A sack; pouch; wallet. 袋;囊;皮夹。
The amount contained in a bag, as of grain. 袋子的容量(如米谷之量)。
Game secured by a sportsman in one day. (常用单数)狩猎者一日所获之猎物。
Base. 【体】(棒球)垒。
Slatternly woman. 【俚】邋遢懒散的女人。
Puffiness under the eyes. 【口】睡眼泡;眼睛下面的肿胀。
Trousers. [~s] 【英】【俚】裤子。
bag and baggage (a)带着全部家当。(b)全部地;彻底地。
bag and bottle 食品与饮料。
bag of bones 瘦巴巴的人(动物);瘦皮猴。
bag of moonshine 无稽之谈;荒诞不经。
bag of nails 乱七八糟。
bag of wind 风囊;好说空话者。
bag of 【俚】很多的;充足的。
a bag of nerves 【口】非常神经质或焦虑的人。
a mixed bag 【口】大杂烩。
bear the bag 掌管钱财。
be left holding the bag 【美】【口】由自己负全部责任。
be sb's bag 为某人感兴趣的所能胜任的事物。
empty the bag 全盘托出;毫无隐瞒。
get the bag 被解雇;卷铺盖。
give (sb) the bag (a)解雇。(b)拒婚。(c)不告而别。
in the bag 【俚】铁定的;笃定的。
let the cat out of the bag (无意中)泄露了秘密。
pack one's bags 【口】整理行装(准备旅行)。
set sb's bag for 【美】野心勃勃。
in the bottom of the bag 作为最后一张王牌;作为最后的手段。
the whole bag of tricks 【俚】袋里所有的把戏;一切手段。
(过去式: bagged; 过去完成式: bagged; 现在进行式: bagging)
To enclose in a bag. 装入袋中。
- Bag all popcorn. 将所有爆米花装入袋里。
To secure or capture, as game. 猎获捕获(猎物)。
- We bagged two rabbits yesterday. 昨天我们捕到了两只兔子。
To cause to swell. 使膨胀。
To take without permission but not intending dishonesty. (无偷窃之意地)擅自拿取。
To bulge. 胀大。
To stay loosely. 【口】松弛;蓬松。
- His trousers bagged (out) at the knees. 他的裤子膝盖部份松松垮垮的。
adj. baggy.
- 英语>简体中文, 美语词典
1. (for carrying things) 袋;袋子
- She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她拿着一个购物袋离开了宾馆。
- The man at the checkout asked me if I had brought any of my own bags. 收款台那个人问我有没有自己带袋子。
a paper bag 纸袋
- He is tightly clutching two paper bags. 他紧紧抓着两个纸袋。
a plastic bag 塑料袋
- She packed all her shopping into plastic bags. 她把买的所有东西都装进了塑料袋。
2. (amount) [+of crisps, sugar] 一袋之量
- I bought a bag of sweets to eat on the way home. 我买了一袋糖果在回家的路上吃。
- Sally shared a bag of crisps with me. 萨莉和我把一袋薯片分着吃了。
3. (piece of luggage) 行李包;旅行袋
- I'll check this bag in and take the other one onto the plane. 我会把这个旅行袋托运, 把另外一个带上飞机。
- We managed to pack everything we need into one bag. 我们设法把所有要用的东西都装进了一个旅行袋。
4. (handbag) (女用)手提包
- She took her purse from her bag. 她从手提包里拿出了钱包。
5. (loose/sagging part) 袋状物;(皮肉的)松垂鼓出处
to have bags under your eyes 有眼袋
- Simon hasn't been getting much sleep to judge by the bags under his eyes. 从西蒙的眼袋就可以看出, 他没睡多少觉。
6. 【解剖】 (pouch) (动物的)囊;(尤指牛的)乳房
7. (game killed) (一次或一人的)打猎所得
- a pretty good bag for one afternoon's shooting 对一个下午的射猎来说很不错的收获
8. 【棒】 垒;垒包;垒垫
9. <非正式,粗> 丑女人;凶女人
an old bag 丑老婆子;凶老婆子
- Some stupid old bag started mouthing off at us. 一个愚蠢的丑老婆子扯着嗓子冲我们骂开了。
10. (measure of drug in paper) (包在纸里的)一服毒品
11. <非正式,过时> (interest) 爱好;喜好;嗜好
to be sb's bag 是某人的爱好
- Classical music isn't really my bag. 古典音乐实际上不是我的爱好。
12. bag and baggage<非正式> 连同全部财产
- She threw him out bag and baggage. 她把他和他的所有东西一起扫地出门了。
13. a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)
- That girl's nothing but a bag of bones. 那个女孩根本就是皮包骨。
14. the bag of tricksorthe whole bag of tricks<非正式> 所有东西
- She carries the whole bag of tricks around with her in the boot of the car. 她把所有东西都放在汽车的行李箱里带来带去。
- What do you think this bag of tricks might be worth? 你觉得所有这些东西能值多少钱?
