
來往 来往
[lái wǎng]
to come and go
反复 出没 过往 往复 进退自如 出入 来无影,去无踪 呼来喝去 偷鸡不成蚀把米 不绝于途
to have dealings with
发生关系 熟人熟事
to be in relation with
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 come and go:
- 来往车辆 traffic; vehicles shuttling to and fro
- 来往过客 transient passengers
- 来往信件 correspondence
- 来往账目 current (or open) account
- 来往于津沪之间 travel between Tianjin and Shanghai
- 禁止车辆来往。 No thoroughfare. or No Through Traffic.
- 街上来来往往的人很多。 There are many people coming and going on the streets.
I 动 have contact or dealings:
- 来往甚密 be on intimate terms with sb.
- 和不三不四的人来往 hang around with dubious characters
- 我跟他来往过,但不很熟。 I've had dealings with him, but I don't know him very well.
II 名 dealings; contact; intercourse:
- 断绝来往 sever connections; break off relations
- 日常来往 daily contact
- 商业来往 commercial intercourse
- 业务来往 business dealings (or contacts)
- 直接来往 direct (or immediate) contact
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
lái·wɑng交际往来 {exchange; hand around with}:
- 两家经常~。 {The two families see each other a lot.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
来和去 {come and go}:
- 大街上~的人很多 {The street is crowded with people coming and going.}
- 翻修路面,禁止车辆~ {Road under repair. No thoroughfare. or No through traffic.}
- 车站上每天都有不少来来往往的旅客。 {Every day the railway station is thronged with arriving and departing passengers.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
come and go
- 来往车辆 traffic
- 来往信件 correspondence
- 班车来往于两镇之间。 The bus shuttles between the two towns.
- 江面上船只来往如梭。 On the river are boats coming and going like shuttles.
- 禁止车辆来往。 No thoroughfare.
- 他的背影混入来来往往的人群中不见了。 His figure was lost among the throngs of people coming and going and no longer visible.
- 他们一直保持着书信来往。 They went on shuttlecocking letters.
láiwǎng zhàngmù
current/open account
have dealings/contact/intercourse with sb
- 来往密切 have a close relationship with sb; be on intimate terms with sb
- 和我们来往的朋友也都是老老实实的生意人。 People who are associated with us as friends are likewise honest businessmen.
- 他们俩经常来往。 They see each other very often.
relationship; connection; contact
- 促进来往 foster/promote a relationship (with)
- 断绝来往 break off/stop a relationship; finish connection (with)
- 有来往 have a relationship with; have connections/intercourse with; be in contact with
- 中断来往 discontinue a relationship
- 终止来往 terminate/stop a relationship
- 业务来往 business relations
- 我和他没有任何来往。 I've never had any dealings with him.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
reciprocation; truck
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典