 在工作;在干活儿
- Television cameras were invited in to film him at work. 电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头。
(having an effect) 在起作用;发挥效用
- The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics. 这份报告表明, 同一趋势也在政治领域产生了影响。
- the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions 主导我们的行为的强大的经济和社会力量
to be at work on sth 正在忙着做某事
- He is currently at work on a novel. 他这会儿正忙着写一篇小说。
to be hard at work doing something 正在紧张地做某事
- The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil. 海上救援队已经在紧张地处理溢油。
16. to be the work of sborto be sb's work
(to have been done by sb) (令人不快之事或暴力事件)是某人做的, 由某人负责
- Police suspect the ambush was the work of guerrillas. 警方怀疑这次伏击系游击队所为。
17. to get to work on sthorto go to work on sthorto set to work on sth
(start doing sth) 开始做某事;着手处理某事物
- He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit. 他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。
- He returned to America where he set to work on a new novel. 他返回美国, 开始写一部新小说。
18. to have your work cut outorto have your work cut out for you 有很大困难;困难重重
- We've got our work cut out if we're going to finish this on time. 如果要按时完成这个工作, 我们会遇到很大困难。
to have your work cut out doing sth or to have your work cut out to do sth 做…有很大困难
19. to make light work of sthorto make quick work of sthorto make short work of sth 轻松做完…;迅速解决…
- This horse made light work of the cross-country course. 这匹马轻松地跑完了越野赛程。
to make light work of doing sth or to make quick work of doing sthorto make short work of doing sth 轻松完成…的工作;迅速完成…的活儿
- An aerosol spray will make short work of painting awkward objects. 用气雾喷雾器来喷涂, 不好上漆的物品也能轻松搞定。
- He washed, shaved and made short work of packing his light bag. 他洗了脸, 刮了胡子, 又快速把轻便提包打包完毕。
20. a nasty piece of work<尤英,非正式> 讨厌鬼;恶棍;卑鄙的人
- Underneath I think he's actually a rather nasty piece of work. 内心深处我觉得他是个非常讨厌的家伙。
21. nice workorgood work
(praising sb) 干得不错;干得漂亮
22. to put sb to workorto set sb to work 让某人工作;派给某人任务
- By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work. 我们将通过刺激经济让人们实现就业。
1. (employment) 工作;职业
- She's looking for work. 她正在找工作。
- What kind of work do you do? 你做什么工作?
to be in work 有工作;在就业
to be out of work 无工作;失业
- He's out of work. 他失业了。
to find work 找到工作
to start work
(for first time) 开始(第一份)工作
- Mr Barnett started work as a school teacher. 巴奈特先生的第一份工作是做教师。
2. (tasks to be done in job) 工作;活儿;活计
- I've got work to do. 我有活儿要干。
to take work home 把活儿带回家干
- I used to take work home. 我过去常把活儿带回家干。
3. (time spent doing job) 工作时间
- Oliver had taken me out for a drink after work. 奥利弗下班后带着我出去喝过酒。
to start work 开始工作;
(daily) 开始上班
- What time do you start work? 你几点开始上班?
to be off work 没上班
- He's been off work for a week. 他已有一周时间没上班了。
4. (physical or mental effort) 劳动;辛苦;努力
- There's a lot of work to be done on the house. 那房子有很多地方需要收拾。
- We hadn't appreciated how much work was involved in organizing a wedding. 我们没有意识到筹备婚礼有多少事情要做。
hard work 辛勤劳动;艰苦的工作
- Thanks for all your hard work. 感谢您所做的一切辛苦工作。
- It's hard work. 这是累人的工作。
to start work on sth 开始做…
5. (place of employment) 工作地点;工作单位
- Many people travel to work by car. 许多人开车去上班。
- What time do you get to work and what time do you leave? 你几点上班, 几点下班?
to go to work 去上班
6. (product of work) 劳动成果;工作成果;产品
- His work was spread all over the table. 他的劳动成果铺满了整张桌子。
a piece of work 一件作品
- That's a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it. 那件作品非常漂亮, 你应当为之自豪。
to do good work 生产好产品
7. (painting, book, piece of music) (艺术家、作家、作曲家等的)作品, 著作
- This is Rembrandt's greatest work. 这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。
- I find De Niro's work too emotional. 我认为德尼罗的作品过于煽情。
a work of art 一件艺术品
8. (research) 研究;调查
- He has done pioneering work in this field. 他在这一领域做了开创性的研究。
9. (helping people) 协助;帮助
- Immunization is an important part of Save The Children's work. 疫苗接种是救助儿童会工作的一项重要内容。
sb's work with sb or sb's work among sb 某人救助…的工作
relief work 救济工作
10. 【机】 =workpiece
11. 【艺术】 (decoration) 装饰;装饰品;装饰物
12. 【工】 (structure) (桥梁、大楼等)建筑物, 建筑工程
13. 【物】 功
14. 【军-防御工事】 工事
See also: earthwork
15. at work
(at place of employment) 在工作地点;在工作场所
- He's at work at the moment. 他现在正在上班。
- She told her friends at work that she was trying to lose weight. 她告诉她上班的朋友们她正在努力减肥。
(working) 在工作;在干活儿
- Television cameras were invited in to film him at work. 电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头。
(having an effect) 在起作用;发挥效用
- The report suggested that the same trend was at work in politics. 这份报告表明, 同一趋势也在政治领域产生了影响。
- the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions 主导我们的行为的强大的经济和社会力量
to be at work on sth 正在忙着做某事
- He is currently at work on a novel. 他这会儿正忙着写一篇小说。
to be hard at work doing something 正在紧张地做某事
- The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil. 海上救援队已经在紧张地处理溢油。
16. to be the work of sborto be sb's work
(to have been done by sb) (令人不快之事或暴力事件)是某人做的, 由某人负责
- Police suspect the ambush was the work of guerrillas. 警方怀疑这次伏击系游击队所为。
17. to get to work on sthorto go to work on sthorto set to work on sth
(start doing sth) 开始做某事;着手处理某事物
- He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit. 他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。
- He returned to America where he set to work on a new novel. 他返回美国, 开始写一部新小说。
18. to have your work cut outorto have your work cut out for you 有很大困难;困难重重
- We've got our work cut out if we're going to finish this on time. 如果要按时完成这个工作, 我们会遇到很大困难。
to have your work cut out doing sth or to have your work cut out to do sth 做…有很大困难
19. to make light work of sthorto make quick work of sthorto make short work of sth 轻松做完…;迅速解决…
- This horse made light work of the cross-country course. 这匹马轻松地跑完了越野赛程。
to make light work of doing sth or to make quick work of doing sthorto make short work of doing sth 轻松完成…的工作;迅速完成…的活儿
- An aerosol spray will make short work of painting awkward objects. 用气雾喷雾器来喷涂, 不好上漆的物品也能轻松搞定。
- He washed, shaved and made short work of packing his light bag. 他洗了脸, 刮了胡子, 又快速把轻便提包打包完毕。
20. a nasty piece of work<尤英,非正式> 讨厌鬼;恶棍;卑鄙的人
- Underneath I think he's actually a rather nasty piece of work. 内心深处我觉得他是个非常讨厌的家伙。
21. nice workorgood work
(praising sb) 干得不错;干得漂亮
22. to put sb to workorto set sb to work 让某人工作;派给某人任务
- By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work. 我们将通过刺激经济让人们实现就业。
[+ clothes, colleague, commitments, environment, visa, opportunity] 工作的;工作用的;为工作的
[+ clothes, colleague, commitments, environment, visa, opportunity] 工作的;工作用的;为工作的
1. (have a job) 工作;从业;就职
- She works in a shop. 她在商店工作。
- Where do you work? 你在哪里工作?
- He doesn't work any more. 他不再工作了。
to work for sb 为…工作;受雇于…
- She works for a drug company. 她为一家制药公司工作。
to work as sth 干…工作
- He worked as a bricklayer's mate. 他给一个砖匠当小工。
to work in sth 从事…行业
- He works in advertising. 他从事广告业。
2. (perform job or task) 工作;劳动;干活儿
- They are expected to work twelve hours a day. 他们按要求每天工作12小时。
- He was working at his desk. 他正在书桌前用功。
- I can't talk to you right now – I'm working. 这会儿我不能跟你说话——我在干活儿。
to work hard 努力工作
- We work really hard and we get the lowest pay. 我们工作非常努力, 拿到的报酬却是最低的。
to work hard to do sth 努力做…
- We worked hard to get it done on time. 我们努力按时完工。
to work at sth 从事于…;忙于…
- Leonard was working at his German. 伦纳德正在学德语。
to work for sth 为…工作(或努力)
- The most important reason for coming to university is to work for a degree. 上大学最重要的目的就是要获得一个学位。
to work for peace 为和平而努力
3. to work with sborto work among sb
(try to help) 协助某人;帮助某人
- He knew then that he wanted to work among the poor. 他那时明白了自己想帮助穷人。
4. (function) [machine, equipment +] (尤指正确或有效地)运转, 运行, 工作; [mind, brain +] 转动;开动
- The traffic lights weren't working. 红绿灯没有亮。
- How does the gun work? 这枪怎么用?
- The heating isn't working. 暖气没开。
- Is the telephone working today? 电话今天能用吗?
- My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening. 我的大脑疯狂运转, 把那晚发生的事情飞快地过了一遍。
to work with sth 以…为动力;由…操作
5. (be successful) [plan, idea, method, scheme +] 奏效;起作用; [relationship +] 令人满意; [design, colours, writing, film +] 成功
- 95% of these diets do not work. 这些节食方法95%都不起作用。
- A methodical approach works best. 系统性的方法最有效。
- My plan worked perfectly. 我的计划非常奏效。
- I shouldn't have come, I knew it wouldn't work. 我本不该来, 我知道这没用。
- I don't think those colours really work in here. 我认为那些颜色用在这里不合适。
to work in sb's favour
[factor, age +] 对…产生有利影响;对…起积极作用
to work against sb
[factor, age +] 对…不利
- His attitude worked against him. 他的态度对他产生了不利影响。
6. (take effect) [medicine, drug +] 起作用;产生疗效
- How long does a sleeping pill take to work? 安眠药多长时间开始起效?
