[gé mìng]
to withdraw the mandate of heaven (and transition to a new dynasty) (original meaning)
⇒ 民主革命 旧民主主义革命 法国大革命 公转 文革 光荣革命 法国革命 文化大革命 资产阶级革命 十月革命 天崩地裂 革命先烈 狂飙 革命烈士 巂 旋转曲面 工业革命 切格瓦拉 辛亥革命 朦胧诗 身体是革命的本钱 巴山夜雨 辛亥 刘少奇 红色旅游 牛棚 林彪 贺龙 谭震林 邹容
⇒ 红 红色 革命性 东风 革命家 国民革命军 中国国民党革命委员会 红五类 张治中 列宁 胡鄂公 熊成基 刘师培 马克思 驱除鞑虏 鲍狄埃 八宝山革命公墓 章士钊 红色娘子军 苏曼殊 那木巴尔·恩赫巴亚尔 拉法格 张自忠 陈天华 布哈林 谭震林 李富春 章太炎 复古会 光复会 林森 巴枯宁主义
to revolt (against sb or sth)
⇒ 叛 反叛 篡逆 造反 叛逆 逼上梁山 发难 作乱 平叛 官逼民反 陈桥兵变 吴三桂
to revolutionize (sth)
(separable verb sometimes used in the pattern 革noun的命)
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名
1 revolution:
- 干革命 make (or wage) revolution
2 radical change; transformation; revolution:
- 技术革命 technological revolution
II 动 (-//-) cause great social change; rise in revolt; take part in revolution:
- 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; remain a revolutionary to the end of one's life
III 形 revolution-ary:
- 革命理论 revolutionary theory
- 革命的浪漫主义 revo-lutionary romanticism
- 革命化 revolutionize; do things in a revolutionary way
- 革命家 revolutionary; revolutionist
- 革命性 revolutionary character (or quality, spirit)
- 革命英雄主义 revolutionary heroism
I 名
1 revolution:
- 干革命 make (or wage) revolution
2 radical change; transformation; revolution:
- 技术革命 technological revolution
II 动 (-//-) cause great social change; rise in revolt; take part in revolution:
- 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; remain a revolutionary to the end of one's life
III 形 revolution-ary:
- 革命理论 revolutionary theory
- 革命的浪漫主义 revo-lutionary romanticism
- 革命化 revolutionize; do things in a revolutionary way
- 革命家 revolutionary; revolutionist
- 革命性 revolutionary character (or quality, spirit)
- 革命英雄主义 revolutionary heroism
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 被压迫阶级用暴力夺取政权,摧毁旧的腐朽的社会制度,建立新的进步的社会制度。革命破坏旧的生产关系,建立新的生产关系,解放生产力,推动社会的发展。 {revolution — the oppressed classes rise in revolt to seize power, destroy an old decadent social system and build a new advanced society. Revolution can destroy the old relations of production, build new ones, free up productivity, and promote the development of society.}
2. 具有革命意识的 {revolutionary nature}:
- 工人阶级是最~的阶级。 {The working class is most dedicated to the cause of the revolution.}
3. 根本改革 {revolution}:
- 思想~ {revolution in thought}
- 技术~ {technological revolution}
- 产业~。 {industrial revolution}
1. 被压迫阶级用暴力夺取政权,摧毁旧的腐朽的社会制度,建立新的进步的社会制度。革命破坏旧的生产关系,建立新的生产关系,解放生产力,推动社会的发展。 {revolution — the oppressed classes rise in revolt to seize power, destroy an old decadent social system and build a new advanced society. Revolution can destroy the old relations of production, build new ones, free up productivity, and promote the development of society.}
2. 具有革命意识的 {revolutionary nature}:
- 工人阶级是最~的阶级。 {The working class is most dedicated to the cause of the revolution.}
3. 根本改革 {revolution}:
- 思想~ {revolution in thought}
- 技术~ {technological revolution}
- 产业~。 {industrial revolution}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 make a revolution; start/raise a revolution; carry out a revolution; engage in revolution; cause a sudden and great social change
- 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; remain a revolutionary to the end of one's life/days; remain a revolutionary all one's life
名 revolution; radical change; drastic transformation
- 参加革命 join the revolution
