- a posteriori probability
- a priori probability
- abnormality
- absentee landlord
- absentee voting
- absenteeism
- absolute monarchy
- absolutism
- accessibility
- accommodation
- acculturation
- achievement motivation
- acquired character
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- action
- action research
- actor
- adaptation
- addiction
- adjustment
- adolescence
- adulthood
- advocacy
- affinity
- affirmative action
- affluent society
- age composition
- age distribution
- age group
- ageism
- agency
- agent
- aggregate
- aging
- agnosticism
- agora
- agrarianism
- alcoholism
- alienation
- alter
- alternative hypothesis
- alternative medicine
- altruism
- Americanization
- analysis of covariance
- analysis of variance
- anarchism
- androgyny
- anecdotal evidence
- animism
- annuity
- annulment
- anomie
- anonymity
- antagonism
- anthropology
- anthropomorphism
- anti-trust
- antiracism
- antitheism
- apartheid
- apolitical
- applied research
- apprenticeship
- aristocracy
- arithmetic mean
- arranged marriage
- articulation
- artificial insemination
- artificial intelligence
- artificial selection
- asceticism
- ascription
- assembly line
- assimilation
- association
- asylum
- atheism
- atomic theory
- atomism
- atomization
- attention span
- attitude
- attitude scale
- attribution
- attribution theory
- audience
- aura
- autarky
- authentication
- authoritarian personality
- authoritarianism
- authority
- autocorrelation
- autocracy
- automation
- autonomy
- autoregression
- average deviation
- baby boom
- balance of power
- balance sheet
- barbarism
- bargaining power
- barrio
- barter
- base map
- battery
- behavior
- behavior pattern
- behavioral science
- behaviorism
- belief
- belief system
- bell-shaped curve
- belonging
- beneficiary
- best linear unbiased estimator
- beta coefficient
- bias
- bilingual education
- bimodal distribution
- binomial curve
- binomial distribution
- binomial theorem
- biosociology
- birth control
- birth rate
- bisexuality
- blasé
- block
- block model
- block sampling
- body
- body language
- borough
- bourgeois
- bourgeoisie
- boycott
- bracketing
- brain drain
- brainwashing
- brand
- brand loyalty
- bricolage
- Buddhism
- built environment
- bureaucracy
- bureaucratization
- busing
- bystander effect
- calculability
- calling
- cannibalism
- canon
- capital
- capital accumulation
- capital flow
- capital formation
- capital punishment
- capitalism
- capitalist
- career woman
- cargo cult
- cartel
- cartogram
- case analysis
- case history
- case method
- case study
- cash crop
- caste
- caste system
- castration complex
- categorical data
- categorical imperative
- categorical variable
- categorization
- causal relationship
- causality
- ceiling effect
- celibacy
- censorship
- census
- census data
- census tract
- central business district
- central limit theorem
- central place theory
- central tendency
- centrality
- centralization
- ceremony
- certification
- change
- chaos theory
- character
- charisma
- charismatic authority
- chastity