The third month of the year, having 31 days. 三月。
Abbr. Mar. 缩写为 Mar。
(复数: marches)
A regular, measured step or walk, esp. of soldiers. 行军;行进。
The distance passed over in walking in such a manner from one place to another. 行程。
Steady onward movement. [the ~] 逐渐前行;进行。((of))
- the march of the years 岁月更替。
- I have had a long march of it. 我经历已久。
A musical composition to be played as troops march. 【乐】进行曲。
on the march 行进[发展]中。
steal [get] a march on [upon] 偷袭;制先机。
the march (of) 进步;进展。
(过去式: marched; 过去完成式: marched; 现在进行式: marching; 第三人称单数: marches)
To cause to move in a regular, measured walk, as troops. 使前进(如军队)。
- March right upstairs and change those wet clothes! 立刻上楼去换掉那些湿衣服。
To move with regular steps, or in military form. 行进;行军;前进。
- First World War veterans will march at the head of the parade. 一次大战的老兵将领着游行队伍前进。
march off 出发。
march past 分列行进于...前。
marching orders (a)【军】出发[出击]命令。(b)(=【美】walking papers)【英】【口】解雇(通知)。
dead march 送葬进行曲。
double march 跑步。
line of march 行军路线。
quick march 齐步走;快步走。
tramp, tread, walk, step.
march 2
A frontier boundary; borderland. (常用复数)边陲;边境。
(过去式: marched; 过去完成式: marched; 现在进行式: marching)
To border. 临界;比邻((upon; with))。
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (act of marching) [+of soldiers] 行军;齐步前进;行进
- After a short march, the column entered the village. 短途行军之后, 队伍进了村。
- We were woken in the middle of the night for a long march. 我们在半夜被叫醒, 进行长途行军。
- When the terrible march ended, much of the Confederacy lay in smoldering ruins. 这次可怕的行军结束后, 大多数邦联士兵倒在了浓烟滚滚的废墟中。
2. (demonstration) 示威游行;抗议游行
- Organizers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march. 组织者预计将有多达30万名抗议者参加这次示威游行。
- a peaceful civil rights march 一次和平的民权示威游行
to go on a march
[demonstrator +] 参加示威游行
- She 'd been on a few marches. 她已经参加了几次示威游行。
3. (stride) 步伐;步调
- Suddenly he quickened his march. 他突然加快了脚步。
4. (long walk) 长途跋涉
- They had quite a march to get there. 他们要走好长的一段路才能到达那里。
5. <文> (progression) 发展;前进;进展
- Society's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing. 社会继续朝着物质享乐主义蔓延的方向发展。
- The glacier had continued its inexorable march down the valley. 冰河沿山谷继续前进, 势不可挡。
- with oil prices continuing their upward march 随着油价的不断攀升
the march of sth 某事物的发展
- the march of progress 前进的步伐
- It is easy to feel trampled by the relentless march of technology. 随着科技发展的日新月异, 人们容易感到无所适从。
the march of time 时间的推移
- As we grow older there is often a lot we can do to hold back the march of time. 当我们变老的时候, 我们往往可以做很多事情来阻止时间的脚步。
6. (distance, route) 行程;路程
- the 300-mile march due north to the British station at Sobat 往正北方向去索巴特的英国站300英里路程
a day's march 一天的行程
- The Colonel and his forces were a day's march away. 上校和他的部队还有一天的行程。
7. 【音】 进行曲
- A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes. 一支军乐队演奏了俄罗斯进行曲与民歌小调。
- a funeral march 葬礼进行曲
See also: funeral march
8. (border) (常指主权有争议的)边界, 边疆, 边境
to be on the march
[soldiers +] 在行军
- Tarleton's men had been on the march for much of the night. 塔尔顿的士兵几乎整晚都在行军。
[idea, opinion, situation +] 在持续发展
- The enemies of women are on the march, trying to take away from women the right to control their own bodies. 女性的敌人在不断发展, 试图剥夺她们控制自己身体的权利。
- the Bank of Canada's latest warning that inflation might be on the march again 加拿大银行最近发出的警告——通货膨胀可能又在酝酿之中