7. to work loose
(gradually move) [screw +] (螺丝)松脱; [pin, knot +] (闩销、绳结等)松动
8. (move) [muscles, face, mouth +] 抽动;颤动
- Her mouth was working in her sleep. 她睡着的时候嘴巴还在动。
9. to work in sthorto work with sth
[artist, craftsman +] [+ oils, watercolours] (艺术家、手艺人等)使用(油彩、水彩等)创制; [+ wood, clay] (雕刻师等)使用(木头、泥巴等)制作
10. [mechanism +] (机械部件)松动, 松脱
11. 【酿酒】 (ferment) 发酵
1. (operate in) [sales representative, comedian +] [+ area, region] 在…工作;从事…活动
- She works clubs and pubs. 她在俱乐部和酒吧表演。
2. (cause to labour) [+ person] 使工作;使干活儿;使劳动
to work sb hard 让某人卖力干活儿
to work yourself too hard 让自己拼命工作
to work sb to death 把…累死
3. (manipulate, influence) 操纵;利用;影响
to work a crowd 感召众人
to work the room 笼络一屋子的人
to work your charm on sb 向某人施展魅力;使某人深受感染
to work your magic on sb 对某人产生神奇的影响
4. (cultivate) [+ land] 种;耕种
- Farmers worked the fertile valleys. 农民们在肥沃的山谷里耕种。
5. (exploit) [+ mine, seam] 开;开采
- The mines had first been worked in 1849. 1849年时这些矿第一次被开采。
6. (operate) [+ machine] 使用;操作;使运转
- Many adults depended on their children to work the video. 很多成年人仍然要靠孩子来操作录像机。
7. (shape) [+ clay, wood, stone, leather] 加工;处理;使成形
- The machines needed to extract and work the raw stone. 这些机器需要用来开采加工原石。
8. 【烹】 (handle, manipulate) 按;压;揉
- Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth. 用手掌将面团揉至光滑为止。
to work sth to sth 将…压成…
9. (move) [+ muscles] (尤指在锻炼中)使(身体部位)活动
- Each position will work the muscles in a different way. 每种姿势都会以不同方式活动肌肉。
10. (provoke) 惹起;激起
to work sb into a frenzy 使某人变得狂热
to work yourself into a frenzy 使自己变得狂热
11. (bring about) [+ miracles, change] 做成;造成;使产生
- I can't work miracles, you know. 我不能创造奇迹, 你知道的。
12. 【数】 <美,加拿大> [+ problem] 求解;算出
13. 【缝】 缝制;绣制;编织
14. <俚> (cheat) 哄骗;欺骗;欺诈
15. to have sth all worked out 把…计划周全
- You've got it all worked out, haven't you? 你把一切都计划好了, 不是么?
16. to work out your notice 干满任期;干到合同期满
- There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice. 她的继任者真正来之前有一段过渡期, 因为她得工作到合同期满。
17. sth works itself out
(reach a conclusion) …圆满结束
- People involved in it think it's a nightmare, but I'm sure it will work itself out. 参与其中的人认为这简直就是噩梦, 但是我确信事情会圆满结束。
18. to work your way somewhere
(get physically closer) 艰难地向某地前进
- Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men. 营救人员仍在艰难地向被困人员受困地点进发。
19. to work your way to the top
(in job) 由底层员工做起干到高层
- He started as an office boy and worked his way to the top. 他由一个办公室打杂的做起, 一直做到高层。
20. to work your way up
(in job) 由底层员工做起一步步升迁
- Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up. 许多人事部经理都是由秘书或人事助理做起, 再一步步升上去的。
Phrasal Verbs:
work away, work back, work down, work in, work into, work off, work on, work out, work over, work round to, work through, work towards, work up, work up to
1. (have a job) 工作;从业;就职
- She works in a shop. 她在商店工作。
- Where do you work? 你在哪里工作?
- He doesn't work any more. 他不再工作了。
to work for sb 为…工作;受雇于…
- She works for a drug company. 她为一家制药公司工作。
to work as sth 干…工作
- He worked as a bricklayer's mate. 他给一个砖匠当小工。
to work in sth 从事…行业
- He works in advertising. 他从事广告业。
2. (perform job or task) 工作;劳动;干活儿
- They are expected to work twelve hours a day. 他们按要求每天工作12小时。
- He was working at his desk. 他正在书桌前用功。
- I can't talk to you right now – I'm working. 这会儿我不能跟你说话——我在干活儿。
to work hard 努力工作
- We work really hard and we get the lowest pay. 我们工作非常努力, 拿到的报酬却是最低的。
to work hard to do sth 努力做…
- We worked hard to get it done on time. 我们努力按时完工。
to work at sth 从事于…;忙于…
- Leonard was working at his German. 伦纳德正在学德语。
to work for sth 为…工作(或努力)
- The most important reason for coming to university is to work for a degree. 上大学最重要的目的就是要获得一个学位。
to work for peace 为和平而努力
3. to work with sborto work among sb
(try to help) 协助某人;帮助某人
- He knew then that he wanted to work among the poor. 他那时明白了自己想帮助穷人。
4. (function) [machine, equipment +] (尤指正确或有效地)运转, 运行, 工作; [mind, brain +] 转动;开动
- The traffic lights weren't working. 红绿灯没有亮。
- How does the gun work? 这枪怎么用?
- The heating isn't working. 暖气没开。
- Is the telephone working today? 电话今天能用吗?
- My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening. 我的大脑疯狂运转, 把那晚发生的事情飞快地过了一遍。
to work with sth 以…为动力;由…操作
5. (be successful) [plan, idea, method, scheme +] 奏效;起作用; [relationship +] 令人满意; [design, colours, writing, film +] 成功
- 95% of these diets do not work. 这些节食方法95%都不起作用。
- A methodical approach works best. 系统性的方法最有效。
- My plan worked perfectly. 我的计划非常奏效。
- I shouldn't have come, I knew it wouldn't work. 我本不该来, 我知道这没用。
- I don't think those colours really work in here. 我认为那些颜色用在这里不合适。
to work in sb's favour
[factor, age +] 对…产生有利影响;对…起积极作用
to work against sb
[factor, age +] 对…不利
- His attitude worked against him. 他的态度对他产生了不利影响。
6. (take effect) [medicine, drug +] 起作用;产生疗效
- How long does a sleeping pill take to work? 安眠药多长时间开始起效?
7. to work loose
(gradually move) [screw +] (螺丝)松脱; [pin, knot +] (闩销、绳结等)松动
8. (move) [muscles, face, mouth +] 抽动;颤动
- Her mouth was working in her sleep. 她睡着的时候嘴巴还在动。
9. to work in sthorto work with sth
[artist, craftsman +] [+ oils, watercolours] (艺术家、手艺人等)使用(油彩、水彩等)创制; [+ wood, clay] (雕刻师等)使用(木头、泥巴等)制作
10. [mechanism +] (机械部件)松动, 松脱
11. 【酿酒】 (ferment) 发酵
1. (operate in) [sales representative, comedian +] [+ area, region] 在…工作;从事…活动
- She works clubs and pubs. 她在俱乐部和酒吧表演。
2. (cause to labour) [+ person] 使工作;使干活儿;使劳动
to work sb hard 让某人卖力干活儿
to work yourself too hard 让自己拼命工作
to work sb to death 把…累死
3. (manipulate, influence) 操纵;利用;影响
to work a crowd 感召众人
to work the room 笼络一屋子的人
to work your charm on sb 向某人施展魅力;使某人深受感染
to work your magic on sb 对某人产生神奇的影响
4. (cultivate) [+ land] 种;耕种
- Farmers worked the fertile valleys. 农民们在肥沃的山谷里耕种。
5. (exploit) [+ mine, seam] 开;开采
- The mines had first been worked in 1849. 1849年时这些矿第一次被开采。
6. (operate) [+ machine] 使用;操作;使运转
- Many adults depended on their children to work the video. 很多成年人仍然要靠孩子来操作录像机。
7. (shape) [+ clay, wood, stone, leather] 加工;处理;使成形
- The machines needed to extract and work the raw stone. 这些机器需要用来开采加工原石。
8. 【烹】 (handle, manipulate) 按;压;揉
- Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth. 用手掌将面团揉至光滑为止。
to work sth to sth 将…压成…
9. (move) [+ muscles] (尤指在锻炼中)使(身体部位)活动
- Each position will work the muscles in a different way. 每种姿势都会以不同方式活动肌肉。
10. (provoke) 惹起;激起
to work sb into a frenzy 使某人变得狂热
to work yourself into a frenzy 使自己变得狂热
11. (bring about) [+ miracles, change] 做成;造成;使产生
- I can't work miracles, you know. 我不能创造奇迹, 你知道的。
12. 【数】 <美,加拿大> [+ problem] 求解;算出
13. 【缝】 缝制;绣制;编织
14. <俚> (cheat) 哄骗;欺骗;欺诈
15. to have sth all worked out 把…计划周全
- You've got it all worked out, haven't you? 你把一切都计划好了, 不是么?
16. to work out your notice 干满任期;干到合同期满
- There was an interim before her successor actually came because she had to work out her notice. 她的继任者真正来之前有一段过渡期, 因为她得工作到合同期满。
17. sth works itself out
(reach a conclusion) …圆满结束
- People involved in it think it's a nightmare, but I'm sure it will work itself out. 参与其中的人认为这简直就是噩梦, 但是我确信事情会圆满结束。
18. to work your way somewhere
(get physically closer) 艰难地向某地前进
- Rescuers were still working their way towards the trapped men. 营救人员仍在艰难地向被困人员受困地点进发。
19. to work your way to the top
(in job) 由底层员工做起干到高层
- He started as an office boy and worked his way to the top. 他由一个办公室打杂的做起, 一直做到高层。
20. to work your way up
(in job) 由底层员工做起一步步升迁
- Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up. 许多人事部经理都是由秘书或人事助理做起, 再一步步升上去的。
Phrasal Verbs:
work away, work back, work down, work in, work into, work off, work on, work out, work over, work round to, work through, work towards, work up, work up to
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
/wɜːk/, US: /wɜːrk/
工作,劳动,事情;works 著作,作品
v. works, working, worked
/wɜːk/, US: /wɜːrk/
工作,劳动,事情;works 著作,作品
v. works, working, worked
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 工作
n. 工作
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
n. 工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物] 功,手工,作品,机件
v. (使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煅制
n. 工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物] 功,手工,作品,机件
v. (使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煅制
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机词典
n.Abbr. wk.(名词)缩写 wk.
1. Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something. 工作:生产或完成某物的体力的或脑力的努力或活动
2. A job; employment: 工作;职业:
- looking for work. 找工作
3. A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood. 行业:行业、职业或其它谋生的方式
4. Something that one is doing, making, or performing, especially as an occupation or undertaking; a duty or task: 职务,任务:某人正在干、做或实行的某事,尤指作为职业或事业;义务或任务:
- begin the day's work. 开始一天的工作
5. An amount of such activity either done or required: 工作量:做或要求的这种活动的数量:
- a week's work. 一星期的工作量
6. The part of a day devoted to an occupation or undertaking: 工作时间:一天中留给某一职业或事业的那部分时间:
- met her after work. 下班后同她见面
7. One's place of employment: 工作场所,办公室:某人从事职业的地方:
- Should I call you at home or at work? 我该打电话到你家还是办公室?
8. Something that has been produced or accomplished through the effort, activity, or agency of a person or thing: 成果:某物通过人或事的努力、活动或作用而完成或达到:
- This story is the work of an active imagination. Erosion is the work of wind, water, and time. 这个故事是积极想象的成果。侵蚀是风、水和时间的结果
9. Full action or effect of an agency: 效果:一种作用的完全的活动或效果:
- The sleeping pills did their work. 安眠药产生效果
10. An act; a deed: 行为;事迹:
- “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity”(&b{Ecclesiastes 1:14}) “我已经看透了在世上的所有行为;看啊,一切都是虚伪的”(传道书1:14)
11. An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, or literary or musical composition; a work of art. 艺术品:一件艺术的创造,如绘画、雕刻或文学或音乐作品;艺术作品
12. works The output of a writer, an artist, or a musician considered or collected as a whole: works 作品:作家、画家或音乐家被收集为或看作一个整体的作品:
- the works of Shakespeare. 莎士比亚的作品
13. works Engineering structures, such as bridges or dams. works 工程筑构:工程结构,如桥或坝
14. A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress. 防御工事:防御结构,如壕沟或堡垒
15. Needlework, weaving, lacemaking, or a similar textile art. 针线活:针线活,编织、饰带制作或相似的纺织艺术
16. A piece of such textile art. 刺绣品,针织品:一件这样的纺织艺术品
17. A material or piece of material being processed in a machine during manufacture: 材料:制作过程中被机器加工处理的一个或一件材料:
- work to be turned in the lathe. 在车床上塑造的零件
18. works (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A factory, plant, or similar building or complex of buildings where a specific type of business or industry is carried on. Often used in combination: works (与单数或复数动词连用)工厂,厂房:工厂、建筑物、类似的建筑或综合楼,在此进行特殊类型的商业或工业活动。经常用于合成词:
- a steelworks. 钢厂
19. works Internal mechanism: works 内部机件:
- the works of a watch. 手表中的内部机件
20. The manner, style, or quality of working or treatment; workmanship. 工作态度,工做品质,技艺:工作或处理的方式、风格或质量;手艺
21. Abbr. w Physics The transfer of energy from one physical system to another, especially the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that moves the body in the direction of the force. It is calculated as the product of the force and the distance through which the body moves and is expressed in joules, ergs, and foot-pounds. 缩写 w 【物理学】 功:能量从一种物质系统向另一种物质系统的转变,尤指通过使物体朝着力的方向移动的力的应用使能量转移到物体里。它是通过力和物体移动的距离的乘积来计算的,并用焦耳、尔格和尺磅来表示
22. works Theology Moral or righteous acts or deeds: works 【神学】 善行,德行:道德的或公正的行为或事迹:
- salvation by faith rather than works. 与其靠善行,不如靠信仰来拯救
23. works works
24. Informal The full range of possibilities; everything. Used with the : 【非正式用语】 一切:可能性的全部范围;任何事。经常与 the 连用:
- ordered a pizza with the works. 点了全套的比萨饼
25. Slang A thorough beating or other severe treatment. Used with the : 【俚语】 痛打:彻底的拷打或其它残酷的虐待,经常与 the 联用:
- took him outside and gave him the works. 把他带出去痛打一顿
Of, relating to, designed for, or engaged in work. 工作的:工作的,跟工作有关的,为工作设计的,或忙于工作的
v.(动词) worked 也作 wrought [rôt], works
1. To exert oneself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something. 创造,实现:尽力使用自己的体力或脑力以便做、干或完成某事
2. To be employed; have a job. 被雇用;有工作
3. To function; operate: 起作用;操作:
- How does this latch work? 这门闩怎么用?
4. To function or operate in the desired or required way: 如常运转:按要求的或想要的方式起作用或运转:
- The telephone hasn't worked since the thunderstorm. 雷打后电话就不好用了
5. To have a given effect or outcome: 有效:有指定的效果或结果:
- Our friendship works best when we speak our minds. 当我们直言无讳时我们的友谊达到了最深
6. To have the desired effect or outcome; prove successful: 成功:有想要的效果或结果;证明成功的:
- This recipe seems to work. 这个食谱似乎很成功
7. To exert an influence. Used with on or upon : 产生影响,起作用。与 on 或 upon 联用:
- worked on her to join the group. 对她施加影响,以让她参加这组
8. To arrive at a specified condition through gradual or repeated movement: 逐渐进行:通过渐近的或重复的动作达到某种特定的状态:
- The stitches worked loose. 缝线逐渐松了
9. To proceed or progress slowly and laboriously: 缓慢地行进,费力地行进:
- worked through the underbrush. 在矮树林中艰难前行
10. To move in an agitated manner, as with emotion: (因激动)抽动,牵动:因为带着感情,以一种激动的方式移动,:
- Her mouth worked with fear. 她的嘴因害怕而颤抖
11. To behave in a specified way when handled or processed: 处理,加工:在处理或加工时以一种特殊的方式表现:
- Not all metals work easily. 不是所有的金属都容易加工
12. To ferment. 发酵
13. Nautical 【航海】
14. To strain in heavy seas so that the joints give slightly and the fastenings become slack. Used of a boat or ship. 松脱:船在浪大的海上承受巨大压力以至于连接处稍微断裂,系挂物也变松,用于小船或大船
15. To sail against the wind. 逆风航行
16. To undergo small motions that result in friction and wear: 逐渐磨损:经历小的运动造成磨擦和磨损的:
- The gears work against each other. 齿轮互相磨损及物动词)
1. To cause or effect; bring about: 造成:造成或影响;产生:
- working miracles. 造成奇迹
2. To cause to operate or function; actuate, use, or manage: 使运行或起作用;运转、使用或运行:
- worked the controls; can work a lathe. 开动操纵装置;会操纵车床
3. To shape or forge: 塑成或锻造:
- worked the metal into a sculpture. 把金属锻成一个雕像
4. To make or decorate by needlework: 用针线活来做或装饰:
- work a sampler. 刺绣
5. To solve (a problem) by calculation and reasoning. 通过计算和推理来解决(问题)
6. To knead, stir, or otherwise manipulate in preparation: 揉,搅:揉、搅或准备时的其他操作:
- Work the dough before shaping it. 在使其成形之前揉面团
7. To bring to a specified condition by gradual or repeated effort or work: 奋力达到:通过渐近的或重复的努力或工作达到一个特定的状态:
- finally worked the window open; worked the slaves to death. 最终把窗打开;把奴隶们累死
8. To make, achieve, or pay for by work or effort: 努力造成:凭工作或努力做、达到或支付:
- worked her way to the top; worked his passage on the ship. 走她通向权高位显的路;他在船上弄出一条通道来
9. Informal To arrange or contrive. Often used with it : 【非正式用语】 安排或设计。经常和 it 一起用:
- worked it so that her weekends are free. 这样安排让她的周末空闲下来
10. To make productive; cultivate: 使有生产能力;培植:
- work a farm. 经营农场
11. To cause to work: 使工作:
- works his laborers hard. 让他的工人努力工作
12. To excite or provoke: 激起,煽动:
- worked the mob into a frenzy. 使这些民众疯狂
13. Informal 【非正式用语】
14. To gratify, cajole, or enchant artfully, especially for the purpose of influencing: 哄,使着迷:使高兴,以甜言密语诱惑或欺骗,或巧妙地使迷醉,尤指为了影响的目的:
- The politician worked the crowd. The comedian worked the room with flawless rhythm. 政客游说观众。戏剧演员用完美无缺的节拍影响了全屋的人
15. To use or manipulate to one's own advantage; exploit: 利用:利用或操纵某人的优势;利用:
- learned how to work the system; worked his relatives for sympathy. 学会怎样操纵这个系统;利用他的亲戚们的同情心
16. To carry on an operation or a function in or through: 负责:执行运作或使发生效果:
- the agent who works that area; working the phones for donations. 负责该区的代理商;负责接听捐款电话
17. To ferment (liquor, for example). 发酵(如酒)
work in
1. To insert or introduce: 插进或引进:
- worked in a request for money. 话锋一转要起钱来
2. To make an opening for, as in a schedule: 安插:为…制造机会,如在日程表中:
- said the doctor would try to work her in. 大夫说将尽力为她抽出时间看病
3. To cause to be inserted by repeated or continuous effort. 努力插入:经过反复的或不断的努力使被插进去work into
1. To insert or introduce into. 插进或引进
2. To make an opening for (someone or something) in: 为某人或某物制造机会:
- worked a few field trips into the semester's calendar. 在本学期的日程表里插进几次实地考察旅行
3. To cause to be inserted in by repeated or continuous effort: 努力插入:经过重复的或不断的努力使被插到里面去:
- worked the pick into the lock. 把撬锁的尖头工具插到锁里去work off
To get rid of by work or effort: 通过工作或努力除掉:
- work off extra pounds; work off a debt. 除掉多余的重量;用工作清偿债务work out
1. To accomplish by work or effort. 通过工作或努力完成
2. To find a solution for; solve: 找到解答;解决:
- worked out the equations; worked out their personal differences. 解出方程式;找到他们个人的区别
3. To formulate or develop: 作出,制定出:
- work out a plan. 制定计划
4. To discharge (an obligation or a debt) with labor in place of money. 偿还:用劳力替代金钱,以免除(义务或债务)
5. To prove successful, effective, or satisfactory: 成功,令人满意:证明成功的、有效的或令人满意的:
- The new strategy may not work out. 新战略也许不会有令人满意的效果
6. To have a specified result: 有特定的结果:
- The ratio works out to an odd number. It worked out that everyone left on the same train. 比例结果是奇数。结果每个人都乘同一列火车离开
7. To engage in strenuous exercise for physical conditioning. 锻炼身体:为身体状态致力于艰苦的锻炼
8. To exhaust (a mine, for example). 耗尽(如矿)work over
1. To do for a second time; rework. 翻新:重新加工翻新;重做
2. Slang To inflict severe physical damage on; beat up. 【俚语】 痛打:给予严重身体伤害;痛打work up
1. To arouse the emotions of; excite. 激起情感;使兴奋
2. To increase one's skill, responsibility, efficiency, or status through work: 逐步发展,逐步进步:通过工作提高某人的技巧、责任、效率或地位:
- worked up to 30 sit-ups a day; worked up to store manager. 逐渐进步到每天做到30个仰卧起坐;逐渐做到商店经理的职位
3. To intensify gradually: 渐渐加强:
- The film works up to a thrilling climax. 这电影逐渐发展到令人惊悚的高潮
4. To develop or produce by mental or physical effort: 努力促成:经过脑力的或体力的努力发展或产生:
- worked up a patient profile; worked up an appetite. 精心整理出病人的记录;努力培养胃口
at work
1. Engaged in labor; working: 忙于劳动;在工作:
- I'm at work on a new project now. 我现在正忙于一个新工程
2. In operation: 在实行中:
- inflationary forces at work in the economy. 在经济领域中通货膨胀的作用in the works
In preparation; under development: 准备中;发展中:
- has a novel in the works. 有一部正在酝酿的小说out of work
Without a job; unemployed. 没有工作的;未被雇用的put in work
To perform labor or duties, as on a specified project: 从事工作:就一个特定的项目进行劳动或履行义务:
- put in work on the plastering. 进行涂灰泥的工作work both sides of the street
To engage in double-dealing; be duplicitous. 口是心非的;心口不一的work like a charm
To function very well or have a very good effect or outcome. 运行得特别好或有很好的效果或结果work (one's) fingers to the bone
To labor extremely hard; toil or travail. 极端努力地工作;辛劳或劳苦
n.Abbr. wk.(名词)缩写 wk.
1. Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something. 工作:生产或完成某物的体力的或脑力的努力或活动
2. A job; employment: 工作;职业:
- looking for work. 找工作
3. A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood. 行业:行业、职业或其它谋生的方式
4. Something that one is doing, making, or performing, especially as an occupation or undertaking; a duty or task: 职务,任务:某人正在干、做或实行的某事,尤指作为职业或事业;义务或任务:
- begin the day's work. 开始一天的工作
5. An amount of such activity either done or required: 工作量:做或要求的这种活动的数量:
- a week's work. 一星期的工作量
6. The part of a day devoted to an occupation or undertaking: 工作时间:一天中留给某一职业或事业的那部分时间:
- met her after work. 下班后同她见面
7. One's place of employment: 工作场所,办公室:某人从事职业的地方:
- Should I call you at home or at work? 我该打电话到你家还是办公室?
8. Something that has been produced or accomplished through the effort, activity, or agency of a person or thing: 成果:某物通过人或事的努力、活动或作用而完成或达到:
- This story is the work of an active imagination. Erosion is the work of wind, water, and time. 这个故事是积极想象的成果。侵蚀是风、水和时间的结果
9. Full action or effect of an agency: 效果:一种作用的完全的活动或效果:
- The sleeping pills did their work. 安眠药产生效果
10. An act; a deed: 行为;事迹:
- “I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity”(&b{Ecclesiastes 1:14}) “我已经看透了在世上的所有行为;看啊,一切都是虚伪的”(传道书1:14)
11. An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, or literary or musical composition; a work of art. 艺术品:一件艺术的创造,如绘画、雕刻或文学或音乐作品;艺术作品
12. works The output of a writer, an artist, or a musician considered or collected as a whole: works 作品:作家、画家或音乐家被收集为或看作一个整体的作品:
- the works of Shakespeare. 莎士比亚的作品
13. works Engineering structures, such as bridges or dams. works 工程筑构:工程结构,如桥或坝
14. A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress. 防御工事:防御结构,如壕沟或堡垒
15. Needlework, weaving, lacemaking, or a similar textile art. 针线活:针线活,编织、饰带制作或相似的纺织艺术
16. A piece of such textile art. 刺绣品,针织品:一件这样的纺织艺术品
17. A material or piece of material being processed in a machine during manufacture: 材料:制作过程中被机器加工处理的一个或一件材料:
- work to be turned in the lathe. 在车床上塑造的零件
18. works (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A factory, plant, or similar building or complex of buildings where a specific type of business or industry is carried on. Often used in combination: works (与单数或复数动词连用)工厂,厂房:工厂、建筑物、类似的建筑或综合楼,在此进行特殊类型的商业或工业活动。经常用于合成词:
- a steelworks. 钢厂
19. works Internal mechanism: works 内部机件:
- the works of a watch. 手表中的内部机件
20. The manner, style, or quality of working or treatment; workmanship. 工作态度,工做品质,技艺:工作或处理的方式、风格或质量;手艺
21. Abbr. w Physics The transfer of energy from one physical system to another, especially the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that moves the body in the direction of the force. It is calculated as the product of the force and the distance through which the body moves and is expressed in joules, ergs, and foot-pounds. 缩写 w 【物理学】 功:能量从一种物质系统向另一种物质系统的转变,尤指通过使物体朝着力的方向移动的力的应用使能量转移到物体里。它是通过力和物体移动的距离的乘积来计算的,并用焦耳、尔格和尺磅来表示
22. works Theology Moral or righteous acts or deeds: works 【神学】 善行,德行:道德的或公正的行为或事迹:
- salvation by faith rather than works. 与其靠善行,不如靠信仰来拯救
23. works works
24. Informal The full range of possibilities; everything. Used with the : 【非正式用语】 一切:可能性的全部范围;任何事。经常与 the 连用:
- ordered a pizza with the works. 点了全套的比萨饼
25. Slang A thorough beating or other severe treatment. Used with the : 【俚语】 痛打:彻底的拷打或其它残酷的虐待,经常与 the 联用:
- took him outside and gave him the works. 把他带出去痛打一顿
Of, relating to, designed for, or engaged in work. 工作的:工作的,跟工作有关的,为工作设计的,或忙于工作的
v.(动词) worked 也作 wrought [rôt], works
1. To exert oneself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something. 创造,实现:尽力使用自己的体力或脑力以便做、干或完成某事
2. To be employed; have a job. 被雇用;有工作
3. To function; operate: 起作用;操作:
- How does this latch work? 这门闩怎么用?
4. To function or operate in the desired or required way: 如常运转:按要求的或想要的方式起作用或运转:
- The telephone hasn't worked since the thunderstorm. 雷打后电话就不好用了
5. To have a given effect or outcome: 有效:有指定的效果或结果:
- Our friendship works best when we speak our minds. 当我们直言无讳时我们的友谊达到了最深
6. To have the desired effect or outcome; prove successful: 成功:有想要的效果或结果;证明成功的:
- This recipe seems to work. 这个食谱似乎很成功
7. To exert an influence. Used with on or upon : 产生影响,起作用。与 on 或 upon 联用:
- worked on her to join the group. 对她施加影响,以让她参加这组
8. To arrive at a specified condition through gradual or repeated movement: 逐渐进行:通过渐近的或重复的动作达到某种特定的状态:
- The stitches worked loose. 缝线逐渐松了
9. To proceed or progress slowly and laboriously: 缓慢地行进,费力地行进:
- worked through the underbrush. 在矮树林中艰难前行
10. To move in an agitated manner, as with emotion: (因激动)抽动,牵动:因为带着感情,以一种激动的方式移动,:
- Her mouth worked with fear. 她的嘴因害怕而颤抖
11. To behave in a specified way when handled or processed: 处理,加工:在处理或加工时以一种特殊的方式表现:
- Not all metals work easily. 不是所有的金属都容易加工
12. To ferment. 发酵
13. Nautical 【航海】
14. To strain in heavy seas so that the joints give slightly and the fastenings become slack. Used of a boat or ship. 松脱:船在浪大的海上承受巨大压力以至于连接处稍微断裂,系挂物也变松,用于小船或大船
15. To sail against the wind. 逆风航行
16. To undergo small motions that result in friction and wear: 逐渐磨损:经历小的运动造成磨擦和磨损的:
- The gears work against each other. 齿轮互相磨损及物动词)
1. To cause or effect; bring about: 造成:造成或影响;产生:
- working miracles. 造成奇迹
2. To cause to operate or function; actuate, use, or manage: 使运行或起作用;运转、使用或运行:
- worked the controls; can work a lathe. 开动操纵装置;会操纵车床
3. To shape or forge: 塑成或锻造:
- worked the metal into a sculpture. 把金属锻成一个雕像
4. To make or decorate by needlework: 用针线活来做或装饰:
- work a sampler. 刺绣
5. To solve (a problem) by calculation and reasoning. 通过计算和推理来解决(问题)
6. To knead, stir, or otherwise manipulate in preparation: 揉,搅:揉、搅或准备时的其他操作:
- Work the dough before shaping it. 在使其成形之前揉面团
7. To bring to a specified condition by gradual or repeated effort or work: 奋力达到:通过渐近的或重复的努力或工作达到一个特定的状态:
- finally worked the window open; worked the slaves to death. 最终把窗打开;把奴隶们累死
8. To make, achieve, or pay for by work or effort: 努力造成:凭工作或努力做、达到或支付:
- worked her way to the top; worked his passage on the ship. 走她通向权高位显的路;他在船上弄出一条通道来
9. Informal To arrange or contrive. Often used with it : 【非正式用语】 安排或设计。经常和 it 一起用:
- worked it so that her weekends are free. 这样安排让她的周末空闲下来
10. To make productive; cultivate: 使有生产能力;培植:
- work a farm. 经营农场
11. To cause to work: 使工作:
- works his laborers hard. 让他的工人努力工作
12. To excite or provoke: 激起,煽动:
- worked the mob into a frenzy. 使这些民众疯狂
13. Informal 【非正式用语】
14. To gratify, cajole, or enchant artfully, especially for the purpose of influencing: 哄,使着迷:使高兴,以甜言密语诱惑或欺骗,或巧妙地使迷醉,尤指为了影响的目的:
- The politician worked the crowd. The comedian worked the room with flawless rhythm. 政客游说观众。戏剧演员用完美无缺的节拍影响了全屋的人
15. To use or manipulate to one's own advantage; exploit: 利用:利用或操纵某人的优势;利用:
- learned how to work the system; worked his relatives for sympathy. 学会怎样操纵这个系统;利用他的亲戚们的同情心
16. To carry on an operation or a function in or through: 负责:执行运作或使发生效果:
- the agent who works that area; working the phones for donations. 负责该区的代理商;负责接听捐款电话
17. To ferment (liquor, for example). 发酵(如酒)
work in
1. To insert or introduce: 插进或引进:
- worked in a request for money. 话锋一转要起钱来
2. To make an opening for, as in a schedule: 安插:为…制造机会,如在日程表中:
- said the doctor would try to work her in. 大夫说将尽力为她抽出时间看病
3. To cause to be inserted by repeated or continuous effort. 努力插入:经过反复的或不断的努力使被插进去work into
1. To insert or introduce into. 插进或引进
2. To make an opening for (someone or something) in: 为某人或某物制造机会:
- worked a few field trips into the semester's calendar. 在本学期的日程表里插进几次实地考察旅行
3. To cause to be inserted in by repeated or continuous effort: 努力插入:经过重复的或不断的努力使被插到里面去:
- worked the pick into the lock. 把撬锁的尖头工具插到锁里去work off
To get rid of by work or effort: 通过工作或努力除掉:
- work off extra pounds; work off a debt. 除掉多余的重量;用工作清偿债务work out
1. To accomplish by work or effort. 通过工作或努力完成
2. To find a solution for; solve: 找到解答;解决:
- worked out the equations; worked out their personal differences. 解出方程式;找到他们个人的区别
3. To formulate or develop: 作出,制定出:
- work out a plan. 制定计划
4. To discharge (an obligation or a debt) with labor in place of money. 偿还:用劳力替代金钱,以免除(义务或债务)
5. To prove successful, effective, or satisfactory: 成功,令人满意:证明成功的、有效的或令人满意的:
- The new strategy may not work out. 新战略也许不会有令人满意的效果
6. To have a specified result: 有特定的结果:
- The ratio works out to an odd number. It worked out that everyone left on the same train. 比例结果是奇数。结果每个人都乘同一列火车离开
7. To engage in strenuous exercise for physical conditioning. 锻炼身体:为身体状态致力于艰苦的锻炼
8. To exhaust (a mine, for example). 耗尽(如矿)work over
1. To do for a second time; rework. 翻新:重新加工翻新;重做
2. Slang To inflict severe physical damage on; beat up. 【俚语】 痛打:给予严重身体伤害;痛打work up
1. To arouse the emotions of; excite. 激起情感;使兴奋
2. To increase one's skill, responsibility, efficiency, or status through work: 逐步发展,逐步进步:通过工作提高某人的技巧、责任、效率或地位:
- worked up to 30 sit-ups a day; worked up to store manager. 逐渐进步到每天做到30个仰卧起坐;逐渐做到商店经理的职位
3. To intensify gradually: 渐渐加强:
- The film works up to a thrilling climax. 这电影逐渐发展到令人惊悚的高潮
4. To develop or produce by mental or physical effort: 努力促成:经过脑力的或体力的努力发展或产生:
- worked up a patient profile; worked up an appetite. 精心整理出病人的记录;努力培养胃口
at work
1. Engaged in labor; working: 忙于劳动;在工作:
- I'm at work on a new project now. 我现在正忙于一个新工程
2. In operation: 在实行中:
- inflationary forces at work in the economy. 在经济领域中通货膨胀的作用in the works
In preparation; under development: 准备中;发展中:
- has a novel in the works. 有一部正在酝酿的小说out of work
Without a job; unemployed. 没有工作的;未被雇用的put in work
To perform labor or duties, as on a specified project: 从事工作:就一个特定的项目进行劳动或履行义务:
- put in work on the plastering. 进行涂灰泥的工作work both sides of the street
To engage in double-dealing; be duplicitous. 口是心非的;心口不一的work like a charm
To function very well or have a very good effect or outcome. 运行得特别好或有很好的效果或结果work (one's) fingers to the bone
To labor extremely hard; toil or travail. 极端努力地工作;辛劳或劳苦
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
n. 工作,劳动,操作,加工,著作,制品;vt. 工作,加工,研究,证实,劳动,运行
n. 工作,劳动,操作,加工,著作,制品;vt. 工作,加工,研究,证实,劳动,运行
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
n. 工作,著者,著作,作品,作业 ;v.劳动
n. 工作,著者,著作,作品,作业 ;v.劳动
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
(1) 工作;劳动
(2) 职业;行业
(3) 为某一目的的行为;行动 v.
(4) 劳动
(5) 提供服务
(6) (为欺诈)而说服或试图说服;哄骗
(1) 工作;劳动
(2) 职业;行业
(3) 为某一目的的行为;行动 v.
(4) 劳动
(5) 提供服务
(6) (为欺诈)而说服或试图说服;哄骗
- 英语>简体中文, 英美法词典
n. 著作,功
n. 著作,功
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
n. 工作,加工,工厂,著作,功,工作
n. 工作,加工,工厂,著作,功,工作
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉汽车词典
vt. & vi.
- He's been working hard all day. 他辛劳地工作了一天。
(使)运作, 运转
- All the telephones don't work properly today. 今天所有电话机都出故障了。
- I know how to work the machine. 我知道如何开动机器。
- If the scheme works, most of the peasants in this area will be rich. 如果计划成功, 这地区的大部分农民将富起来。
- The newspapers say this new drug can work wonders. 报上说这种新药有奇效。
工作, 劳动, 作业
- I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。
- She's devoted her life to good work. 她献身于慈善事业。
工作成果, 产品
- The villagers sell their work to tourists. 村民们将工艺品卖给旅游者。
著作, 作品
- She is reading a new work on acupuncture. 她正在看一本关于针灸疗法的新书。
- The works have closed for the Christmas holiday. 圣诞假期, 这些工厂歇工了。
- If you push hard against something and move it, you have done work. 如果你用力推一件东西, 并且移动它, 那你就做了功。
vt. & vi.
- He's been working hard all day. 他辛劳地工作了一天。
(使)运作, 运转
- All the telephones don't work properly today. 今天所有电话机都出故障了。
- I know how to work the machine. 我知道如何开动机器。
- If the scheme works, most of the peasants in this area will be rich. 如果计划成功, 这地区的大部分农民将富起来。
- The newspapers say this new drug can work wonders. 报上说这种新药有奇效。
工作, 劳动, 作业
- I have a lot of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。
- She's devoted her life to good work. 她献身于慈善事业。
工作成果, 产品
- The villagers sell their work to tourists. 村民们将工艺品卖给旅游者。
著作, 作品
- She is reading a new work on acupuncture. 她正在看一本关于针灸疗法的新书。
- The works have closed for the Christmas holiday. 圣诞假期, 这些工厂歇工了。
- If you push hard against something and move it, you have done work. 如果你用力推一件东西, 并且移动它, 那你就做了功。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
He hates hard work. 他讨厌辛勤工作。
SYNONYM 同义词:[informal日常用语] donkey-work, drudgery, effort, exertion, [informal日常用语] fag, [informal日常用语] graft,[informal日常用语] grind, industry, labour,[informal日常用语] plod (It was sheer plod 这全然是件吃力的工作), slavery, [informal日常用语] slog, [informal日常用语] spadework, [informal日常用语] sweat, toil.
He set me work to do. 他派了件差事给我做。
SYNONYM 同义词:assignment, chore, commission, homework,housework, job, project, task, undertaking.
What work do you do? 你的职业是什么?
SYNONYM 同义词:business, employment, job, livelihood, living,occupation, profession, trade.
(noun 名词)
He hates hard work. 他讨厌辛勤工作。
SYNONYM 同义词:[informal日常用语] donkey-work, drudgery, effort, exertion, [informal日常用语] fag, [informal日常用语] graft,[informal日常用语] grind, industry, labour,[informal日常用语] plod (It was sheer plod 这全然是件吃力的工作), slavery, [informal日常用语] slog, [informal日常用语] spadework, [informal日常用语] sweat, toil.
He set me work to do. 他派了件差事给我做。
SYNONYM 同义词:assignment, chore, commission, homework,housework, job, project, task, undertaking.
What work do you do? 你的职业是什么?
SYNONYM 同义词:business, employment, job, livelihood, living,occupation, profession, trade.
(verb 动词)
SYNONYM 同义词:[informal日常用语] beaver away, be busy, drudge, exertyourself, [informal日常用语] fag, [informal日常用语] grind away, [informal日常用语] to keepyour nose to the grindstone, labour, makeefforts, [informal日常用语] peg away, [informal日常用语] plug away, [informal日常用语] potterabout, slave, sweat, toil.
She works her staff hard. 她要职员辛苦工作。
SYNONYM 同义词:drive, exploit.
Does your watch work? 你的表走吗?
I hope my plan works. 我希望我的计划行得通。
SYNONYM 同义词:act, be effective, function, go, operate,perform, run, succeed, thrive.
to work out 算出
to work out answers. 算出答案。
SEE参阅 calculate.
to work up 激起
to work up an appetite. 激起食欲。
SEE参阅 develop.
worked up 激动的
SEE参阅 excited.
(verb 动词)
SYNONYM 同义词:[informal日常用语] beaver away, be busy, drudge, exertyourself, [informal日常用语] fag, [informal日常用语] grind away, [informal日常用语] to keepyour nose to the grindstone, labour, makeefforts, [informal日常用语] peg away, [informal日常用语] plug away, [informal日常用语] potterabout, slave, sweat, toil.
She works her staff hard. 她要职员辛苦工作。
SYNONYM 同义词:drive, exploit.
Does your watch work? 你的表走吗?
I hope my plan works. 我希望我的计划行得通。
SYNONYM 同义词:act, be effective, function, go, operate,perform, run, succeed, thrive.
to work out 算出
to work out answers. 算出答案。
SEE参阅 calculate.
to work up 激起
to work up an appetite. 激起食欲。
SEE参阅 develop.
worked up 激动的
SEE参阅 excited.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
all ,work and no 'play (makes ,Jack a dull'boy) (saying)
it is not healthy to spend all your time working,you need to relax too 整天用功不玩耍﹙聪明孩子也变傻﹚
be at 'work
be having an influence or effect 起作用:
Why did they lose the election? Several factors were at work … 他们为什么输了大选?是很多因素造成的?