15. to be left holding the bag<美,非正式> 背别人甩掉的包袱;背黑锅
- I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong. 要是出了什么问题, 我可不想背黑锅。
- The company has gone into liquidation. Creditors are left holding the bag. 这个公司已经破产了, 把包袱甩给了债主们。
16. in the bag<非正式> 肯定到手;十拿九稳
- I'll get the Republican nomination. It's in the bag. 我会得到共和党提名的, 肯定没问题。
- They made the mistake of thinking that the title was already in the bag. 他们犯了错误, 以为冠军已经十拿九稳了。
17. to pack your bags 收拾东西离开
- Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags. 警察到了他住的旅馆, 命令他收拾东西离开。
- She had packed her bags during the night and was nowhere to be found. 她连夜收拾东西走了, 哪里都找不到她。
1. (for carrying things) 袋;袋子
- She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她拿着一个购物袋离开了宾馆。
- The man at the checkout asked me if I had brought any of my own bags. 收款台那个人问我有没有自己带袋子。
a paper bag 纸袋
- He is tightly clutching two paper bags. 他紧紧抓着两个纸袋。
a plastic bag 塑料袋
- She packed all her shopping into plastic bags. 她把买的所有东西都装进了塑料袋。
2. (amount) [+of crisps, sugar] 一袋之量
- I bought a bag of sweets to eat on the way home. 我买了一袋糖果在回家的路上吃。
- Sally shared a bag of crisps with me. 萨莉和我把一袋薯片分着吃了。
3. (piece of luggage) 行李包;旅行袋
- I'll check this bag in and take the other one onto the plane. 我会把这个旅行袋托运, 把另外一个带上飞机。
- We managed to pack everything we need into one bag. 我们设法把所有要用的东西都装进了一个旅行袋。
4. (handbag) (女用)手提包
- She took her purse from her bag. 她从手提包里拿出了钱包。
5. (loose/sagging part) 袋状物;(皮肉的)松垂鼓出处
to have bags under your eyes 有眼袋
- Simon hasn't been getting much sleep to judge by the bags under his eyes. 从西蒙的眼袋就可以看出, 他没睡多少觉。
6. 【解剖】 (pouch) (动物的)囊;(尤指牛的)乳房
7. (game killed) (一次或一人的)打猎所得
- a pretty good bag for one afternoon's shooting 对一个下午的射猎来说很不错的收获
8. 【棒】 垒;垒包;垒垫
9. <非正式,粗> 丑女人;凶女人
an old bag 丑老婆子;凶老婆子
- Some stupid old bag started mouthing off at us. 一个愚蠢的丑老婆子扯着嗓子冲我们骂开了。
10. (measure of drug in paper) (包在纸里的)一服毒品
11. <非正式,过时> (interest) 爱好;喜好;嗜好
to be sb's bag 是某人的爱好
- Classical music isn't really my bag. 古典音乐实际上不是我的爱好。
12. bag and baggage<非正式> 连同全部财产
- She threw him out bag and baggage. 她把他和他的所有东西一起扫地出门了。
13. a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)
- That girl's nothing but a bag of bones. 那个女孩根本就是皮包骨。
14. the bag of tricksorthe whole bag of tricks<非正式> 所有东西
- She carries the whole bag of tricks around with her in the boot of the car. 她把所有东西都放在汽车的行李箱里带来带去。
- What do you think this bag of tricks might be worth? 你觉得所有这些东西能值多少钱?