to steal a march on sb 抢先某人一步;抢占某人的先机
- If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour. 如果策略得当, 墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。
1. (act of marching) [+of soldiers] 行军;齐步前进;行进
- After a short march, the column entered the village. 短途行军之后, 队伍进了村。
- We were woken in the middle of the night for a long march. 我们在半夜被叫醒, 进行长途行军。
- When the terrible march ended, much of the Confederacy lay in smoldering ruins. 这次可怕的行军结束后, 大多数邦联士兵倒在了浓烟滚滚的废墟中。
2. (demonstration) 示威游行;抗议游行
- Organizers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march. 组织者预计将有多达30万名抗议者参加这次示威游行。
- a peaceful civil rights march 一次和平的民权示威游行
to go on a march
[demonstrator +] 参加示威游行
- She 'd been on a few marches. 她已经参加了几次示威游行。
3. (stride) 步伐;步调
- Suddenly he quickened his march. 他突然加快了脚步。
4. (long walk) 长途跋涉
- They had quite a march to get there. 他们要走好长的一段路才能到达那里。
5. <文> (progression) 发展;前进;进展
- Society's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing. 社会继续朝着物质享乐主义蔓延的方向发展。
- The glacier had continued its inexorable march down the valley. 冰河沿山谷继续前进, 势不可挡。
- with oil prices continuing their upward march 随着油价的不断攀升
the march of sth 某事物的发展
- the march of progress 前进的步伐
- It is easy to feel trampled by the relentless march of technology. 随着科技发展的日新月异, 人们容易感到无所适从。
the march of time 时间的推移
- As we grow older there is often a lot we can do to hold back the march of time. 当我们变老的时候, 我们往往可以做很多事情来阻止时间的脚步。
6. (distance, route) 行程;路程
- the 300-mile march due north to the British station at Sobat 往正北方向去索巴特的英国站300英里路程
a day's march 一天的行程
- The Colonel and his forces were a day's march away. 上校和他的部队还有一天的行程。
7. 【音】 进行曲
- A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes. 一支军乐队演奏了俄罗斯进行曲与民歌小调。
- a funeral march 葬礼进行曲
See also: funeral march
8. (border) (常指主权有争议的)边界, 边疆, 边境
to be on the march
[soldiers +] 在行军
- Tarleton's men had been on the march for much of the night. 塔尔顿的士兵几乎整晚都在行军。
[idea, opinion, situation +] 在持续发展
- The enemies of women are on the march, trying to take away from women the right to control their own bodies. 女性的敌人在不断发展, 试图剥夺她们控制自己身体的权利。
- the Bank of Canada's latest warning that inflation might be on the march again 加拿大银行最近发出的警告——通货膨胀可能又在酝酿之中
to steal a march on sb 抢先某人一步;抢占某人的先机
- If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour. 如果策略得当, 墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
1. (on parade, on campaign) [soldiers +] 行军;齐步前进;行进
- Officers and men marched and climbed carrying heavy loads on their backs. 军官和士兵们负重行军和攀爬。
- A Scottish battalion was marching down the street. 苏格兰军队的一个营正沿街行进。
to march on sth 向…前进
- American invasion forces were marching on the city. 美国侵略军正向这个城市推进。
2. [demonstrators +] 游行示威;游行抗议
- Hundreds of activists were marching for peace and disarmament. 数百名积极分子游行示威, 呼吁和平与裁军。
- The demonstrators marched into the square. 示威者进入广场游行。
3. [person +] (生气或毅然决然地)快步走, 大步走
- The woman marched down the path and jabbed the doorbell. 那个女人大步走过小路, 使劲地按门铃。
- She marched into my office. 她大步流星地走进我的办公室。
- He marched into the kitchen without knocking. 他没有敲门就大步走进了厨房。
to march out of the room 大步流星地走出房间
4. (share border)
to march with sth or to march upon sth
<正式> [country, region +] 与…毗邻;与…接壤;与…接界