Evil forces are at work in this organization.在这个组织里,邪恶势力在起作用。
go/set about your 'work
start to do your work 开始干活;着手做自己的工作:
She went cheerfully about her work. 她兴高采烈地开始工作。
go/set to 'work (on sth) (alsoget (down) to'work (on sth))
start working on a particular task 开始干某事;着手某项工作:
I set to work on the car, giving it a good clean. 我开始拾掇我的汽车,彻底擦洗了一番。
I ought to get to work on that essay.我应该开始写那篇文章了。
have (got) your 'work cut out (to do sth/doing sth) (informal)
be likely to have difficulty doing sth ﹙做某事﹚可能有困难;面对棘手的任务:
You’ll have your work cut out to get there before nine. It’s 8.30 already. 你九点前赶到那可不容易,现在已经八点半了。
I won’t be able to come with you today. I’ve got my work cut out for me at the moment.我今天不能陪你去了,我现在无法分身。
in/out of 'work
having/not having a paid job 有工作;失业:
I’ve been out of work for a year. 我已经失业一年了。
Is your husband in work at the moment? 你丈夫现在有工作吗?
an out-of-work actor 一个失业的演员
put/set sb to 'work (on sth)
make sb start work (doing sth) 使某人做某事:
On his first day in the office they put him to work on some typing. 他第一天上班时,被派去打字。
work all the ,hours God 'sends (informal)
work all the time 利用一切可能的时间工作;全力以赴:
‘You look tired, Jane.’ ‘I’m working all the hours God sends at the moment trying to finish my thesis.’ “简,你看上去很疲惫。”“我正在拚命赶论文。”
work your 'arse off (BrE)(AmE work your 'ass off) (slang)
work very hard 拚命工作
work your ,fingers to the 'bone (informal)
work very hard 拚老命干;不停手地干:
It’s not fair—I work my fingers to the bone all day and then I have to cook and clean in the evenings. 这不公平。我白天拚命工作,晚上还得做饭,打扫卫生。
'work it/things (so that …) (informal)
plan sth carefully to get the result you want;organize or arrange sth 想办法;巧妙安排﹙以获成功﹚:
Can you work it so that we get free tickets?你能不能想想办法,弄些免费的票?
I worked things so that I could take all my holidays in July and August. 我想各种办法,希望把自己的假期全部安排在七、八月份。
,work like a 'charm(informal)
quickly have the effect you want; work like magic非常灵验;非常奏效:
I don’t know what she said to him, but it worked like a charm—he’s much more cooperative now. 我不知道她对他说了些什么,但是收到了奇效;他现在非常合作。
,work like a 'dog/'slave/'Trojan (informal)
work very hard 埋头苦干;拚命干:
She worked like a slave to pass her exams. 为了通过考试,她真玩了命。
work a 'treat (BrE,informal)
be very effective or successful 有效;十分有用:
His idea worked a treat. 他的点子很有用。
,work your way through 'college, etc.
have a paid job while you are a student 勤工俭学;半工半读:
She had to work her way through law school. 她不得不靠勤工俭学上完法学院。
,work your way 'up
start with a badly-paid, unimportant job and workhard until you get a well-paid, important job 由底层员工做起;步步升高:
He’s worked his way up from an office junior to managing director. 他从办公室初级职员一步步升到了总裁的位置。
work/do 'wonders/'miracles (for/on/with sb/sth) (informal)
have a very good effect (on sb/sth); quickly succeed创造奇迹;产生奇效;迅速成功:
Getting the job did wonders for her self-confidence. 获得这份工作后,她自信心大增。
This washing powder will work miracles on those difficult stains. 这种洗衣粉对付顽渍有奇效。
'miracle-worker noun:
I just don’t have enough time to finish it. I’m sorry,but I’m not a miracle-worker. 时间不够,我做不完。很抱歉,我没法创造奇迹。
,work yourself/sb to 'death (informal)
(make sb) work very hard ﹙使﹚累死累活地干:
That company is working him to death. 在那家公司里工作把他累得要死。
She works herself to death and nobody ever thanks her for anything. 她辛苦劳动,累得要死,却得不到一句感谢的话。
all in a day’s work 另见day
the devil makes work for idle hands 另见devil
(do sb’s) dirty work 另见dirty
the donkey work 另见donkey
drive/run/work yourself into the ground 另见ground
a job of work 另见job
make hard work of sth 另见hard
make light work of sth 另见light
make short work of sth/sb 另见short
many hands make light work 另见hands
a nasty piece of work 另见nasty
nice work! 另见nice
nice work if you can get it 另见nice
slog/sweat/work your guts out 另见guts
too much like hard work 另见hard
work/go like a dream 另见dream
work yourself into a lather 另见lather
all ,work and no 'play (makes ,Jack a dull'boy) (saying)
it is not healthy to spend all your time working,you need to relax too 整天用功不玩耍﹙聪明孩子也变傻﹚
be at 'work
be having an influence or effect 起作用:
Why did they lose the election? Several factors were at work … 他们为什么输了大选?是很多因素造成的?
Evil forces are at work in this organization.在这个组织里,邪恶势力在起作用。
go/set about your 'work
start to do your work 开始干活;着手做自己的工作:
She went cheerfully about her work. 她兴高采烈地开始工作。
go/set to 'work (on sth) (alsoget (down) to'work (on sth))
start working on a particular task 开始干某事;着手某项工作:
I set to work on the car, giving it a good clean. 我开始拾掇我的汽车,彻底擦洗了一番。
I ought to get to work on that essay.我应该开始写那篇文章了。
have (got) your 'work cut out (to do sth/doing sth) (informal)
be likely to have difficulty doing sth ﹙做某事﹚可能有困难;面对棘手的任务:
You’ll have your work cut out to get there before nine. It’s 8.30 already. 你九点前赶到那可不容易,现在已经八点半了。
I won’t be able to come with you today. I’ve got my work cut out for me at the moment.我今天不能陪你去了,我现在无法分身。
in/out of 'work
having/not having a paid job 有工作;失业:
I’ve been out of work for a year. 我已经失业一年了。
Is your husband in work at the moment? 你丈夫现在有工作吗?
an out-of-work actor 一个失业的演员
put/set sb to 'work (on sth)
make sb start work (doing sth) 使某人做某事:
On his first day in the office they put him to work on some typing. 他第一天上班时,被派去打字。
work all the ,hours God 'sends (informal)
work all the time 利用一切可能的时间工作;全力以赴:
‘You look tired, Jane.’ ‘I’m working all the hours God sends at the moment trying to finish my thesis.’ “简,你看上去很疲惫。”“我正在拚命赶论文。”
work your 'arse off (BrE)(AmE work your 'ass off) (slang)
work very hard 拚命工作
work your ,fingers to the 'bone (informal)
work very hard 拚老命干;不停手地干:
It’s not fair—I work my fingers to the bone all day and then I have to cook and clean in the evenings. 这不公平。我白天拚命工作,晚上还得做饭,打扫卫生。
'work it/things (so that …) (informal)
plan sth carefully to get the result you want;organize or arrange sth 想办法;巧妙安排﹙以获成功﹚:
Can you work it so that we get free tickets?你能不能想想办法,弄些免费的票?
I worked things so that I could take all my holidays in July and August. 我想各种办法,希望把自己的假期全部安排在七、八月份。
,work like a 'charm(informal)
quickly have the effect you want; work like magic非常灵验;非常奏效:
I don’t know what she said to him, but it worked like a charm—he’s much more cooperative now. 我不知道她对他说了些什么,但是收到了奇效;他现在非常合作。
,work like a 'dog/'slave/'Trojan (informal)
work very hard 埋头苦干;拚命干:
She worked like a slave to pass her exams. 为了通过考试,她真玩了命。
work a 'treat (BrE,informal)
be very effective or successful 有效;十分有用:
His idea worked a treat. 他的点子很有用。
,work your way through 'college, etc.
have a paid job while you are a student 勤工俭学;半工半读:
She had to work her way through law school. 她不得不靠勤工俭学上完法学院。
,work your way 'up
start with a badly-paid, unimportant job and workhard until you get a well-paid, important job 由底层员工做起;步步升高:
He’s worked his way up from an office junior to managing director. 他从办公室初级职员一步步升到了总裁的位置。
work/do 'wonders/'miracles (for/on/with sb/sth) (informal)
have a very good effect (on sb/sth); quickly succeed创造奇迹;产生奇效;迅速成功:
Getting the job did wonders for her self-confidence. 获得这份工作后,她自信心大增。
This washing powder will work miracles on those difficult stains. 这种洗衣粉对付顽渍有奇效。
'miracle-worker noun:
I just don’t have enough time to finish it. I’m sorry,but I’m not a miracle-worker. 时间不够,我做不完。很抱歉,我没法创造奇迹。
,work yourself/sb to 'death (informal)
(make sb) work very hard ﹙使﹚累死累活地干:
That company is working him to death. 在那家公司里工作把他累得要死。
She works herself to death and nobody ever thanks her for anything. 她辛苦劳动,累得要死,却得不到一句感谢的话。
all in a day’s work 另见day
the devil makes work for idle hands 另见devil
(do sb’s) dirty work 另见dirty
the donkey work 另见donkey
drive/run/work yourself into the ground 另见ground
a job of work 另见job
make hard work of sth 另见hard
make light work of sth 另见light
make short work of sth/sb 另见short
many hands make light work 另见hands