15. to be left holding the bag<美,非正式> 背别人甩掉的包袱;背黑锅
- I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong. 要是出了什么问题, 我可不想背黑锅。
- The company has gone into liquidation. Creditors are left holding the bag. 这个公司已经破产了, 把包袱甩给了债主们。
16. in the bag<非正式> 肯定到手;十拿九稳
- I'll get the Republican nomination. It's in the bag. 我会得到共和党提名的, 肯定没问题。
- They made the mistake of thinking that the title was already in the bag. 他们犯了错误, 以为冠军已经十拿九稳了。
17. to pack your bags 收拾东西离开
- Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags. 警察到了他住的旅馆, 命令他收拾东西离开。
- She had packed her bags during the night and was nowhere to be found. 她连夜收拾东西走了, 哪里都找不到她。
/bæɡ/ (bags, bagging, bagged)
1. (get) [+ money, title] 得到;获得;把…收入囊中
- Jagger's failure in the past to bag a knighthood 贾格尔过去想得骑士称号而不成
- Lyle is on course to bag £400,000 profit from the sale of his mansion. 莱尔把他的宅邸卖掉的话有可能获利40万英镑。
to bag a goal 收获一个进球
- He bagged two goals for France in the 1998 World Cup. 他在1998年的世界杯上为法国队打进两球。
- Hartson bagged his first goal after just eight minutes. 哈特森仅8分钟后就收获了他的第一个进球。
- Sally bagged two birdies in the first nine holes. 萨莉在打前9个洞的时候收获了两个小鸟球。
2. <英,非正式> (reserve) 预订;占
- The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them. 机灵的人会把卡片放到座位上占座。
- I went ahead to bag a table near the fire. 我去占了一个火炉旁的桌子。
3. (in hunting) [+ pheasant, rabbit] 捕获;猎取;捕杀
- I managed to bag a hare. 我设法捕到了一只野兔。
4. (put into bags) [+ goods, shopping] 把…装进袋子
- The boy at the checkout helped me to bag up my shopping. 收款台的男孩帮我把买的东西装到袋子里。
- The slogan for waste disposal was 'bag it and bin it'. 垃圾处理的口号是“装袋入箱”。
5. <澳,新西兰,非正式> (criticize) 批评;取笑
- Bradley gets bagged by the lads for his strange hairstyle. 布拉德利因为奇怪的发型遭到那些男孩子的取笑。
- I'm sure she'll be bagged as another whining whinger. 我肯定她会遭到嘲笑, 被看成又一个哼哼唧唧的牢骚虫。
[material, trousers +] 松垮下垂
- His trousers are bagging at the knees. 他裤子的膝盖部分松松垮垮。
/bæɡ/ (bags, bagging, bagged)
1. (get) [+ money, title] 得到;获得;把…收入囊中
- Jagger's failure in the past to bag a knighthood 贾格尔过去想得骑士称号而不成
- Lyle is on course to bag £400,000 profit from the sale of his mansion. 莱尔把他的宅邸卖掉的话有可能获利40万英镑。
to bag a goal 收获一个进球
- He bagged two goals for France in the 1998 World Cup. 他在1998年的世界杯上为法国队打进两球。
- Hartson bagged his first goal after just eight minutes. 哈特森仅8分钟后就收获了他的第一个进球。
- Sally bagged two birdies in the first nine holes. 萨莉在打前9个洞的时候收获了两个小鸟球。
2. <英,非正式> (reserve) 预订;占
- The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them. 机灵的人会把卡片放到座位上占座。
- I went ahead to bag a table near the fire. 我去占了一个火炉旁的桌子。
3. (in hunting) [+ pheasant, rabbit] 捕获;猎取;捕杀
- I managed to bag a hare. 我设法捕到了一只野兔。
4. (put into bags) [+ goods, shopping] 把…装进袋子
- The boy at the checkout helped me to bag up my shopping. 收款台的男孩帮我把买的东西装到袋子里。
- The slogan for waste disposal was 'bag it and bin it'. 垃圾处理的口号是“装袋入箱”。
5. <澳,新西兰,非正式> (criticize) 批评;取笑
- Bradley gets bagged by the lads for his strange hairstyle. 布拉德利因为奇怪的发型遭到那些男孩子的取笑。
- I'm sure she'll be bagged as another whining whinger. 我肯定她会遭到嘲笑, 被看成又一个哼哼唧唧的牢骚虫。
[material, trousers +] 松垮下垂
- His trousers are bagging at the knees. 他裤子的膝盖部分松松垮垮。
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉大词典
n. bags 9
n. bags 9
- 英语>简体中文, 高中课标词汇
n. 囊,袋,使鼓胀
n. 囊,袋,使鼓胀
- 英语>简体中文, 中医大词典
n.Abbr. bg.(名词)缩写 bg.
