to congeal
⇒ 凝固 定 凝滞
to concentrate attention
⇒ 聚精会神 定神 心神专注 全神贯注 灌注
to stare
⇒ 瞠目 目不转睛 瞪眼 眇 发直 睢 注目 发呆 迫视 瞠目以对 瞵 瞩 定睛 楞 发懵 直瞪瞪 偢 盯 瞪 凝睇 盯视 愣 愣神儿 白 睖 视奸 看呆 瞋 嗔目 眼睁睁 发愣 怔
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense:
- 用鲜血凝成的战斗友谊 militant friendship cemented in blood
- 他的衬衣都被血凝住了。 His shirt is stiff from congealed blood.
II 副 attentively; fixed attention:
- 凝睇 fix one's gaze on; stare at
I 动 congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense:
- 用鲜血凝成的战斗友谊 militant friendship cemented in blood
- 他的衬衣都被血凝住了。 His shirt is stiff from congealed blood.
II 副 attentively; fixed attention:
- 凝睇 fix one's gaze on; stare at
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 凝结 {congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense}:
- ~固 {solidify}
- ~冻 {freeze}
- 冷~。 {condensate; condensation}
2. 注意力集中 {with riveted attention}:
- ~思 {think hard; contemplate}
- ~视。 {gaze; fix one's eyes on}
1. 凝结 {congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense}:
- ~固 {solidify}
- ~冻 {freeze}
- 冷~。 {condensate; condensation}
2. 注意力集中 {with riveted attention}:
- ~思 {think hard; contemplate}
- ~视。 {gaze; fix one's eyes on}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense
- 鲜血凝成的战斗友谊 militant friendship cemented with blood
- 水凝成冰。 Water congeals into ice.
- 血见空气即凝结。 Blood coagulates when it meets the air.
- 有些气体降温后凝为液体。 Some gases condense into liquid when cooled down.
动 concentrate; focus; fix
动 congeal; coagulate; curdle; condense
- 鲜血凝成的战斗友谊 militant friendship cemented with blood
- 水凝成冰。 Water congeals into ice.
- 血见空气即凝结。 Blood coagulates when it meets the air.
- 有些气体降温后凝为液体。 Some gases condense into liquid when cooled down.
动 concentrate; focus; fix
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
coagulate; congeal; curdle
coagulate; congeal; curdle
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
níng(níng jié 、níng gù )
- 血液遇到空气就会凝结。 Blood coagulates when it meets air.
- 乳酸细菌产生的酸足以使乳蛋白质凝固。 Acid production of lactic acid bacteria is sufficient to coagulate milk proteins.
- 他的衬衣都被血凝住了。 His shirt was congealed with blood.
- 把凝结在上面的脂肪撇掉。 Discard the fat that congeals at the top.
clot, 指凝结成块,尤指血液。
- 他伤口上的血由于缺乏血小板而尚未凝结。 The blood has not yet clotted on his wound because of lack of platelet.
- 牛奶变酸时就会凝结(凝固)。 Milk clots when it turns sour.
- 牛奶凝结成块了。 The milk is curdled.
- 蛋清加热时会凝固。 The whites of eggs are curdled by heating.
- 她见到他的暴行气得血液都凝固了。 Her blood curdled with indignation at the sight of his savage act.
set, 指液体或糊状物的凝固。
- 混凝土凝固了吗? Has the concrete set?
- 他把两层胶合板压着,直到胶水凝固。 He pressed the two layers of veneer till the glue set.
- 大气中的水汽晚上会凝结成露水。 Moisture in the atmosphere condenses into dew during the night.
- 水蒸气凝结成水滴。 Steam condenses into drops of water.
become solid,指凝成固体。
- 在什么样的温度下,酒精会凝固? At what temperature does alcohol become solid?
- 蛋白质遇热会凝固。 Protein becomes solid when heated.
- 中朝人民的战斗友谊是用鲜血凝成的。 The militant friendship between China and Korea is cemented with blood.
- 我在学习上的每一点进步都凝结着老师的心血。 Every bit of the progress I have made in my studies is the result of my teacher's patient guidance.
- 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。 A thin layer of ice formed over the lake.
níng(níng jié 、níng gù )
- 血液遇到空气就会凝结。 Blood coagulates when it meets air.
- 乳酸细菌产生的酸足以使乳蛋白质凝固。 Acid production of lactic acid bacteria is sufficient to coagulate milk proteins.
- 他的衬衣都被血凝住了。 His shirt was congealed with blood.
- 把凝结在上面的脂肪撇掉。 Discard the fat that congeals at the top.
clot, 指凝结成块,尤指血液。
- 他伤口上的血由于缺乏血小板而尚未凝结。 The blood has not yet clotted on his wound because of lack of platelet.
- 牛奶变酸时就会凝结(凝固)。 Milk clots when it turns sour.
- 牛奶凝结成块了。 The milk is curdled.
- 蛋清加热时会凝固。 The whites of eggs are curdled by heating.
- 她见到他的暴行气得血液都凝固了。 Her blood curdled with indignation at the sight of his savage act.
set, 指液体或糊状物的凝固。
- 混凝土凝固了吗? Has the concrete set?
- 他把两层胶合板压着,直到胶水凝固。 He pressed the two layers of veneer till the glue set.
- 大气中的水汽晚上会凝结成露水。 Moisture in the atmosphere condenses into dew during the night.
- 水蒸气凝结成水滴。 Steam condenses into drops of water.
become solid,指凝成固体。
- 在什么样的温度下,酒精会凝固? At what temperature does alcohol become solid?
- 蛋白质遇热会凝固。 Protein becomes solid when heated.
- 中朝人民的战斗友谊是用鲜血凝成的。 The militant friendship between China and Korea is cemented with blood.
- 我在学习上的每一点进步都凝结着老师的心血。 Every bit of the progress I have made in my studies is the result of my teacher's patient guidance.
- 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。 A thin layer of ice formed over the lake.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典