對立 对立
[duì lì]
to oppose
⇒ 抗击 相对 反对 反 逆 抗拒 作对 牾 反腐败 强烈反对 反走私 向背 针锋相对 阳奉阴违 顺我者昌逆我者亡
to set sth against
to be antagonistic to
⇒ 对子 联
relative opposite
⇒ 对局 假想敌 两方 冲突 御敌 夹心饼干 质证 反袁 合纵连横 反袁运动 张志新
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 oppose; set sth. against; antagonistic:
- 对立情绪 antagonism; hostility
- 不要把学习和运动对立起来。 Don't think of study as conflicting with sport.
- 对立物 opposite; antithesis
动 oppose; set sth. against; antagonistic:
- 对立情绪 antagonism; hostility
- 不要把学习和运动对立起来。 Don't think of study as conflicting with sport.
- 对立物 opposite; antithesis
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 两种事物或一种事物中的两个方面之间的相互排斥、相互矛盾、相互斗争 {contradiction; antagonism}:
- ~面 {opposite; antithesis}
- ~物 {opposite; antithesis}
- ~的统一 {unity of opposites}
- 不能把工作和学习~起来看。 {One should not think of work and study as mutually exclusive.}
2. 互相抵触;敌对 {antagonism; conflict; clash}:
- ~情绪。 {resentment; antagonistic feeling}
1. 两种事物或一种事物中的两个方面之间的相互排斥、相互矛盾、相互斗争 {contradiction; antagonism}:
- ~面 {opposite; antithesis}
- ~物 {opposite; antithesis}
- ~的统一 {unity of opposites}
- 不能把工作和学习~起来看。 {One should not think of work and study as mutually exclusive.}
2. 互相抵触;敌对 {antagonism; conflict; clash}:
- ~情绪。 {resentment; antagonistic feeling}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be antagonistic/opposed; be in opposition to
- 对立派别 rival factions
- 对立情绪 resistance; resentment; antagonism
- 对立双方 opposing sides
- 相互对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other
- 善与恶相对立。 Good is in opposition to evil.
动 be antagonistic/opposed; be in opposition to
- 对立派别 rival factions
- 对立情绪 resistance; resentment; antagonism
- 对立双方 opposing sides
- 相互对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other
- 善与恶相对立。 Good is in opposition to evil.
名 <哲学> opposite; antithesis
- 骄傲是谦虚的对立面。 Conceit is the antithesis of modesty.
名 <哲学> opposite; antithesis
- 骄傲是谦虚的对立面。 Conceit is the antithesis of modesty.
duìlì tǒnɡyī
名 <哲学> unity of opposites
- 对立统一规律 law of unity of opposites
duìlì tǒnɡyī
名 <哲学> unity of opposites
- 对立统一规律 law of unity of opposites
名 opposite; antithesis
名 opposite; antithesis
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
be antagonistic to; oppose; set sth. against
be antagonistic to; oppose; set sth. against
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
antinomy; oppose
antinomy; oppose
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
duì lì
set… against,指相互排斥的对立。
- 十年动乱使许多家庭分离,夫妻反目,父子对立。 The ten-year turmoil set many families divided, husband and wife having fallen out and father against son.
- 把依靠群众和加强领导对立起来是错误的。 It is wrong to set reliance on the masses against strengthening the leadership.
counterpose... to,指作为对立面的对立。
- 你的观点是要把“形式民主”与“真正民主”对立起来。 Your view is to counterpose "formal democracy" to "real democracy."
- 把一个人的优缺点对立起来,我认为不恰当。 I don't think it proper to counterpose a person's merits to his demerits.
oppose (to),指处于反对立场的对立。
- 这是两条截然对立的路线。 These are two diametrically opposed lines.
- 有些同志把军事和政治互相对立起来了。 Some comrades regard military affairs and politics as opposed to each other.
- 去年的协议是各派对立力量妥协的产物。 The last year's agreement was a compromise between opposing forces.
conflict (with),指相互冲突的对立。
- 我们的政治观点是对立的。 Our political views conflict.
- 不要把学习和工作对立起来。 Don't think of study as conflicting with work.
opposite, antithesis,指对立面。
- 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。 The law of the unity of opposites is fundamental law of the universe.
- 我的观点刚好跟他的对立。 My view is the very opposite of his.
- 随着经济的发展,消灭城乡对立是自然而然的事情。 The abolition of antithesis between town and country comes of itself with the development of economy.
- 他的创作是与当时的教条主义对立的。 His creation was an antithesis to dogmatism of the time.
- 两人的对立已达到了顶点。 The antagonism between the two men has reached its acme.
- 遗嘱不公引起兄弟间的对立。 The unfairness of the will caused antagonism between the brothers.
duì lì
set… against,指相互排斥的对立。
- 十年动乱使许多家庭分离,夫妻反目,父子对立。 The ten-year turmoil set many families divided, husband and wife having fallen out and father against son.
- 把依靠群众和加强领导对立起来是错误的。 It is wrong to set reliance on the masses against strengthening the leadership.
counterpose... to,指作为对立面的对立。
- 你的观点是要把“形式民主”与“真正民主”对立起来。 Your view is to counterpose "formal democracy" to "real democracy."
- 把一个人的优缺点对立起来,我认为不恰当。 I don't think it proper to counterpose a person's merits to his demerits.
oppose (to),指处于反对立场的对立。
- 这是两条截然对立的路线。 These are two diametrically opposed lines.
- 有些同志把军事和政治互相对立起来了。 Some comrades regard military affairs and politics as opposed to each other.
- 去年的协议是各派对立力量妥协的产物。 The last year's agreement was a compromise between opposing forces.
conflict (with),指相互冲突的对立。
- 我们的政治观点是对立的。 Our political views conflict.
- 不要把学习和工作对立起来。 Don't think of study as conflicting with work.
opposite, antithesis,指对立面。
- 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。 The law of the unity of opposites is fundamental law of the universe.
- 我的观点刚好跟他的对立。 My view is the very opposite of his.
- 随着经济的发展,消灭城乡对立是自然而然的事情。 The abolition of antithesis between town and country comes of itself with the development of economy.
- 他的创作是与当时的教条主义对立的。 His creation was an antithesis to dogmatism of the time.
- 两人的对立已达到了顶点。 The antagonism between the two men has reached its acme.
- 遗嘱不公引起兄弟间的对立。 The unfairness of the will caused antagonism between the brothers.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典