1. A container of flexible material, such as paper, plastic, or leather, that is used for carrying or storing items. 袋子:由柔韧材料如纸、塑料或皮革做成的容器,用来装或贮存物品
2. A handbag; a purse. 手包;钱包
3. A piece of hand luggage, such as a suitcase or a satchel. 手提包:一件手拿的行李,如手提衣箱或小提包
4. An organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow. (牛的)乳房:有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房
5. An object that resembles a pouch. 囊状物:类似袋子的物体
6. Nautical The bulging part of a sail. 【航海】 气囊:航帆鼓起的部分
7. The amount that a bag can hold. 一袋的量:包或袋所能盛的数量
8. An amount of game taken or legally permitted to be taken. 合法的狩猎量:取得的猎物或被法律允许的狩猎数量
9. Baseball A base. 【棒球】 垒包
10. Slang An area of interest or skill: 【俚语】 兴趣;技巧:有兴趣或擅长的领域:
- Cooking is not my bag. 做饭不是我拿手的事情
11. Slang A woman considered ugly or unkempt. 【俚语】 邋遢丑陋的女人:被认为丑或不修边幅的邋遢妇女
v.(动词) bagged, bag.ging, bags及物动词)
1. To put into or as if into a bag. 装入:放入或似乎放入包中
2. To cause to bulge like a pouch. 使鼓胀:使象囊一样鼓出
3. To capture or kill as game: 猎捕:象对猎物一样夺取或捕杀:
- bagged six grouse. 捕获了6支松鸡
4. Informal To gain possession of; capture. 【非正式用语】 获得,捕获:得到占有权;捕获
1. To hang loosely. 松散地垂挂
2. To swell out; bulge. 鼓胀:鼓出来;膨胀隆起
bag it 【俚语】
1. To be a truant. 逃学,逃课:成为逃避责任者或逃学者
2. To cease discussion of an issue: 放弃;停止:停止问题的讨论:
- Finally in disgust I told my debating opponent to bag it. 最后我厌恶地告诉我的争论对手停止讨论in the bag
Assured of a successful outcome; virtually accomplished or won. 稳操胜券的:确信有成功的结果;实际上已完成或已赢得
n.Abbr. bg.(名词)缩写 bg.
