包紮 包扎
[bāo zā]
to wrap up
⇒ 裹包 包裹 绑扎 卷裹 封裹 兜
to pack
⇒ 堆砌 打包 收拾 包装 收束 装 整理 封裹 收山 卷铺盖 驮运 超前 卷铺盖走人 一骑绝尘 汗牛充栋
to bind up (a wound)
⇒ 包裹 结扎 缔 绑赴市曹
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
[bāo zā]
variant of 包紮|包扎[bāo zā]
[bāo zā]
variant of 包紮|包扎[bāo zā]
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 wrap up; bind up; pack:
- 包扎伤口 bind up (or dress) a wound; bandage
- 待运的自行车已经包扎好了。 The bicycles awaiting transport are packed.
动 wrap up; bind up; pack:
- 包扎伤口 bind up (or dress) a wound; bandage
- 待运的自行车已经包扎好了。 The bicycles awaiting transport are packed.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
【所属学科】 医学→创伤学
【所属学科】 医学→创伤学
- 简体中文>英语, 中国规范术语
包裹捆扎 {wrap up; bind up; pack}:
- ~伤口 {bind up (or dress) a wound}
- 待运的仪器都~好了。 {The instruments awaiting shipment are already packed.}
包裹捆扎 {wrap up; bind up; pack}:
- ~伤口 {bind up (or dress) a wound}
- 待运的仪器都~好了。 {The instruments awaiting shipment are already packed.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 dress
- 包扎伤口 strap up/dress/bandage a wound
- 用绷带包扎伤口 bind (up) the wound with bandages
- 尚未包扎的伤口 undressed wound
- 他受伤的手臂已包扎好了。 His injured arm has been adequately bandaged.
动 bind/tie/wrap up
- 包扎包裹 tie up a parcel
- 书已包扎好, 准备寄出。 The books have been packed up for posting.
动 dress
- 包扎伤口 strap up/dress/bandage a wound
- 用绷带包扎伤口 bind (up) the wound with bandages
- 尚未包扎的伤口 undressed wound
- 他受伤的手臂已包扎好了。 His injured arm has been adequately bandaged.
动 bind/tie/wrap up
- 包扎包裹 tie up a parcel
- 书已包扎好, 准备寄出。 The books have been packed up for posting.
名 bundling/baling machine
名 bundling/baling machine
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
bind up; enswathe; enswathement; tie up
bind up; enswathe; enswathement; tie up
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
bāo zhā
如果把包和扎看作两个过程,用wrap and tie。
- 我得把这个包包扎好。 I have to wrap and tie this package.
- 请你用纸和绳把这包扎好。 Please wrap it up in paper and tie it with a string.
- 把这些书包扎起来,再放在阁楼上。 Pack these books together and put them in the attic.
- 我的东西全部包扎好了,你去包扎你的吧。 My things are all packed. You go and pack yours.
如果包扎的是指刀口、伤口等,用bind up, be dressed, bandage,其区别是:
bind up, be dressed是日常用语。
- 我用绷带把刀口包扎起来。 I bound up the cut with a bandage.
- 伤口包扎以后,他感到轻松多了。 He felt much relieved after his wounds were dressed.
- 她看见一个士兵挨了一枪,赶忙过去帮他包扎伤口。 Seeing that a soldier was hit, she hurried over and bandaged his wound.
bāo zhā
如果把包和扎看作两个过程,用wrap and tie。
- 我得把这个包包扎好。 I have to wrap and tie this package.
- 请你用纸和绳把这包扎好。 Please wrap it up in paper and tie it with a string.
- 把这些书包扎起来,再放在阁楼上。 Pack these books together and put them in the attic.
- 我的东西全部包扎好了,你去包扎你的吧。 My things are all packed. You go and pack yours.
如果包扎的是指刀口、伤口等,用bind up, be dressed, bandage,其区别是:
bind up, be dressed是日常用语。
- 我用绷带把刀口包扎起来。 I bound up the cut with a bandage.
- 伤口包扎以后,他感到轻松多了。 He felt much relieved after his wounds were dressed.
- 她看见一个士兵挨了一枪,赶忙过去帮他包扎伤口。 Seeing that a soldier was hit, she hurried over and bandaged his wound.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典