a nasty piece of work 另见nasty
nice work! 另见nice
nice work if you can get it 另见nice
slog/sweat/work your guts out 另见guts
too much like hard work 另见hard
work/go like a dream 另见dream
work yourself into a lather 另见lather
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
工作, 劳动, 作业
职业, 业务
行为; 作用, 成效, 【物】功
[常用复, 有时作a work]著作, (艺术)作品
成果, 产品, 制作品, 针线活, 刺绣品
[pl. ](建筑等)工程;【军】(防御)工事
工件; 工作物; [pl.][用作单或复]工厂
[pl. ]活动的机件
工作质量; (发酵产生的)泡沫; [pl.]【宗】德行, 功德
- look for work 找职业, 找工作
- The medicine has begun to do its work. 药已开始起作用了。
- The villagers sell their work to tourists. 村民们把他们的手工艺品卖给旅游者。
工作, 劳动, 作业
职业, 业务
行为; 作用, 成效, 【物】功
[常用复, 有时作a work]著作, (艺术)作品
成果, 产品, 制作品, 针线活, 刺绣品
[pl. ](建筑等)工程;【军】(防御)工事
工件; 工作物; [pl.][用作单或复]工厂
[pl. ]活动的机件
工作质量; (发酵产生的)泡沫; [pl.]【宗】德行, 功德
- look for work 找职业, 找工作
- The medicine has begun to do its work. 药已开始起作用了。
- The villagers sell their work to tourists. 村民们把他们的手工艺品卖给旅游者。
(worked wrought)
工作, 干活; 做(at)
起作用, 有成效
(脸等)抽搐, 跳动
激动, 翻腾; 不平静
被加工, 揉捏
- work at a new invention 从事一项新的发明
- The plan worked well. 这项计划很成功。
- The root worked down between the stones. 树根在石缝间扎下去。
- His face worked with emotion. 他激动得面部抽搐。
- The sea works high. 海浪汹涌起伏。
- Yeast makes beer work. 酵母使啤酒发酵。
(worked wrought)
工作, 干活; 做(at)
起作用, 有成效
(脸等)抽搐, 跳动
激动, 翻腾; 不平静
被加工, 揉捏
- work at a new invention 从事一项新的发明
- The plan worked well. 这项计划很成功。
- The root worked down between the stones. 树根在石缝间扎下去。
- His face worked with emotion. 他激动得面部抽搐。
- The sea works high. 海浪汹涌起伏。
- Yeast makes beer work. 酵母使啤酒发酵。
使工作, 使干活
计算, 解决
使转动, 开动, 操作; 经营, 管理, 主管
[过去式和过去分词常用wrought]造成, 引起, 促使
[过去式和过去分词常用wrought]影响; 说服; 劝诱
费力地通过; 通过努力取得
形成, 做成
缝上, 绣, 织, 精工细做
炼(铁); 揉(面等); 搅(黄油)
[口]利用; 哄骗
耕作; 使芽接, 嫁接(on)
- work an abacus 打算盘
- work a farm 经营农场
- work wonders 创造奇迹
- work one's way of thinking 说服某人使其与自己的想法一致
- work one's way through college 靠做工读完大学
- work a sweater 织毛衣
- work a friend for a loan 骗借朋友的钱
使工作, 使干活
计算, 解决
使转动, 开动, 操作; 经营, 管理, 主管
[过去式和过去分词常用wrought]造成, 引起, 促使
[过去式和过去分词常用wrought]影响; 说服; 劝诱
费力地通过; 通过努力取得
形成, 做成
缝上, 绣, 织, 精工细做
炼(铁); 揉(面等); 搅(黄油)
[口]利用; 哄骗
耕作; 使芽接, 嫁接(on)
- work an abacus 打算盘
- work a farm 经营农场
- work wonders 创造奇迹
- work one's way of thinking 说服某人使其与自己的想法一致
- work one's way through college 靠做工读完大学
- work a sweater 织毛衣
- work a friend for a loan 骗借朋友的钱
- work camp (犯人)劳动营
- work clothes 工作服
- work force (一个国家、地区或工厂等的)劳动力, 劳动大军
学生用的辅助练习册; 工作规程书; 工作手册
针线箱; 工具盒
劳动者, 尤指农业劳动者
人手, 劳动力
耕马, 驮马
[英]济贫院; [美]感化院
到职罢工, 到校罢课(照常上班或上课, 但不按规章工作或学习)
工作场所, 车间
怕工作的; 懒惰的
- work camp (犯人)劳动营
- work clothes 工作服
- work force (一个国家、地区或工厂等的)劳动力, 劳动大军
学生用的辅助练习册; 工作规程书; 工作手册
针线箱; 工具盒
劳动者, 尤指农业劳动者
人手, 劳动力
耕马, 驮马
[英]济贫院; [美]感化院
到职罢工, 到校罢课(照常上班或上课, 但不按规章工作或学习)
工作场所, 车间
怕工作的; 懒惰的
病情的检查; 印刷物表面的污迹
工作周, 一周的总工时
女工, 女工作者
a good day's work
A woman's work is never done.
a work of longue haleine
a work of time
all in the [a] day's work
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
[谚]只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明的孩子也变傻。
at work
活动着; 运转着; 在起作用
dirty work at the crossed roads
do its work
发生效力, 起作用
get the works
受残酷的虐待, 被痛打; 被欺骗
give sb. the works
严重地虐待某人, 臭骂某人
go about one's work
seet about one's work
go to work
开始行动, 着手工作
set to work
开始行动, 着手工作
gum up the works
have (all) one's work cut out (for one)
工作排得满满的, 忙得不可开交
He who will not work shall not eat.
in and out works
in the works
[口]在准备中, 在计划中, 在完成中
in work
lt won't work.
[口]那不行, 那不起作用。
make good work of sth
make good work with sth
make sad work of it
make light work of sth.
make short work of
很快完成; 除掉
make quick work of
很快完成; 除掉
make sure work with sth.
make (a) work
吵闹; 找麻烦
off work
oil the work
给机器加油; 运用圆滑手段使事情顺利进行; 疏通
out of work
shoot the works
work at
从事, 致力于, 钻研
work away
work in
插进, 穿入
搀, 加入
work into
插进, 穿入
搀, 加入
work in with
[口]与...合拍, 与...配合[协调]
work it
[俚]完成, 做好
(Work it! )滚蛋! 去你的吧!
work off
(使)逐渐消除; 处理(积压的工作等); 卖掉
work on
对...起作用, 对...有影响
使人信服, 说服
从事于, 致力于
work out
作出, 设计出, 制作出
算出, 得出...答案, 解决
掘进, 采完; 使精疲力竭
训练, 锻炼
work over
彻底检查; 钻研
重做, 改做
殴打, 折磨
work up
鼓动, 唤起
综合, 整理, 组织, 精心作成
work with
与...共事, 与...合作; 对...起作用
病情的检查; 印刷物表面的污迹
工作周, 一周的总工时
女工, 女工作者
a good day's work
A woman's work is never done.
a work of longue haleine
a work of time
all in the [a] day's work
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
[谚]只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明的孩子也变傻。
at work
活动着; 运转着; 在起作用
dirty work at the crossed roads
do its work
发生效力, 起作用
get the works
受残酷的虐待, 被痛打; 被欺骗
give sb. the works
严重地虐待某人, 臭骂某人
go about one's work
seet about one's work
go to work
开始行动, 着手工作
set to work
开始行动, 着手工作
gum up the works
have (all) one's work cut out (for one)
工作排得满满的, 忙得不可开交
He who will not work shall not eat.
in and out works
in the works
[口]在准备中, 在计划中, 在完成中
in work
lt won't work.
[口]那不行, 那不起作用。
make good work of sth
make good work with sth
make sad work of it
make light work of sth.
make short work of
很快完成; 除掉
make quick work of
很快完成; 除掉
make sure work with sth.
make (a) work
吵闹; 找麻烦
off work
oil the work
给机器加油; 运用圆滑手段使事情顺利进行; 疏通
out of work
shoot the works
work at
从事, 致力于, 钻研
work away
work in
插进, 穿入
搀, 加入
work into
插进, 穿入
搀, 加入
work in with
[口]与...合拍, 与...配合[协调]
work it
[俚]完成, 做好
(Work it! )滚蛋! 去你的吧!
work off
(使)逐渐消除; 处理(积压的工作等); 卖掉
work on
对...起作用, 对...有影响
使人信服, 说服
从事于, 致力于
work out
作出, 设计出, 制作出
算出, 得出...答案, 解决
掘进, 采完; 使精疲力竭
训练, 锻炼
work over
彻底检查; 钻研
重做, 改做
殴打, 折磨
work up
鼓动, 唤起
综合, 整理, 组织, 精心作成
work with
与...共事, 与...合作; 对...起作用
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 英汉法律词汇
- 英语>繁体中文(香港), 物理术语
- 英语>简体/繁体中文, 两岸学术名词
- 英语>简体/繁体中文, 两岸学术名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 地球科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 工业工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 美华军语辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 航空太空名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 核能名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海事名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机构与机器原理名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 力学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 气象学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 生命科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 食品科技名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 数学名词
word-truncation search
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 资料科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 土木工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 物理学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 造船工程名词
The amount of accumulated effort time required by any resources to complete a task.
The amount of accumulated effort time required by any resources to complete a task.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
A place of employment.
A place of employment.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
The entire range of inventory-related tasks that are performed by a company's warehouse employees. The creation of warehouse work is triggered either automatically by user-defined settings or manually by a worker. Each work item is performed on a mobile device by a warehouse worker.
The entire range of inventory-related tasks that are performed by a company's warehouse employees. The creation of warehouse work is triggered either automatically by user-defined settings or manually by a worker. Each work item is performed on a mobile device by a warehouse worker.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
The amount of accumulated effort time required by any resources to complete a task.
The amount of accumulated effort time required by any resources to complete a task.
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), IT术语集
A place of employment.
A place of employment.