- the only other Pakistani province that marches with Afghanistan 唯一与阿富汗毗邻的巴基斯坦省份
1. [+ person, soldiers] 使行军;使行进
- Captain Ramirez marched the recruits to the main camp. 拉米雷斯上尉让新兵行军到主营区。
- I marched him across the room. 我带他穿过房间。
2. (cover by marching) [+ distance] 行进经过;走过
- We marched fifteen miles to Yadkin River. 我们行进了15英里, 到达亚德金河。
- We marched 20 miles that day. 那天我们走了20英里。
1. (on parade, on campaign) [soldiers +] 行军;齐步前进;行进
- Officers and men marched and climbed carrying heavy loads on their backs. 军官和士兵们负重行军和攀爬。
- A Scottish battalion was marching down the street. 苏格兰军队的一个营正沿街行进。
to march on sth 向…前进
- American invasion forces were marching on the city. 美国侵略军正向这个城市推进。
2. [demonstrators +] 游行示威;游行抗议
- Hundreds of activists were marching for peace and disarmament. 数百名积极分子游行示威, 呼吁和平与裁军。
- The demonstrators marched into the square. 示威者进入广场游行。
3. [person +] (生气或毅然决然地)快步走, 大步走
- The woman marched down the path and jabbed the doorbell. 那个女人大步走过小路, 使劲地按门铃。
- She marched into my office. 她大步流星地走进我的办公室。
- He marched into the kitchen without knocking. 他没有敲门就大步走进了厨房。
to march out of the room 大步流星地走出房间
4. (share border)
to march with sth or to march upon sth
<正式> [country, region +] 与…毗邻;与…接壤;与…接界
- the only other Pakistani province that marches with Afghanistan 唯一与阿富汗毗邻的巴基斯坦省份
1. [+ person, soldiers] 使行军;使行进
- Captain Ramirez marched the recruits to the main camp. 拉米雷斯上尉让新兵行军到主营区。
- I marched him across the room. 我带他穿过房间。
2. (cover by marching) [+ distance] 行进经过;走过
- We marched fifteen miles to Yadkin River. 我们行进了15英里, 到达亚德金河。
- We marched 20 miles that day. 那天我们走了20英里。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
/mɑːtʃ/, US: /mɑːrtʃ/
vi. marches marching marched
/mɑːtʃ/, US: /mɑːrtʃ/
vi. marches marching marched
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
v.(动词) marched,,
1. To walk steadily and rhythmically forward in step with others. 齐步前进:与别人一起齐步向前平稳而有节奏地行走
2. To begin to move in such a manner: 开拔:开始以这种方式移动:
- The troops will march at dawn. 部队将于拂晓出发
3. To proceed directly and purposefully: 行进:直接地或有目的地前进:
- marched in and demanded to see the manager. 进来要求见经理
4. To progress steadily onward; advance: 稳步前进;进步:
- Time marches on. 时光流逝
5. To be arranged in an orderly fashion that suggests steady, rhythmical progression. 稳定前进:排成整齐的队列,使人想到平稳而有节奏行进
6. To participate in an organized walk, as for a public cause. 示威游行:参与有组织的行动,比如为了公共事业及物动词)
1. To cause to move or otherwise progress in a steady, rhythmical manner: 使行军:使…以平稳且有节奏的步伐移动或行进:
- march soldiers into battle; marched us off to the dentist. 让士兵行军投入战斗;带我们到牙医那里
2. To traverse by progressing steadily and rhythmically: 行进通过:通过平稳和有节奏地行进走过:
- They marched the route in a day. 他们在一天内走完了全程
1. The act of marching, especially: 行进:行进的动作,尤指:
2. The steady forward movement of a body of troops. 行军:部队稳步地向前行进
3. A long tiring journey on foot. 长而累人的徒步旅行
4. Steady forward movement or progression: 稳步进展:稳定地向前运动或行进:
- the march of time. 时间的推移
5. A regulated pace: 规定的步伐:
- quick march; slow march. 快步;慢步
6. The distance covered within a certain period of time by moving or progressing steadily and rhythmically: 行程:一段时间内平稳而有节奏地移动或行进过的距离:
- a week's march away. 一周的行程
7. Music A composition in regularly accented, usually duple meter that is appropriate to accompany marching. 【音乐】 进行曲:一种有规则节拍适于作行军伴奏的音乐,通常为两拍
