社會 社会
⇒ 公家 社团 团 外场 联谊会 社 党 封建社会 英国皇家学会 红尘 协会 学会 建屋互助会 会门 市民社会 公民社会 帮会 费边社 帮 书会 上流社会 原始社会 中国地球物理学会 白莲教 中国鸟类学会 皇家学会 中国法学会 人渣 白莲 贵格会 奴隶社会
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 society; community:
- 国际社会 international community
- 人类社会 human society
- 社会党 Socialist Party
- 社会观 outlook of society
- 社会财富 wealth of society; public wealth
- 社会参与 communal participation
- 社会存在 social being
- 社会等级 social hierarchy
- 社会地位 social position (or status)
- 社会调查 social investigation (or survey)
- 社会动乱 social turbulence
- 社会分工 division of labour in society
- 社会风气 general tendencies of the society
- 社会风尚 social morals; moral values
- 社会负担 burden on society
- 社会工作 community (or social) work
- 社会公害 public scourge
- 社会公正 social justice
- 社会环境 social environment
- 社会活动 social (or public) activities
- 社会基础 social base; social basis
- 社会集团 organized grouping; collective
- 社会集资 raise funds in society
- 社会精英 social elite
- 社会会计 social accounting
- 社会名流 noted public figures; celebrity
- 社会青年 unemployed youth
- 社会群体 social group (or community)
- 社会认可 social approbation
- 社会失调 social maladjustment
- 社会实践 social practice
- 社会事业 social undertakings
- 社会统筹 overall social planning
- 社会投资 nongovernmental investment
- 社会习俗 folkways
- 社会贤达 public figures
- 社会效益 social benefit
- 社会新闻 city news
- 社会意识 social awareness
- 社会营销 social marketing
- 社会舆论 social media; public opinion
- 社会责任 social responsibility
- 社会渣滓 dregs of society
- 社会制度 social system
- 社会自我 social self
- 社会主流 main stream of society
- 社会安全网 social security net
- 社会发展史 history of social development; history of development of society
- 社会抚养费 social support payment
- 社会生产力 social productive force
- 社会心理学 social psychology
- 社会一体化 social integration
- 社会语言学 sociolinguistics
- 社会总产品 aggregate social product
- 社会总产值 gross social production value
- 社会总供给 total social supply
- 社会总需求 total social demand
- 社会经济制度 socio-economic system
- 社会民主主义 social democracy
- 社会热点问题 hot spots of society
- 社会统筹资金 socially pooled fund
- 社会团体法人 social organization as legal person
- 社会习惯势力 force of social habit
- 社会系统工程 social systems engineering
- 社会闲散资金 funds lying idle in society
- 社会信用体系 the social credit system
- 社会治安情况 public security situation
- 社会中介组织 social intermediary organization
- 社会集团购买力 institutional purchasing power
- 社会协商对话制度 system of social consultancy and dialogue
名 society; community:
- 国际社会 international community
- 人类社会 human society
- 社会党 Socialist Party
- 社会观 outlook of society
- 社会财富 wealth of society; public wealth
- 社会参与 communal participation
- 社会存在 social being
- 社会等级 social hierarchy
- 社会地位 social position (or status)
- 社会调查 social investigation (or survey)
- 社会动乱 social turbulence
- 社会分工 division of labour in society
- 社会风气 general tendencies of the society
- 社会风尚 social morals; moral values
- 社会负担 burden on society
- 社会工作 community (or social) work
- 社会公害 public scourge
- 社会公正 social justice
- 社会环境 social environment
- 社会活动 social (or public) activities
- 社会基础 social base; social basis
- 社会集团 organized grouping; collective
- 社会集资 raise funds in society
- 社会精英 social elite
- 社会会计 social accounting
- 社会名流 noted public figures; celebrity
- 社会青年 unemployed youth
- 社会群体 social group (or community)
- 社会认可 social approbation
- 社会失调 social maladjustment
- 社会实践 social practice
- 社会事业 social undertakings
- 社会统筹 overall social planning
- 社会投资 nongovernmental investment
- 社会习俗 folkways
- 社会贤达 public figures
- 社会效益 social benefit
- 社会新闻 city news
- 社会意识 social awareness
- 社会营销 social marketing
- 社会舆论 social media; public opinion
- 社会责任 social responsibility
- 社会渣滓 dregs of society
- 社会制度 social system
- 社会自我 social self
- 社会主流 main stream of society
- 社会安全网 social security net
- 社会发展史 history of social development; history of development of society
- 社会抚养费 social support payment
- 社会生产力 social productive force
- 社会心理学 social psychology
- 社会一体化 social integration
- 社会语言学 sociolinguistics
- 社会总产品 aggregate social product
- 社会总产值 gross social production value
- 社会总供给 total social supply
- 社会总需求 total social demand
- 社会经济制度 socio-economic system
- 社会民主主义 social democracy
- 社会热点问题 hot spots of society
- 社会统筹资金 socially pooled fund
- 社会团体法人 social organization as legal person
- 社会习惯势力 force of social habit
- 社会系统工程 social systems engineering
- 社会闲散资金 funds lying idle in society
- 社会信用体系 the social credit system
- 社会治安情况 public security situation
- 社会中介组织 social intermediary organization
