沒治 没治
[méi zhì]
⇒ 没救 不可救药 无望 没戏 不可收拾 扶不起的阿斗 大厦将倾 死局 死棋 付之一叹 水中捞月 进退失据 病入膏肓 误上贼船 回天无力 上天无路,入地无门 破碗破摔 绝处逢生
⇒ 无助 无能为力 自身难保 无奈 束手 无措 无援 无脚蟹 没奈何 无助感 伶仃 小鸟依人 一木难支 束手无策
⇒ 没救 无可救药 不可救药 绝症 死症 不治之症 必死之症
⇒ 盖帽儿 奇异 邪乎 希奇古怪 稀奇古怪 荒诞 妄 绝门儿 奇闻 千奇百怪 奇形怪状
out of this world
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 形 〈口〉
1 incurable; beyond cure:
- 他的病没治了。 His illness is incurable.
2 hopeless:
- 这个人算是没治了,不管怎么劝他就是不听。 That man is really hopeless. He is deaf to all advice.
3 excellent; beyond description:
- 他的表演真没治了。 His performance was absolutely first-rate.
II 动 unable to influence; cannot do anything with:
- 我真拿他没治。 I simply can't do anything with him.
I 形 〈口〉
1 incurable; beyond cure:
- 他的病没治了。 His illness is incurable.
2 hopeless:
- 这个人算是没治了,不管怎么劝他就是不听。 That man is really hopeless. He is deaf to all advice.
3 excellent; beyond description:
- 他的表演真没治了。 His performance was absolutely first-rate.
II 动 unable to influence; cannot do anything with:
- 我真拿他没治。 I simply can't do anything with him.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
〈方 dial.〉
1. 情况坏得无法挽救。 {beyond repair; incurable}
2. 无可奈何 {nothing can be done; at one's wit's end}:
- 我真拿他~。 {I just don't know how to deal with a man like that.}
3. (人或事)好得不得了 {(of persons or things) couldn't be better; super}:
- 这么精致的牙雕简直~了。 {This piece of ivory carving is simply exquisite.}
〈方 dial.〉
1. 情况坏得无法挽救。 {beyond repair; incurable}
2. 无可奈何 {nothing can be done; at one's wit's end}:
- 我真拿他~。 {I just don't know how to deal with a man like that.}
3. (人或事)好得不得了 {(of persons or things) couldn't be better; super}:
- 这么精致的牙雕简直~了。 {This piece of ivory carving is simply exquisite.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 incurable; beyond hope; past remedy
- 他的病真的没治了吗? Is his illness really incurable?
动 cannot do anything with sb
- 这个男孩太淘气了,他爸拿他没治。 The boy is so mischievous that his father can't do anything with him.
形 excellent; beyond description
- 这场杂技表演真没治了。 The acrobatic show is really terrific.
形 incurable; beyond hope; past remedy
- 他的病真的没治了吗? Is his illness really incurable?
动 cannot do anything with sb
- 这个男孩太淘气了,他爸拿他没治。 The boy is so mischievous that his father can't do anything with him.
形 excellent; beyond description
- 这场杂技表演真没治了。 The acrobatic show is really terrific.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典