8. An organized walk or procession by a group of people for a specific cause or issue. 游行示威:一群人为了某一特定的原因或理由而进行的有组织的行动
on the march
Advancing steadily; progressing: 稳定地前进的;行进的:
- Technology is on the march. 科学技术在进步steal a march on
To get ahead of, especially by quiet enterprise. 偷偷抢在前面:赶在…前面,尤其是通过私下的冒险行为
v.(动词) marched,,
1. To walk steadily and rhythmically forward in step with others. 齐步前进:与别人一起齐步向前平稳而有节奏地行走
2. To begin to move in such a manner: 开拔:开始以这种方式移动:
- The troops will march at dawn. 部队将于拂晓出发
3. To proceed directly and purposefully: 行进:直接地或有目的地前进:
- marched in and demanded to see the manager. 进来要求见经理
4. To progress steadily onward; advance: 稳步前进;进步:
- Time marches on. 时光流逝
5. To be arranged in an orderly fashion that suggests steady, rhythmical progression. 稳定前进:排成整齐的队列,使人想到平稳而有节奏行进
6. To participate in an organized walk, as for a public cause. 示威游行:参与有组织的行动,比如为了公共事业及物动词)
1. To cause to move or otherwise progress in a steady, rhythmical manner: 使行军:使…以平稳且有节奏的步伐移动或行进:
- march soldiers into battle; marched us off to the dentist. 让士兵行军投入战斗;带我们到牙医那里
2. To traverse by progressing steadily and rhythmically: 行进通过:通过平稳和有节奏地行进走过:
- They marched the route in a day. 他们在一天内走完了全程
1. The act of marching, especially: 行进:行进的动作,尤指:
2. The steady forward movement of a body of troops. 行军:部队稳步地向前行进
3. A long tiring journey on foot. 长而累人的徒步旅行
4. Steady forward movement or progression: 稳步进展:稳定地向前运动或行进:
- the march of time. 时间的推移
5. A regulated pace: 规定的步伐:
- quick march; slow march. 快步;慢步
6. The distance covered within a certain period of time by moving or progressing steadily and rhythmically: 行程:一段时间内平稳而有节奏地移动或行进过的距离:
- a week's march away. 一周的行程
7. Music A composition in regularly accented, usually duple meter that is appropriate to accompany marching. 【音乐】 进行曲:一种有规则节拍适于作行军伴奏的音乐,通常为两拍
8. An organized walk or procession by a group of people for a specific cause or issue. 游行示威:一群人为了某一特定的原因或理由而进行的有组织的行动
on the march
Advancing steadily; progressing: 稳定地前进的;行进的:
- Technology is on the march. 科学技术在进步steal a march on
To get ahead of, especially by quiet enterprise. 偷偷抢在前面:赶在…前面,尤其是通过私下的冒险行为
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉地理大词典
n. 行进,三月,进展,进行曲,边界;vt. 行军,进行
n. 行进,三月,进展,进行曲,边界;vt. 行军,进行
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英中医学辞海
v. 示威游行, 游行 ;n.游行
v. 示威游行, 游行 ;n.游行
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
n. 标记;界线;边界;边疆;边境
n. 标记;界线;边界;边疆;边境
- 英语>简体中文, 英美法词典
n. 进展;n.进展,行程
n. 进展;n.进展,行程
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
进军; 行进
- The crowd of demonstrators marched along the main street. 游行群众沿主要街道行进。
vt. & vi.
- After a rest, they marched on. 休息一会儿以后, 他们继续前进。
- He marched the prisoner in. 他把犯人押了进去。
行进, 行军
- Military training fits men to make long marches. 军训使人能适应长途行军。
前进, 进军
- It was a day's march from the city to the camp. 从这个城市行军到营地需要一天的行军时间。
- The soldiers were making a triumphal march through the city. 战士们正举行胜利游行穿过那城市。
- The movement of a waltz is very different from that of a march. 华尔兹的韵律和进行曲的韵律是不同的。
- The march of events is as fast as we thought. 事情的发展就如我们所料的那样快。
进军; 行进
- The crowd of demonstrators marched along the main street. 游行群众沿主要街道行进。
vt. & vi.