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), IT术语集
(working, worked,works)
1. 不及物动词 People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. 工作
- I started working in a recording studio. 我开始在一个录音棚里工作。
- He worked as a teacher for 50 years. 他从事教师工作50年了。
- I want to work, I don't want to be on welfare. 我想工作,我不想依靠救济。
2. 及物动词/不及物动词 When you work, you do the things that you are paid or required to do in your job. 工作
- I can't talk to you right now – I'm working. 我这会儿不能和你说话–我正在工作。
- He was working at his desk. 他正在伏案工作。
- They work forty hours a week. 他们一周工作40个小时。
3. 不及物动词 When you work, you spend time and effort doing a task that needs to be done or trying to achieve something. 努力从事
- Linda spends all her time working on the garden. 琳达用所有的时间在那座花园里劳作。
- The government expressed hope that all the sides will work toward a political solution. 该政府希望所有各方致力于一个政治解决方案。
4. 不及物动词 If someone is working on a particular subject or question, they are studying or researching it. 研究
- Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type. 博内特教授多年来一直在研究这类分子。
5. 不及物动词 If you work with a person or a group of people, you spend time and effort trying to help them in some way. 帮助
- She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer. 她用一段时间帮助即将死于癌症的人们。
6. 不及物动词 If a machine or piece of equipment works, it operates and performs a particular function. (机器或设备) 运转
- The pump doesn't work and we have no running water. 这个水泵不运转了,我们没有自来水。
7. 不及物动词 If an idea, system, or way of doing something works, it is successful, effective, or satisfactory. (想法、系统或方法) 奏效
- 95 percent of these diets do not work. 这些节食方法中的95%都不奏效。
8. 不及物动词 If a drug or medicine works, it produces a particular physical effect. (药物) 起作用
- I wake up at 6 a.m. as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours. 我早上6点醒来,因为这种安眠药作用不会超过9个小时。
9. 不及物动词 If your mind or brain is working, you are thinking about something or trying to solve a problem. (脑子或思想) 运转
- My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening. 我的脑子疯狂地运转着, 将那天晚上发生的事情过了一遍。
10. 不及物动词 If you work on an assumption or idea, you act as if it were true or base other ideas on it, until you have more information. 基于 (一个假设) 而行动
- We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion. 我们正依据它是一起燃气爆炸的假设而行动。
11. 不及物动词 If you work on someone, you persuade or attempt to persuade or influence them. 影响; 劝说(某人)
12. 及物动词 If you work someone, you make them spend time and effort doing a particular activity or job. 使干活
- They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this. 他们让我干得太苦。我干这个年纪太大了。
13. 及物动词 When people work the land, they do all the tasks involved in growing crops. 开垦
- Farmers worked the fertile valleys. 农民们开垦了这个肥沃的山谷。
14. 及物动词 If you work a machine or piece of equipment, you use or control it. 操作 (机器或设备)
- Many adults still depend on their children to work the video. 许多成年人仍依靠他们的孩子来操作录像机。
15. 不及物动词 If something works into a particular state or condition, it gradually moves so that it is in that state or condition. 逐渐变成
- It's important to put a lock washer on that last nut, or it can work loose. 重要的是要在最后一个螺母上安装一个防松垫圈,否则它会逐渐变松。
16. → see also working
17. 习语 If you work your way somewhere, you move or progress there slowly, and with a lot of effort or work. 逐渐移动到某处
- Rescuers were still working their way toward the trapped men. 救援人员仍在慢慢地挪近那些被困人员。
(working, worked,works)
1. 不及物动词 People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. 工作
- I started working in a recording studio. 我开始在一个录音棚里工作。
- He worked as a teacher for 50 years. 他从事教师工作50年了。
- I want to work, I don't want to be on welfare. 我想工作,我不想依靠救济。
2. 及物动词/不及物动词 When you work, you do the things that you are paid or required to do in your job. 工作
- I can't talk to you right now – I'm working. 我这会儿不能和你说话–我正在工作。
- He was working at his desk. 他正在伏案工作。
- They work forty hours a week. 他们一周工作40个小时。
3. 不及物动词 When you work, you spend time and effort doing a task that needs to be done or trying to achieve something. 努力从事
- Linda spends all her time working on the garden. 琳达用所有的时间在那座花园里劳作。
- The government expressed hope that all the sides will work toward a political solution. 该政府希望所有各方致力于一个政治解决方案。
4. 不及物动词 If someone is working on a particular subject or question, they are studying or researching it. 研究
- Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type. 博内特教授多年来一直在研究这类分子。
5. 不及物动词 If you work with a person or a group of people, you spend time and effort trying to help them in some way. 帮助
- She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer. 她用一段时间帮助即将死于癌症的人们。
6. 不及物动词 If a machine or piece of equipment works, it operates and performs a particular function. (机器或设备) 运转
- The pump doesn't work and we have no running water. 这个水泵不运转了,我们没有自来水。
7. 不及物动词 If an idea, system, or way of doing something works, it is successful, effective, or satisfactory. (想法、系统或方法) 奏效
- 95 percent of these diets do not work. 这些节食方法中的95%都不奏效。
8. 不及物动词 If a drug or medicine works, it produces a particular physical effect. (药物) 起作用
- I wake up at 6 a.m. as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours. 我早上6点醒来,因为这种安眠药作用不会超过9个小时。
9. 不及物动词 If your mind or brain is working, you are thinking about something or trying to solve a problem. (脑子或思想) 运转
- My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening. 我的脑子疯狂地运转着, 将那天晚上发生的事情过了一遍。
10. 不及物动词 If you work on an assumption or idea, you act as if it were true or base other ideas on it, until you have more information. 基于 (一个假设) 而行动
- We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion. 我们正依据它是一起燃气爆炸的假设而行动。
11. 不及物动词 If you work on someone, you persuade or attempt to persuade or influence them. 影响; 劝说(某人)
12. 及物动词 If you work someone, you make them spend time and effort doing a particular activity or job. 使干活
- They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this. 他们让我干得太苦。我干这个年纪太大了。
13. 及物动词 When people work the land, they do all the tasks involved in growing crops. 开垦
- Farmers worked the fertile valleys. 农民们开垦了这个肥沃的山谷。
14. 及物动词 If you work a machine or piece of equipment, you use or control it. 操作 (机器或设备)
- Many adults still depend on their children to work the video. 许多成年人仍依靠他们的孩子来操作录像机。
15. 不及物动词 If something works into a particular state or condition, it gradually moves so that it is in that state or condition. 逐渐变成
- It's important to put a lock washer on that last nut, or it can work loose. 重要的是要在最后一个螺母上安装一个防松垫圈,否则它会逐渐变松。
16. → see also working
17. 习语 If you work your way somewhere, you move or progress there slowly, and with a lot of effort or work. 逐渐移动到某处
- Rescuers were still working their way toward the trapped men. 救援人员仍在慢慢地挪近那些被困人员。
1. 不可数名词 People who have work or who are in work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. 工作
- Fewer and fewer people are in work. 越来越少的人有工作。
- I was out of work at the time. 那时我失业了。
2. 不可数名词 Your work consists of the things you are paid or required to do in your job. 工作
- We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do. 我们本应该在这做生意。我有工作要做。
- I used to take work home, but I don't do it any more. 我过去常把工作带回家,但现在再也不那样做了。
3. 不可数名词 Work is tasks that need to be done or things that need to be achieved. 活计
- There was a lot of work to do on their house. 他们的房子有很多活要干。
4. 不可数名词 Work is the place where you do your job. 工作单位
- Many people travel to work by car. 许多人乘车去工作单位。
5. 不可数名词 Work is something that you produce as a result of an activity or as a result of doing your job. 工作成果
- It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work. 让中立的第3方来检查你的工作会有所帮助。
6. 可数名词 A work is something such as a painting, book, or piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer. 作品; 著作
- In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work. 在我看来,这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。
7. 不可数名词 Someone's work is the study or research that they have done on a particular subject or question. 研究
- Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes. 他们的研究显示,如果父母任何一方吸烟,1岁的婴儿更有可能患过敏。
8. 不可数名词 Work with a particular person or a group of people is time and effort spent trying to help them in some way. (帮助他人的) 工作
- She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees. 她参加了针对难民的社会救济工作。
9. 集体可数名词 A works is a place where something is manufactured or where an industrial process is carried out. Works is used to refer to one or to more than one of these places. 工厂
- ...the steelworks in Gary, Indiana. …在印第安纳州盖瑞市的那家钢厂。
10. 复数型名词 Works are activities such as digging the ground or building on a large scale. 施工
- ...six years of disruptive building works, road construction and urban development. …6年混乱的建筑施工、路政和城市开发。
11. 习语 If someone is at work they are doing their job or are busy doing a particular activity. 在工作; 在从事某种活动
- The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil. 那些救援队已在拼命工作,设法处理泄漏的油。
12. 习语 If a force or process is at work, it is having a particular influence or effect. 正起作用
- It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions. 重要的是要理解在我们自己的行动背后起作用的那些强大的经济和社会力量。
13. 习语 If you put someone to work or set them to work, you give them a job or task to do. 给某人工作
- By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work. 通过刺激经济,我们将给人们工作。
14. 习语 If you get to work, go to work, or set to work on a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it. 开始工作; 着手处理
- He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit. 他承诺着手处理该国严重的赤字问题。
1. 不可数名词 People who have work or who are in work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. 工作
- Fewer and fewer people are in work. 越来越少的人有工作。
- I was out of work at the time. 那时我失业了。
2. 不可数名词 Your work consists of the things you are paid or required to do in your job. 工作
- We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do. 我们本应该在这做生意。我有工作要做。
- I used to take work home, but I don't do it any more. 我过去常把工作带回家,但现在再也不那样做了。
3. 不可数名词 Work is tasks that need to be done or things that need to be achieved. 活计
- There was a lot of work to do on their house. 他们的房子有很多活要干。
4. 不可数名词 Work is the place where you do your job. 工作单位
- Many people travel to work by car. 许多人乘车去工作单位。
5. 不可数名词 Work is something that you produce as a result of an activity or as a result of doing your job. 工作成果
- It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work. 让中立的第3方来检查你的工作会有所帮助。
6. 可数名词 A work is something such as a painting, book, or piece of music produced by an artist, writer, or composer. 作品; 著作
- In my opinion, this is Rembrandt's greatest work. 在我看来,这是伦勃朗最伟大的作品。
7. 不可数名词 Someone's work is the study or research that they have done on a particular subject or question. 研究
- Their work shows that one-year-olds are much more likely to have allergies if either parent smokes. 他们的研究显示,如果父母任何一方吸烟,1岁的婴儿更有可能患过敏。
8. 不可数名词 Work with a particular person or a group of people is time and effort spent trying to help them in some way. (帮助他人的) 工作
- She became involved in social and relief work among the refugees. 她参加了针对难民的社会救济工作。
9. 集体可数名词 A works is a place where something is manufactured or where an industrial process is carried out. Works is used to refer to one or to more than one of these places. 工厂
- ...the steelworks in Gary, Indiana. …在印第安纳州盖瑞市的那家钢厂。
10. 复数型名词 Works are activities such as digging the ground or building on a large scale. 施工
- ...six years of disruptive building works, road construction and urban development. …6年混乱的建筑施工、路政和城市开发。
11. 习语 If someone is at work they are doing their job or are busy doing a particular activity. 在工作; 在从事某种活动
- The salvage teams are already hard at work trying to deal with the spilled oil. 那些救援队已在拼命工作,设法处理泄漏的油。
12. 习语 If a force or process is at work, it is having a particular influence or effect. 正起作用
- It is important to understand the powerful economic and social forces at work behind our own actions. 重要的是要理解在我们自己的行动背后起作用的那些强大的经济和社会力量。
13. 习语 If you put someone to work or set them to work, you give them a job or task to do. 给某人工作
- By stimulating the economy, we're going to put people to work. 通过刺激经济,我们将给人们工作。
14. 习语 If you get to work, go to work, or set to work on a job, task, or problem, you start doing it or dealing with it. 开始工作; 着手处理
- He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit. 他承诺着手处理该国严重的赤字问题。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典
work, task, job
work → 最普通用词,含义广,指人们日常生活和工作中所从事的有目的的体力或脑力劳动。
task → 通常指分派给的任务,也指自愿的工作,但往往是艰巨或令人厌烦的工作。
job → 多用于口语,侧重指受雇用的,以谋生为目的工作,不论有无技术,也不管是零工或散工。
work → 最普通用词,含义广,指人们日常生活和工作中所从事的有目的的体力或脑力劳动。
task → 通常指分派给的任务,也指自愿的工作,但往往是艰巨或令人厌烦的工作。
job → 多用于口语,侧重指受雇用的,以谋生为目的工作,不论有无技术,也不管是零工或散工。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典