1. A container of flexible material, such as paper, plastic, or leather, that is used for carrying or storing items. 袋子:由柔韧材料如纸、塑料或皮革做成的容器,用来装或贮存物品
2. A handbag; a purse. 手包;钱包
3. A piece of hand luggage, such as a suitcase or a satchel. 手提包:一件手拿的行李,如手提衣箱或小提包
4. An organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow. (牛的)乳房:有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房
5. An object that resembles a pouch. 囊状物:类似袋子的物体
6. Nautical The bulging part of a sail. 【航海】 气囊:航帆鼓起的部分
7. The amount that a bag can hold. 一袋的量:包或袋所能盛的数量
8. An amount of game taken or legally permitted to be taken. 合法的狩猎量:取得的猎物或被法律允许的狩猎数量
9. Baseball A base. 【棒球】 垒包
10. Slang An area of interest or skill: 【俚语】 兴趣;技巧:有兴趣或擅长的领域:
- Cooking is not my bag. 做饭不是我拿手的事情
11. Slang A woman considered ugly or unkempt. 【俚语】 邋遢丑陋的女人:被认为丑或不修边幅的邋遢妇女
v.(动词) bagged, bag.ging, bags及物动词)
1. To put into or as if into a bag. 装入:放入或似乎放入包中
2. To cause to bulge like a pouch. 使鼓胀:使象囊一样鼓出
3. To capture or kill as game: 猎捕:象对猎物一样夺取或捕杀:
- bagged six grouse. 捕获了6支松鸡
4. Informal To gain possession of; capture. 【非正式用语】 获得,捕获:得到占有权;捕获
1. To hang loosely. 松散地垂挂
2. To swell out; bulge. 鼓胀:鼓出来;膨胀隆起
bag it 【俚语】
1. To be a truant. 逃学,逃课:成为逃避责任者或逃学者
2. To cease discussion of an issue: 放弃;停止:停止问题的讨论:
- Finally in disgust I told my debating opponent to bag it. 最后我厌恶地告诉我的争论对手停止讨论in the bag
Assured of a successful outcome; virtually accomplished or won. 稳操胜券的:确信有成功的结果;实际上已完成或已赢得
- 英语>简体中文, 美国传统词典
n. 袋,贮藏,垫形软容器,被击落敌机总数,岩洞,行李;vt. 装入袋内
n. 袋,贮藏,垫形软容器,被击落敌机总数,岩洞,行李;vt. 装入袋内
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉化学大词典
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉计算机词汇
- 英语>简体中文, 英中医学辞海
n. 猎获物
n. 猎获物
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉法学大辞典
An unordered group of elements. Bags are used to express multiplication and arithmetic operations. For example, if we use the expression “plus” for addition, then 1+2+3 could be expressed either as plus(1, 2, 3) or plus(2, 1, 3) , since the or der of the numbers is not important in addition.
一种若干元素的无序组合。可以使用“元包”来表示乘法和算术运算。例如,如果我们用plus这样的表达式来表示加法,则1+2+3可以表示为如下任一种方式:plus(1, 2, 3) 或 plus(2, 1, 3) , 这是因为在加法中,各个数的先后次序是无关紧要的。
An unordered group of elements. Bags are used to express multiplication and arithmetic operations. For example, if we use the expression “plus” for addition, then 1+2+3 could be expressed either as plus(1, 2, 3) or plus(2, 1, 3) , since the or der of the numbers is not important in addition.
一种若干元素的无序组合。可以使用“元包”来表示乘法和算术运算。例如,如果我们用plus这样的表达式来表示加法,则1+2+3可以表示为如下任一种方式:plus(1, 2, 3) 或 plus(2, 1, 3) , 这是因为在加法中,各个数的先后次序是无关紧要的。
- 英语>简体中文, 计算机英汉双解词典
n. 袋
n. 袋
- 英语>简体中文, 英汉机械大词典
袋, 包
宽松地下垂, 鼓胀
袋, 包
宽松地下垂, 鼓胀
- 英语>简体中文, 简明英汉词典
(noun 名词)
SYNONYM 同义词:basket, carrier,carrier-bag, case, SEE参阅 container, handbag,holdall, sack, satchel, shopping-bag, shoulderbag.
(noun 名词)
SYNONYM 同义词:basket, carrier,carrier-bag, case, SEE参阅 container, handbag,holdall, sack, satchel, shopping-bag, shoulderbag.
(verb 动词)
[informal日常用语] 弄到
to bag a seat. 弄到座位。
SEE参阅 capture,reserve verb 动词.
