處處 处处
[chù chù]
⇒ 着处 到处 普 满世界 触处 遍地 漫天遍野 遍 四方 满处 随处 世界各地 四下 漫天 随地 每处 四溢 遐迩闻名 到处可见 漫天遍地 颂声载道 弥漫 口碑载道 无处不在 遍地开花 倾城 丛生 鞍前马后 饿莩遍野 找遍 四溅 弥散
in all respects
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
副 everywhere; in all respects:
- 处处关心学生 show the students every consideration
- 处处严格要求自己 set strict demands on oneself in all respects
- 处处以国家利益为重 always put the national interests first
- 祖国处处有亲人。 All over our country one can find friends and dear ones.
副 everywhere; in all respects:
- 处处关心学生 show the students every consideration
- 处处严格要求自己 set strict demands on oneself in all respects
- 处处以国家利益为重 always put the national interests first
- 祖国处处有亲人。 All over our country one can find friends and dear ones.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
各个地方;各个方面 {everywhere; all aspects}:
- 祖国~有亲人 {One can find close friends everywhere across the country.}
- 教师~关心学生。 {The teachers' care for their students knows no bounds.}
各个地方;各个方面 {everywhere; all aspects}:
- 祖国~有亲人 {One can find close friends everywhere across the country.}
- 教师~关心学生。 {The teachers' care for their students knows no bounds.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 every place; everywhere
- 处处碰壁 hit/bump/run up against the wall everywhere; run into obstacles everywhere
- 处处设防 set up defences everywhere
- 处处严格要求自己 make strict demands on oneself in all respects
- 教师处处关心学生。 The teacher shows every consideration for her students.
- 她的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。 Her prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.
名 every place; everywhere
- 处处碰壁 hit/bump/run up against the wall everywhere; run into obstacles everywhere
- 处处设防 set up defences everywhere
- 处处严格要求自己 make strict demands on oneself in all respects
- 教师处处关心学生。 The teacher shows every consideration for her students.
- 她的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。 Her prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
chù chù
表示比较明确具体的范围,可译为in all respects, in every respect。
- 共产党员应处处严格要求自己。 Communists must set strict demands on themselves in all respects.
- 这一计划处处都有缺点。 The plan is faulty in every respect.
- 祖国处处都出现了新的变化。 New changes have taken place everywhere in our country.
- 我们城里处处都有水井。 Wells are to be found everywhere in our city.
如果这种范围比较大,如国家、世界性范围时,也可不用everywhere,而用all over the country (world)。
- 祖国处处有亲人。 All over our country one can find friends and dear ones.
- 世界上处处都有善良正直的人们。 There are people of goodwill and integrity all over the world.
- 一个真正的革命者处处都以革命利益为重。 A true revolutionary always puts the interests of revolution first.
- 你处处为人着想的精神令人钦佩。 Your spirit of always thinking of others commands admiration.
“处处”也可转为行为方式的范围,意为“各种方式”,这时可译为in every possible way, in every way。
- 老方和我在一块儿工作,他处处都帮助我。 Fang and I work together, and he helps me in every possible way.
- 不论我干什么,他处处都跟我过不去。 Whatever I did he tried to be hard on me in every possible way.
- 插图处处都配得上正文。 The illustrations are in every way worthy of the letterpress.
chù chù
表示比较明确具体的范围,可译为in all respects, in every respect。
- 共产党员应处处严格要求自己。 Communists must set strict demands on themselves in all respects.
- 这一计划处处都有缺点。 The plan is faulty in every respect.
- 祖国处处都出现了新的变化。 New changes have taken place everywhere in our country.
- 我们城里处处都有水井。 Wells are to be found everywhere in our city.
如果这种范围比较大,如国家、世界性范围时,也可不用everywhere,而用all over the country (world)。
- 祖国处处有亲人。 All over our country one can find friends and dear ones.
- 世界上处处都有善良正直的人们。 There are people of goodwill and integrity all over the world.
- 一个真正的革命者处处都以革命利益为重。 A true revolutionary always puts the interests of revolution first.
- 你处处为人着想的精神令人钦佩。 Your spirit of always thinking of others commands admiration.
“处处”也可转为行为方式的范围,意为“各种方式”,这时可译为in every possible way, in every way。
- 老方和我在一块儿工作,他处处都帮助我。 Fang and I work together, and he helps me in every possible way.
- 不论我干什么,他处处都跟我过不去。 Whatever I did he tried to be hard on me in every possible way.
- 插图处处都配得上正文。 The illustrations are in every way worthy of the letterpress.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典