- 发动/完成一场革命 initiate/accomplish a revolution
- 干革命 make revolution; do revolutionary work
- 掀起一场伟大的革命 start/raise a great revolution
- 工业/技术/文化/政治革命 industrial/technical/cultural/political revolution
- 社会主义/资产阶级革命 socialist/bourgeoisie revolution
- 土地革命 agrarian/land revolution
- 新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution
动 change/alter completely; totally transform
形 revolutionary
形 of the Chinese revolution
动 make a revolution; start/raise a revolution; carry out a revolution; engage in revolution; cause a sudden and great social change
- 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; remain a revolutionary to the end of one's life/days; remain a revolutionary all one's life
名 revolution; radical change; drastic transformation
- 参加革命 join the revolution
- 发动/完成一场革命 initiate/accomplish a revolution
- 干革命 make revolution; do revolutionary work
- 掀起一场伟大的革命 start/raise a great revolution
- 工业/技术/文化/政治革命 industrial/technical/cultural/political revolution
- 社会主义/资产阶级革命 socialist/bourgeoisie revolution
- 土地革命 agrarian/land revolution
- 新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution
动 change/alter completely; totally transform
形 revolutionary
形 of the Chinese revolution
ɡémìnɡ chuántǒnɡ
名 revolutionary tradition
- 发扬革命传统 carry forward the revolutionary tradition
- 接受革命传统教育 receive education in revolutionary tradition
ɡémìnɡ chuántǒnɡ
名 revolutionary tradition
- 发扬革命传统 carry forward the revolutionary tradition
- 接受革命传统教育 receive education in revolutionary tradition
动 revolutionize
- 要使干部队伍革命化、知识化 make ranks of cadres more revolutionary and better educated
动 revolutionize
- 要使干部队伍革命化、知识化 make ranks of cadres more revolutionary and better educated
ɡémìnɡ huíyìlù
名 reminiscences of earlier revolutionary times
ɡémìnɡ huíyìlù
名 reminiscences of earlier revolutionary times
名 revolutionary; revolutionist
- 伟大的无产阶级革命家 great proletarian revolutionary
名 revolutionary; revolutionist
- 伟大的无产阶级革命家 great proletarian revolutionary
ɡémìnɡ lǎoqū
名 old revolutionary base
ɡémìnɡ lǎoqū
名 old revolutionary base
ɡémìnɡ lǐnɡxiù
名 leader of a revolution
ɡémìnɡ lǐnɡxiù
名 leader of a revolution
名 revolutionary
名 revolutionary
ɡémìnɡ réndàozhǔyì
名 revolutionary humanitarianism
- 实行革命人道主义 practise revolutionary humanitarianism
ɡémìnɡ réndàozhǔyì
名 revolutionary humanitarianism
- 实行革命人道主义 practise revolutionary humanitarianism
ɡémìnɡ shènɡdì
名 sacred place of a revolution
ɡémìnɡ shènɡdì
名 sacred place of a revolution
ɡémìnɡ wěiyuánhuì
名 revolutionary committee [a term used to indicate governments at various levels and leading organs of units during the'cultural revolution']
ɡémìnɡ wěiyuánhuì
名 revolutionary committee [a term used to indicate governments at various levels and leading organs of units during the'cultural revolution']
ɡémìnɡ xiànshízhǔyì
名 revolutionary realism
ɡémìnɡ xiànshízhǔyì
名 revolutionary realism
名 revolutionary nature/character/spirit
名 revolutionary nature/character/spirit
ɡémìnɡ yīnɡxiónɡzhǔyì
名 revolutionary heroism
ɡémìnɡ yīnɡxiónɡzhǔyì
名 revolutionary heroism
名 revolutionary; revolutionist
名 revolutionary; revolutionist
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
revolution; revolutionary
revolution; revolutionary
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
overturn; revolution
overturn; revolution
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典