倉促 仓促
[cāng cù]
all of a sudden
⇒ 一下子 忽然 一下 遽然 霎 佹 不翼而飞 幡然改图 茅塞顿开
⇒ 赶紧 忙 匆匆 慌得 急急忙忙 三脚两步 忙不迭 龙口夺食
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
(also 仓猝) 形 hurried; hasty:
- 仓促应战 give battle in haste
- 我走得太仓促。 I left in too great a hurry.
- 不要仓促下结论。 Don't jump to conclusions.
- 仓促间,她没留下地址就走了。 She departed in such a hurry, without even leaving an address.
- 时间仓促,咱们还是马上出发边走边谈的好。 Time is pressing. We'd better leave now and talk it over on the way.
(also 仓猝) 形 hurried; hasty:
- 仓促应战 give battle in haste
- 我走得太仓促。 I left in too great a hurry.
- 不要仓促下结论。 Don't jump to conclusions.
- 仓促间,她没留下地址就走了。 She departed in such a hurry, without even leaving an address.
- 时间仓促,咱们还是马上出发边走边谈的好。 Time is pressing. We'd better leave now and talk it over on the way.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
匆忙 {hurried; hasty; hastily; hurriedly; in a hurry}:
- ~应战 {go into battle in haste; accept a challenge in haste (in a hurry); take (pick) up the glove (gauntlet; gauge) without much forethought}
- 时间~,来不及细说了。 {We have no time to talk about it at length.}
也作 also: 仓猝 {cāngcù}。
匆忙 {hurried; hasty; hastily; hurriedly; in a hurry}:
- ~应战 {go into battle in haste; accept a challenge in haste (in a hurry); take (pick) up the glove (gauntlet; gauge) without much forethought}
- 时间~,来不及细说了。 {We have no time to talk about it at length.}
也作 also: 仓猝 {cāngcù}。
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
形 hurried; hasty
- 时间仓促 be pressed for time; time is pressing; time is running short
- 仓促出版/结婚/决定 rush into print/marriage/a decision
- 仓促下结论 jump/rush to a conclusion
- 仓促行事 do sth in a hurry
- 仓促应战 accept battle in haste
- 仓促的行动 hasty action
- 对人不要仓促下结论。 Do not judge others hastily.
- 走得太仓促,没来得及给你打招呼。 I left in haste and had no time to say goodbye to you.
形 hurried; hasty
- 时间仓促 be pressed for time; time is pressing; time is running short
- 仓促出版/结婚/决定 rush into print/marriage/a decision
- 仓促下结论 jump/rush to a conclusion
- 仓促行事 do sth in a hurry
- 仓促应战 accept battle in haste
- 仓促的行动 hasty action
- 对人不要仓促下结论。 Do not judge others hastily.
- 走得太仓促,没来得及给你打招呼。 I left in haste and had no time to say goodbye to you.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典