頂住 顶住
[dǐng zhù]
to withstand
⇒ 抵挡 抵御 耐 经受 捍 挺 敌 对抗 架不住 禁用 经得起 耐看 不堪一击
to stand up to
⇒ 立身 平身 站起来 雄起 起来 尌 抵拒 放飞机 放鸽子 放鸟 巍然屹立 弱不禁风 设摊 见义勇为 拍案而起 约炮
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 withstand; stand up to; hold out against:
- 顶住逆流 stand up against a counter-current
- 顶住压力 withstand pressure
- 顶不住风浪 cannot weather a storm
动 withstand; stand up to; hold out against:
- 顶住逆流 stand up against a counter-current
- 顶住压力 withstand pressure
- 顶不住风浪 cannot weather a storm
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
动 withstand; be able to hold on; hold out against; stand up against/to
- 顶住风浪 weather a storm
- 顶住困难 stand up to difficulties
- 顶住外来压力 withstand outside pressures
- 顶住诱惑 resist a temptation
动 withstand; be able to hold on; hold out against; stand up against/to
- 顶住风浪 weather a storm
- 顶住困难 stand up to difficulties
- 顶住外来压力 withstand outside pressures
- 顶住诱惑 resist a temptation
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
dǐng zhù
- 我军在数周内顶住了敌人的进攻。 Our troops withstood the enemy's attack for weeks.
- 我们的谈判应当是无可指责的,可以顶住国内的压力。 Our negotiation should be above reproach to withstand the domestic pressure.
stand up to,指经受住。
- 我们的船只顶住逆流,溯流而上。 Our ships went upstream, standing up to the adverse current.
- 你的衣服能顶住这里的严冬吗? Does your clothes stand up to the severe winter here?
- 他们对她进行了猛烈的攻击,但她毫不畏惧地顶住了。 They launched fierce attacks but she stood up to them undauntedly.
hold out,指坚持住。
- 我们应当顶住!我们不应当被困难吓倒。 We must hold out! We mustn't be frightened by difficulties.
- 我团顶住了敌人,直至援军到来。 Our regiment held out against the enemy until reinforcements arrived.
- 由于断粮,我们顶不住了! We could hold out no longer on account of starvation.
lose ground,指顶不住。
- 病人咳得厉害,开始顶不住啦。 The sick man began to lose ground when his cough grew worse.
- 连长阵亡,我们顶不住了。 The company commander is dead. We're losing ground.
dǐng zhù
- 我军在数周内顶住了敌人的进攻。 Our troops withstood the enemy's attack for weeks.
- 我们的谈判应当是无可指责的,可以顶住国内的压力。 Our negotiation should be above reproach to withstand the domestic pressure.
stand up to,指经受住。
- 我们的船只顶住逆流,溯流而上。 Our ships went upstream, standing up to the adverse current.
- 你的衣服能顶住这里的严冬吗? Does your clothes stand up to the severe winter here?
- 他们对她进行了猛烈的攻击,但她毫不畏惧地顶住了。 They launched fierce attacks but she stood up to them undauntedly.
hold out,指坚持住。
- 我们应当顶住!我们不应当被困难吓倒。 We must hold out! We mustn't be frightened by difficulties.
- 我团顶住了敌人,直至援军到来。 Our regiment held out against the enemy until reinforcements arrived.
- 由于断粮,我们顶不住了! We could hold out no longer on account of starvation.
lose ground,指顶不住。
- 病人咳得厉害,开始顶不住啦。 The sick man began to lose ground when his cough grew worse.
- 连长阵亡,我们顶不住了。 The company commander is dead. We're losing ground.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典