免費 免费
[miǎn fèi]
free (of charge)
⇒ 跌宕昭彰 空余 游离 自由 畅 空闲 无偿 漫 免持 免票 自由贸易 免提 畅通 自由落体 自由中国 空暇 自由爵士乐 野外放养 自由选择权 省心 免税 解除 空 无糖 任意球 放 免费搭车 落拓不羁 畅达 自由软件 空档
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 free of charge; free; gratis:
- 免费生 tuition-exempt student
- 免费搬运 free haul
- 免费乘车 free travel
- 免费搭车 hitch-hike
- 免费教育 free (or compulsory) education
- 免费午餐 free lunch
- 免费医疗 free (or public) medical care
- 免费邮递 franking
- 免费保养服务 after(-sale) service
- 展览会免费参观。 Admission to the exhibition is free.
动 free of charge; free; gratis:
- 免费生 tuition-exempt student
- 免费搬运 free haul
- 免费乘车 free travel
- 免费搭车 hitch-hike
- 免费教育 free (or compulsory) education
- 免费午餐 free lunch
- 免费医疗 free (or public) medical care
- 免费邮递 franking
- 免费保养服务 after(-sale) service
- 展览会免费参观。 Admission to the exhibition is free.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
miǎn∥fèi免缴费用;不收费 {free; gratis; free of charge}:
- ~医疗 {free medical service}
- 展览会~参观。 {Admission to the exhibition is free.}
miǎn∥fèi免缴费用;不收费 {free; gratis; free of charge}:
- ~医疗 {free medical service}
- 展览会~参观。 {Admission to the exhibition is free.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 be free of charge; be cost-free
- 免费参观展览 be admitted to the exhibition gratis
- 免费供应午餐 provide free lunches
- 免费旅游 go on a tour gratis; travel for nothing; be on a free tour (of)
- 免费入学 be enrolled with tuition waived/with a tuition waiver
- 免费送货上门 deliver goods to the door free of charge
- 免费提供食品和饮料 offer free food and drinks
- 免费教育 free education
- 免费试用 free trial
- 免费医疗 free medical care
- 免费安装。 There will be no charge for installation.
- 这种日历可以免费索取。 The calendar is free for the asking.
- 凭此卡可以免费入场。 Admission is free on presentation of this card.
动 be free of charge; be cost-free
- 免费参观展览 be admitted to the exhibition gratis
- 免费供应午餐 provide free lunches
- 免费旅游 go on a tour gratis; travel for nothing; be on a free tour (of)
- 免费入学 be enrolled with tuition waived/with a tuition waiver
- 免费送货上门 deliver goods to the door free of charge
- 免费提供食品和饮料 offer free food and drinks
- 免费教育 free education
- 免费试用 free trial
- 免费医疗 free medical care
- 免费安装。 There will be no charge for installation.
- 这种日历可以免费索取。 The calendar is free for the asking.
- 凭此卡可以免费入场。 Admission is free on presentation of this card.
名 <喻> free lunch
- 没有免费午餐。 There is no such thing as a free lunch.
名 <喻> free lunch
- 没有免费午餐。 There is no such thing as a free lunch.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
free; free of charge; gratis; liber or libera; sans frais
free; free of charge; gratis; liber or libera; sans frais
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
for free; for nothing; free; free of charge; gratis
for free; for nothing; free; free of charge; gratis
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典