
to comprehend; to understand
懂得 领悟 体悟 领会 思议 解悟 参悟 触类旁通 会意 悟入 明白 听懂 了解 知晓 理会 听得懂 知情 谅解 了知 心领神悟 易懂 浅白 晦涩 了然于胸 了然 看透 弄清 不解 通达 心领神会 难解 通彻 难懂
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 understand; comprehend:
- 不可理解 incomprehensible; be above (or past, beyond) one's comprehension
- 加深理解 deepen one's comprehension; acquire a better understanding
- 相互理解 mutual understanding
- 你的意思我完全理解。 I understand you completely. or I see perfectly well what you mean.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 心理学→基础心理学→普通心理学与实验心理学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
懂;了解 {understand; comprehend}:
- 互相~ {understand each other; mutual understanding}
- 加深~ {deepen one's understanding; increase one's understanding; understand more deeply}
- 你的意思我完全~。 {I fully understand what you mean. or I understand you completely.}€
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
understand; comprehend
- 理解大意 get the main points
- 理解和体谅别人的苦衷 understand and make allowance for others'problems
- 加深理解 deepen/better one's comprehension; acquire/have a better understanding (of)
- 增进相互理解 increase mutual understanding
- 充分理解 understand fully/thoroughly
- 难以理解 be difficult to understand
- 无法理解 be incomprehensible; be beyond one's comprehension/understanding/knowledge
- 你的意思我完全理解。 I understand you completely. / I see perfectly well what you mean. / I've got the message.
- 这问题非他所能理解。 The problem passed his understanding.
faculty of understanding; understanding; comprehension; perception
- 培养学生的理解力 train/develop the students'comprehension
- 理解力差 be slow of understanding; have poor understanding/comprehension
- 理解力强 have good understanding/comprehension
- 他理解力很强。 He is a man of great/superior understanding.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
comprehend; understand; comprehension; understanding
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
apprehend; catch on; comprehend; understand
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
lǐ jiě
- 我想我能理解你所处的境地。 I think I can understand the position you're in.
- 他们无法理解他为何要辞职。 They could not understand why he should resign his job.
- 我对这词的理解跟你不同。 My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
comprehend, comprehension,是书面用语,侧重于理解的过程,强调有全面的理解,因而思考和分析都较understand多,两词的区别可从下例比较中看出。
- 你可能懂一门外语,但不一定理解你到底是怎么学会的。 You may understand a foreign language without comprehending exactly how you learn it.
- 这孩子读完了小说,但我怀疑他是否理解这部小说的意义。 The child has read the novel, but I doubt whether he comprehended its meaning.
- 百万分之一寸到底有多长,这超过了人们的理解。 It passes human comprehension what one millionth of an inch really is.不过,在不强调这种区别时,两词也可在修辞上互相换用。如:
- 他们对他的理解同朝圣者对上帝的理解差不多。 They comprehended him no more than pilgrims understood God.
- “你开始理解我了,对吧?”“对,对,我完全理解你。” "You begin to comprehend me, do you?" "yes, I understand you perfectly."
appreciate, appreciation,指用洞察力、辨别力获得的理解,因而所带的宾语往往是被错误评判或得不到准确评判的人或物。
- 我理解你反对这一建议的理由。 I appreciate your reason for objecting to the proposal.
- 恐怕你并不理解美国。 I am afraid you don't appreciate America.
- 他的解释使我们有可能对意思的细微差别获得更深的理解。 His explanation enabled us to have deeper appreciation of the delicate shades of meaning.
interpret, interpretation,指通过自我解释获得的理解。
- 他们把他的沉默理解为同意。 They interpreted his silence as consent.
- 我应如何理解他的行为? How should I interpret his behavior?
- 这段文字有几种理解。 The passage may be given several interpretations.
see, 口语用词,仅用于对普通事物或简单道理的理解,故有“明白”、“清楚”的意思。
- 你理解我的意思吗? Do you see what I mean?
- 日记给你带来那么多麻烦,我真的不理解你为何还要记日记。 I really don't see why you should keep a diary which brought you so much trouble.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典