(verb 动词)
[informal日常用语] 弄到
to bag a seat. 弄到座位。
SEE参阅 capture,reserve verb 动词.
- 英语>简体中文, 英语同义词词典
(not) your 'bag (informal)
(not) sth that you are interested in or good at﹙不是﹚自己的兴趣所在;﹙非﹚自己所长:
Poetry isn’t really my bag. 我其实并不擅长诗歌。
,bag and 'baggage
with all your belongings 连同全部财物:
If you don’t pay the rent, you’ll be thrown out, bag and baggage. 如果你不付房租,你的一切都会统统被扔出去。
a 'bag lady (informal)
a woman who has no home and who walks around carrying her possessions with her 无家可归的女人;携带家当四处流浪的女人
a ,bag of 'bones (informal)
a very thin person or animal 骨瘦如柴的人﹙或动物﹚ :
She refused to eat until eventually she was a bag of bones. 她拒绝进食,最后瘦成了一把骨头。
in the 'bag (informal)
(of a successful result 成果) almost certain to be achieved 如探囊取物;不成问题;十拿九稳:
With a three-goal lead and only ten minutes of the match left to play, victory seemed in the bag. 领先三个球,而且离终场只剩十分钟,看来稳操胜券了。
a bag/bundle of nerves 另见nerves
a bag/box of tricks 另见tricks
be a mixed bag/bunch 另见mixed
he, she, etc. couldn’t punch his, her, etc. way out of a paper bag 另见punch
let the cat out of the bag 另见let
an old bag 另见old
(not) your 'bag (informal)
(not) sth that you are interested in or good at﹙不是﹚自己的兴趣所在;﹙非﹚自己所长:
Poetry isn’t really my bag. 我其实并不擅长诗歌。
,bag and 'baggage
with all your belongings 连同全部财物:
If you don’t pay the rent, you’ll be thrown out, bag and baggage. 如果你不付房租,你的一切都会统统被扔出去。
a 'bag lady (informal)
a woman who has no home and who walks around carrying her possessions with her 无家可归的女人;携带家当四处流浪的女人
a ,bag of 'bones (informal)
a very thin person or animal 骨瘦如柴的人﹙或动物﹚ :
She refused to eat until eventually she was a bag of bones. 她拒绝进食,最后瘦成了一把骨头。
in the 'bag (informal)
(of a successful result 成果) almost certain to be achieved 如探囊取物;不成问题;十拿九稳:
With a three-goal lead and only ten minutes of the match left to play, victory seemed in the bag. 领先三个球,而且离终场只剩十分钟,看来稳操胜券了。
a bag/bundle of nerves 另见nerves
a bag/box of tricks 另见tricks
be a mixed bag/bunch 另见mixed
he, she, etc. couldn’t punch his, her, etc. way out of a paper bag 另见punch
let the cat out of the bag 另见let
an old bag 另见old
英语>简体中文, 英语习语词典
(布、皮、纸等)袋, (手提)包; 钱包
猎囊; 猎获的东西; (空战中)被击落的敌机总数
袋状物; (棒球的)垒囊; 肿眼泡; 动物的乳房
[pl.][英口]裤子; 大量, 很多(of)
[美俚]个人的兴趣范围; 个人的境遇
垫形软容器,; 软管
- a field bag 军用挂包
- mummy bag "木乃伊式"睡袋
- nose [feed] bag (吊在马嘴下的)饲料袋
- the honey bag of a bee 蜜蜂的蜜囊
- Oxford bags 灯笼裤
- count the bag 清查战果
- We had a good bag that day. 那天我们猎获甚多。
(布、皮、纸等)袋, (手提)包; 钱包
猎囊; 猎获的东西; (空战中)被击落的敌机总数
袋状物; (棒球的)垒囊; 肿眼泡; 动物的乳房
[pl.][英口]裤子; 大量, 很多(of)
[美俚]个人的兴趣范围; 个人的境遇
垫形软容器,; 软管
- a field bag 军用挂包
- mummy bag "木乃伊式"睡袋
- nose [feed] bag (吊在马嘴下的)饲料袋
- the honey bag of a bee 蜜蜂的蜜囊
- Oxford bags 灯笼裤
- count the bag 清查战果
- We had a good bag that day. 那天我们猎获甚多。
(bagged; bagging)
把...装进袋里; [口]把...占为己有, 获得; 偷窃
猎获(鸟兽等); 击落(敌机等); 一网打尽...