- After a rest, they marched on. 休息一会儿以后, 他们继续前进。
- He marched the prisoner in. 他把犯人押了进去。
行进, 行军
- Military training fits men to make long marches. 军训使人能适应长途行军。
前进, 进军
- It was a day's march from the city to the camp. 从这个城市行军到营地需要一天的行军时间。
- The soldiers were making a triumphal march through the city. 战士们正举行胜利游行穿过那城市。
- The movement of a waltz is very different from that of a march. 华尔兹的韵律和进行曲的韵律是不同的。
- The march of events is as fast as we thought. 事情的发展就如我们所料的那样快。
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
The band played a march. 乐队奏出进行曲。
the march of time. 时间的推移。
SEE参阅 progress noun 名词.
(noun 名词)
The band played a march. 乐队奏出进行曲。
the march of time. 时间的推移。
SEE参阅 progress noun 名词.
(verb 动词)
Soldiers marched into town. 兵进了城。
SYNONYM 同义词:file, parade,stride, troop, SEE参阅 walk verb 动词.
(verb 动词)
Soldiers marched into town. 兵进了城。
SYNONYM 同义词:file, parade,stride, troop, SEE参阅 walk verb 动词.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
quick march 另见quick
steal a march on sb 另见steal
quick march 另见quick
steal a march on sb 另见steal
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
使前进, 使行军
拖走, 拖去, 把...带走, 迫使到(某处)
- His mother marched him right off home with her. 他母亲让他马上跟她回家。
- He was marched off to prison. 他被带到监狱。
使前进, 使行军
拖走, 拖去, 把...带走, 迫使到(某处)
- His mother marched him right off home with her. 他母亲让他马上跟她回家。
- He was marched off to prison. 他被带到监狱。
行进, 行军; 推进
- march against the enemy 向敌方推进
- The soldiers marched along the highway. 部队沿公路而行。
行进, 行军; 推进
- march against the enemy 向敌方推进
- The soldiers marched along the highway. 部队沿公路而行。
前进; 进军; 行军
进展; 发展
行军的距离; 长途跋涉
- They reached the camp after a three-day's march. 他们经过三天行军后到达了营地。
- It was a day's march from the city to the village. 从城里到那个村子有一天的路程。
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- The book describes the march of civilization from ancient Egyptian times to the present. 该书描述了从古埃及时代至现代文化的发展情况。
行进者, 行军者, 游行者
at the march
on the march
rogue's march
旧时将士兵逐出部队时奏的乐曲; 把某人逐出某团体的起哄声
steal [get] a march on sb.
抢先一步, 巧妙地先发制人
march at ease
march in
进入(攻占的城市等); (运动员的)进场
march into
march off
出发; 带走
march on
(继续)向前进; 向...推进;【军】进入检阅场地
march upon [with]
毗邻, 接壤
前进; 进军; 行军
进展; 发展
行军的距离; 长途跋涉
- They reached the camp after a three-day's march. 他们经过三天行军后到达了营地。
- It was a day's march from the city to the village. 从城里到那个村子有一天的路程。
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- The book describes the march of civilization from ancient Egyptian times to the present. 该书描述了从古埃及时代至现代文化的发展情况。
行进者, 行军者, 游行者
at the march
on the march
rogue's march
旧时将士兵逐出部队时奏的乐曲; 把某人逐出某团体的起哄声
steal [get] a march on sb.
