亂套 乱套
[luàn tào]
in a mess
⇒ 脏乱 杂乱 七上八下 狼藉 纷杂 横三竖四 凌乱不堪 乱成一团 人仰马翻 翻江倒海 参差错落 乌七八糟 杂乱无章 内忧外困 内忧外患
upside down
⇒ 倒立 底朝天 倒着 倒 倒写 折 翻过来 倒放 章甫荐履 颠倒 翻覆 倒悬 倒挂 反 神魂颠倒 翻天覆地 天翻地覆 倒悬之危 倒悬之急 倒悬之苦 解民倒悬
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 〈方〉 muddle things up; turn things upside down:
- 要是各行其是,那就乱套了。 If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.
- 家里有这么个捣蛋鬼就乱了套了。 The house has been turned upside down because of this mischief.
动 〈方〉 muddle things up; turn things upside down:
- 要是各行其是,那就乱套了。 If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.
- 家里有这么个捣蛋鬼就乱了套了。 The house has been turned upside down because of this mischief.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
luàn∥tào乱了次序或秩序 {out of order; muddle things up; turn things upside down}:
- 各行其是,非~不可 {If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.}
- 会场上吵成一片,乱了套了。 {They argued vehemently at the meeting. It was a terrible mess.}
luàn∥tào乱了次序或秩序 {out of order; muddle things up; turn things upside down}:
- 各行其是,非~不可 {If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.}
- 会场上吵成一片,乱了套了。 {They argued vehemently at the meeting. It was a terrible mess.}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 <方> muddle things up; turn things upside down
- 各行其是,非乱套不可。 If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.
- 她刚出差,家里就乱了套了。 The house was turned upside down as soon as she went on a business trip.
动 <方> muddle things up; turn things upside down
- 各行其是,非乱套不可。 If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.
- 她刚出差,家里就乱了套了。 The house was turned upside down as soon as she went on a business trip.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典