使成袋状, 使鼓胀
抓到, (随便)拿走
- Bag all the potatoes. 将所有马铃薯装入袋中。
- They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits. 除一对野兔外, 他们什么也没有猎获。
- Who has bagged my matches? 谁顺手把我的火柴拿走了?
(bagged; bagging)
把...装进袋里; [口]把...占为己有, 获得; 偷窃
猎获(鸟兽等); 击落(敌机等); 一网打尽...
使成袋状, 使鼓胀
抓到, (随便)拿走
- Bag all the potatoes. 将所有马铃薯装入袋中。
- They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits. 除一对野兔外, 他们什么也没有猎获。
- Who has bagged my matches? 谁顺手把我的火柴拿走了?
(衣、裤等)似袋子一般地松垂下; 膨胀
- My shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it. 风吹着我的衬衫使它膨胀得象个气球一样。
满满一袋, 一袋; 相当多
be put in the bag
bear the bag
掌握财权, 管钱
empty the bag
get the bag
[俚]被解雇; 被打发走开
give sb. the bag
give sb. the bag to hold
leave sb. the bag to hold
green bag
[俚]律师; 律师行业
have a bag on
[美俚]狂饮作乐; 醉
get a bag on
[美俚]狂饮作乐; 醉
tie a bag on
[美俚]狂饮作乐; 醉
hold the bag
上当, 受骗
in the bag
[俗]确实无疑, 稳操胜券
make a (good) bag
获得大批猎物; 动物分娩前乳房扩大
pack one's bag
put on the feed bag
[俚]吃饭, 开始吃
put sb. in a bag
挫败某人, 战胜某人; 俘虏某人
set one's bag for
对...有野心; 追求某人(某物)
the whole bag of tricks
一切手段; 全部用具[必需品]; (桌子等上的)摆设, 布置
turn out bag and baggage
clear out bag and baggage
pack off out bag and baggage
turn to bag and wallet
[废]做乞丐, 行乞
wind bag
[美俚]夸夸其谈的人; 多话的人
Bags I!
是我的! 我先占!我在先!
是我的! 我先占!我在先!
bag and baggage
彻底地; 全部地
bag and bottle
bag and spoon
bag of bones
bags of
bag of foulness
bag of game
bag of moonshine
bag of nails
bag of waters
胞衣, 胞囊
bags under the eyes
[口]肿眼泡, 松垂的下眼泡
(衣、裤等)似袋子一般地松垂下; 膨胀
- My shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it. 风吹着我的衬衫使它膨胀得象个气球一样。
满满一袋, 一袋; 相当多
be put in the bag
bear the bag
掌握财权, 管钱
empty the bag
get the bag
[俚]被解雇; 被打发走开
give sb. the bag
give sb. the bag to hold
leave sb. the bag to hold
green bag
[俚]律师; 律师行业
have a bag on
[美俚]狂饮作乐; 醉
get a bag on
[美俚]狂饮作乐; 醉
tie a bag on
[美俚]狂饮作乐; 醉
hold the bag
上当, 受骗
in the bag
[俗]确实无疑, 稳操胜券
make a (good) bag
获得大批猎物; 动物分娩前乳房扩大
pack one's bag
put on the feed bag
[俚]吃饭, 开始吃
put sb. in a bag
挫败某人, 战胜某人; 俘虏某人
set one's bag for
对...有野心; 追求某人(某物)
the whole bag of tricks
一切手段; 全部用具[必需品]; (桌子等上的)摆设, 布置
turn out bag and baggage
clear out bag and baggage
pack off out bag and baggage
turn to bag and wallet
[废]做乞丐, 行乞
wind bag
[美俚]夸夸其谈的人; 多话的人
Bags I!
