簽字 签字
[qiān zì]
to sign (one's name)
⇒ 署 押 签名 画押 具名 署名 签署 签定 签到 报名 具结 人保 打手语 打哑语 签订 签发 弥封 题名 盖章 签售 签 亮黄灯 报班 投考 签约 画十字 签收 哀告宾服 露头 标注 披红 割袍断义
⇒ 花押 签名 签章 招牌菜 调号 拍号 招牌动作 下款 印鉴
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
动 sign; affix one's signature:
- 请作者在扉页上签字 ask the author to autograph the title page
- 本条约在签字后立即生效。 This treaty shall come into force upon signature.
- 签字国 signatory state (or power); signatory
- 签字仪式 signing ceremony
动 sign; affix one's signature:
- 请作者在扉页上签字 ask the author to autograph the title page
- 本条约在签字后立即生效。 This treaty shall come into force upon signature.
- 签字国 signatory state (or power); signatory
- 签字仪式 signing ceremony
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
qiān∥zì在文件上写上自己的名字,表示负责。 {sign; affix one's signature to indicate responsibility}
qiān∥zì在文件上写上自己的名字,表示负责。 {sign; affix one's signature to indicate responsibility}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 sign; affix one's signature
- 拒绝签字 withhold one's signature
- 签字盖章 sign and seal; put one's signature and seal on
- 签字画押 sign one's name on a document
- 签字后立即生效 come into force upon signature
- 请作者在扉页上签字 ask the author to autograph the title page
- 请把信送给经理签字。 Please take the letters to the manager for signature.
- 请在此合同的两个文本上都签字。 Please sign both copies of the contract.
- 他签字放弃一切权利。 He signed away all his rights.
动 sign; affix one's signature
- 拒绝签字 withhold one's signature
- 签字盖章 sign and seal; put one's signature and seal on
- 签字画押 sign one's name on a document
- 签字后立即生效 come into force upon signature
- 请作者在扉页上签字 ask the author to autograph the title page
- 请把信送给经理签字。 Please take the letters to the manager for signature.
- 请在此合同的两个文本上都签字。 Please sign both copies of the contract.
- 他签字放弃一切权利。 He signed away all his rights.
名 signatory (state/country)
- 条约签字国 signatory countries to a treaty
名 signatory (state/country)
- 条约签字国 signatory countries to a treaty
qiānzì yíshì
名 signing ceremony
- 中国加入世贸组织签字仪式 signing ceremony on China's accession to the WTO
- 在签字仪式上 at the signing ceremony
qiānzì yíshì
名 signing ceremony
- 中国加入世贸组织签字仪式 signing ceremony on China's accession to the WTO
- 在签字仪式上 at the signing ceremony
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
sign; write; hand; signature; signing
sign; write; hand; signature; signing
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
a scrape of the pen; ink; set one's hand to; signature
a scrape of the pen; ink; set one's hand to; signature
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典