抢先一步, 巧妙地先发制人
march at ease
march in
进入(攻占的城市等); (运动员的)进场
march into
march off
出发; 带走
march on
(继续)向前进; 向...推进;【军】进入检阅场地
march upon [with]
毗邻, 接壤
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 美华军语辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 矿冶工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 医学名词
(marching, marched,marches)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 When soldiers march somewhere, or when a commanding officer marches them somewhere, they walk there with very regular steps, as a group. 使齐步走; 行军
- A U.S. infantry battalion was marching down the street. 一个美军步兵营沿着街道行进。
- Captain Ramirez called them to attention and marched them off to the main camp. 拉米雷斯上校命令他们立正,然后让他们向主营地行进。
2. 可数名词 March is also a noun. 行军
- After a short march, the column entered the village. 短途行军之后,队伍进入了村子。
3. 可数名词 a frontier, border, or boundary or the land lying along it, often of disputed ownership (所有权常有争议的)边界; 边疆; 边地 (Also called marchland)
4. 不及物动词 When a large group of people march for a cause, they walk somewhere together in order to express their ideas or to protest about something. 游行
- The demonstrators then marched through the capital chanting slogans and demanding free elections. 示威者然后穿越首都游行,反复喊着口号,要求进行自由选举。
5. 可数名词 March is also a noun. 游行
- Organizers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march. 组织者预计多达30万的抗议者参加这次游行。
6. marcher 可数名词 游行者
- Fights between police and marchers lasted for three hours. 警察和游行者之间的战斗持续了3个小时。
7. 不及物动词 If you say that someone marches somewhere, you mean that they walk there quickly and in a determined way, for example because they are angry. (坚定地) 快步走
- He marched into the kitchen without knocking. 他没敲门就快步走进了厨房。
8. 及物动词 If you march someone somewhere, you force them to walk there with you, for example by holding their arm tightly. 迫使…同行
- They were marched through a crocodile-infested area and, if they slowed down, were beaten with sticks. 他们被迫一同穿过一个鳄鱼出没的地区,如果走得慢了,就会遭到棍棒责打。
9. 单数型名词 Themarchof something is its steady development or progress. 进展
- It is easy to feel trampled by the relentless march of technology. 技术日新月异的发展容易让人感到压抑。
10. 可数名词 A march is a piece of music with a regular rhythm that you can march to. 进行曲
- A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes at the parade last Sunday. 一个军乐团在上周日的游行中演奏了俄罗斯的进行曲和民乐。
(marching, marched,marches)
1. 及物动词/不及物动词 When soldiers march somewhere, or when a commanding officer marches them somewhere, they walk there with very regular steps, as a group. 使齐步走; 行军
- A U.S. infantry battalion was marching down the street. 一个美军步兵营沿着街道行进。
- Captain Ramirez called them to attention and marched them off to the main camp. 拉米雷斯上校命令他们立正,然后让他们向主营地行进。
2. 可数名词 March is also a noun. 行军
- After a short march, the column entered the village. 短途行军之后,队伍进入了村子。
3. 可数名词 a frontier, border, or boundary or the land lying along it, often of disputed ownership (所有权常有争议的)边界; 边疆; 边地 (Also called marchland)
4. 不及物动词 When a large group of people march for a cause, they walk somewhere together in order to express their ideas or to protest about something. 游行
- The demonstrators then marched through the capital chanting slogans and demanding free elections. 示威者然后穿越首都游行,反复喊着口号,要求进行自由选举。
5. 可数名词 March is also a noun. 游行
- Organizers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march. 组织者预计多达30万的抗议者参加这次游行。
6. marcher 可数名词 游行者
- Fights between police and marchers lasted for three hours. 警察和游行者之间的战斗持续了3个小时。
7. 不及物动词 If you say that someone marches somewhere, you mean that they walk there quickly and in a determined way, for example because they are angry. (坚定地) 快步走
- He marched into the kitchen without knocking. 他没敲门就快步走进了厨房。
8. 及物动词 If you march someone somewhere, you force them to walk there with you, for example by holding their arm tightly. 迫使…同行
- They were marched through a crocodile-infested area and, if they slowed down, were beaten with sticks. 他们被迫一同穿过一个鳄鱼出没的地区,如果走得慢了,就会遭到棍棒责打。
9. 单数型名词 Themarchof something is its steady development or progress. 进展
- It is easy to feel trampled by the relentless march of technology. 技术日新月异的发展容易让人感到压抑。
10. 可数名词 A march is a piece of music with a regular rhythm that you can march to. 进行曲
- A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes at the parade last Sunday. 一个军乐团在上周日的游行中演奏了俄罗斯的进行曲和民乐。
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典