是我的! 我先占!我在先!
是我的! 我先占!我在先!
bag and baggage
彻底地; 全部地
bag and bottle
bag and spoon
bag of bones
bags of
bag of foulness
bag of game
bag of moonshine
bag of nails
bag of waters
胞衣, 胞囊
bags under the eyes
[口]肿眼泡, 松垂的下眼泡
英语>简体中文, 现代英汉综合大辞典
- 英语>简体/繁体中文, 两岸学术名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 电子计算机名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 美华军语辞典
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海事名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 海洋科学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 机械工程名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 教育学名词
- 英语>繁体中文(台湾), 造船工程名词
A list of items that a customer has selected to purchase from a commerce Web site. It is usually compiled into a file and sometimes visually represented by a shopping bag.
A list of items that a customer has selected to purchase from a commerce Web site. It is usually compiled into a file and sometimes visually represented by a shopping bag.
- 英语>简体中文, IT术语集
1. 可数名词 A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example, one that is used in stores to put things in that a customer has bought. (薄纸或塑料做的) 袋子
2. 可数名词 You can use bag to refer to a bag and its contents, or to the contents only. (纸、塑料) 袋; 一袋之物
- ...a bag of sweets. …一袋糖果。
3. 可数名词 A bag is a strong container with one or two handles, used to carry things in. (有手柄的结实的) 袋子
- She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她拎着一个购物袋离开了宾馆。
4. 可数名词 You can use bag to refer to a bag and its contents, or to the contents only. 一袋; 一袋之物
- Mama came in the back door carrying two bags of groceries. 妈妈提着两袋食品走进了后门。
5. 可数名词 A bag is the same as a . 手提包
6. 复数型名词 If you have bags under your eyes, you have folds of skin there, usually because you have not had enough sleep. 眼袋
- The bags under his eyes have grown darker. 他眼袋的颜色变得更深了。
7. → see also pocketbook, purse, sleeping bag
1. 可数名词 A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example, one that is used in stores to put things in that a customer has bought. (薄纸或塑料做的) 袋子
2. 可数名词 You can use bag to refer to a bag and its contents, or to the contents only. (纸、塑料) 袋; 一袋之物
- ...a bag of sweets. …一袋糖果。
3. 可数名词 A bag is a strong container with one or two handles, used to carry things in. (有手柄的结实的) 袋子
- She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. 她拎着一个购物袋离开了宾馆。
4. 可数名词 You can use bag to refer to a bag and its contents, or to the contents only. 一袋; 一袋之物
- Mama came in the back door carrying two bags of groceries. 妈妈提着两袋食品走进了后门。
5. 可数名词 A bag is the same as a . 手提包
6. 复数型名词 If you have bags under your eyes, you have folds of skin there, usually because you have not had enough sleep. 眼袋
- The bags under his eyes have grown darker. 他眼袋的颜色变得更深了。
7. → see also pocketbook, purse, sleeping bag
英语>简体中文, 高级英汉双解词典
bag, sack, handbag, purse
bag → 普通用词,指一般的口袋,有时也指手提包。
sack → 应用较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。
handbag → 指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。
purse → 指钱包或小钱袋,在美国相当于bandbag。
bag → 普通用词,指一般的口袋,有时也指手提包。
sack → 应用较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。
handbag → 指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。
purse → 指钱包或小钱袋,在美国相当于bandbag。
英语>简体中文, 同义词辨析词典
bag, sack, handbag, purse
bag → 普通用词,指一般的口袋,有时也指手提包。
sack → 应用较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。
handbag → 指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。
purse → 指钱包或小钱袋,在美国相当于bandbag。
bag → 普通用词,指一般的口袋,有时也指手提包。
sack → 应用较窄,指较大的袋子,如麻袋等。
handbag → 指手提包,尤指女人用的手提包。
purse → 指钱包或小钱袋,在美国相当于bandbag。
英语>简体中文, 英语同义词辨析词典