- 社会集团购买力 institutional purchasing power
- 社会协商对话制度 system of social consultancy and dialogue
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 指由一定的经济基础和上层建筑构成的整体。也叫社会形态。原始共产主义社会、奴隶社会、封建社会、资本主义社会、共产主义社会是人类社会的五种基本形态。 {society; community; combination of the economic base and the superstructure; social formation; the primitive communist society, the slave society, the feudal society, the capitalist society and the communist society being the five basic formations of society; also 社会形态 shèhuì xíngtài}
2. 泛指由于共同物质条件而互相联系起来的人群。 {(in a broad sense) group of people regarded as forming a single community on the basis of common material conditions}
1. 指由一定的经济基础和上层建筑构成的整体。也叫社会形态。原始共产主义社会、奴隶社会、封建社会、资本主义社会、共产主义社会是人类社会的五种基本形态。 {society; community; combination of the economic base and the superstructure; social formation; the primitive communist society, the slave society, the feudal society, the capitalist society and the communist society being the five basic formations of society; also 社会形态 shèhuì xíngtài}
2. 泛指由于共同物质条件而互相联系起来的人群。 {(in a broad sense) group of people regarded as forming a single community on the basis of common material conditions}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 society
- 遍及全社会 run through the whole society
- 服务社会 serve the society
- 改造/建设社会 remodel/build society
- 适应/接触社会 adapt to/touch society
- 有益于社会 benefit society
- 社会不平等 social inequality
- 社会动乱/问题/正义 social unrest/problem/justice
- 当今/古代/现代社会 present-day/ancient/modern society
- 封建/文明社会 feudal/civilized society
- 阶级/民主社会 class/democratic society
- 人类/上流社会 human/high society
- 社会主义/资本主义/西方社会 socialist/capitalist/Western society
- 秩序井然的社会 well-organized society
- 主流社会 mainstream society
- 妇女在社会上应该享有平等的地位。 Women must have equal status in society.
- 人是社会性动物。 Man is a social creature/being.
名 community
- 国际社会 international community
名 society
- 遍及全社会 run through the whole society
- 服务社会 serve the society
- 改造/建设社会 remodel/build society
- 适应/接触社会 adapt to/touch society
- 有益于社会 benefit society
- 社会不平等 social inequality
- 社会动乱/问题/正义 social unrest/problem/justice
- 当今/古代/现代社会 present-day/ancient/modern society
- 封建/文明社会 feudal/civilized society
- 阶级/民主社会 class/democratic society
- 人类/上流社会 human/high society
- 社会主义/资本主义/西方社会 socialist/capitalist/Western society
- 秩序井然的社会 well-organized society
- 主流社会 mainstream society
- 妇女在社会上应该享有平等的地位。 Women must have equal status in society.
- 人是社会性动物。 Man is a social creature/being.
名 community
- 国际社会 international community
shèhuì bànxué
名 all sectors of society giving support to school education
- 鼓励社会办学 encourage all social sectors to run educational institutions
shèhuì bànxué
名 all sectors of society giving support to school education
- 鼓励社会办学 encourage all social sectors to run educational institutions
shèhuì bǎoxiǎn
名 social insurance
- 参加社会保险 participate in social insurance
- 社会保险法 social insurance law
shèhuì bǎoxiǎn
名 social insurance
- 参加社会保险 participate in social insurance
- 社会保险法 social insurance law
shèhuì bǎozhàng
名 social security
- 申领社会保障 claim social security
- 社会保障措施 social security measures
- 社会保障号码 social security number
- 社会保障局 social security bureau
- 社会保障制度 social security system
shèhuì bǎozhàng
名 social security
- 申领社会保障 claim social security
- 社会保障措施 social security measures
- 社会保障号码 social security number
- 社会保障局 social security bureau
- 社会保障制度 social security system
shèhuì bǎozhàng jījīn
名 social security fund
shèhuì bǎozhàng jījīn
名 social security fund
shèhuì bǎozhàngkǎ
名 social security card (SSC)
shèhuì bǎozhàngkǎ
名 social security card (SSC)
shèhuì bìyào láodòng
名 socially necessary labour
- 社会必要劳动时间 socially necessary labour-time
shèhuì bìyào láodòng
名 socially necessary labour
- 社会必要劳动时间 socially necessary labour-time
shèhuì bìbìng
名 social evils/illness
- 革除社会弊病 get rid of social evils
shèhuì bìbìng
名 social evils/illness
- 革除社会弊病 get rid of social evils
shèhuì biàngé
名 social changes
shèhuì biàngé
名 social changes
shèhuì cáifù
名 wealth of society
shèhuì cáifù
名 wealth of society
shèhuì cúnzài
名 social being
shèhuì cúnzài
名 social being
名 socialist party
- 社会党人 socialist
名 socialist party
- 社会党人 socialist
shèhuì dìwèi
名 social position/status
- 社会地位高/低 have a high/low social status
- 社会地位不如/高于自己的人 one's social inferior/superior
shèhuì dìwèi
名 social position/status
- 社会地位高/低 have a high/low social status
- 社会地位不如/高于自己的人 one's social inferior/superior
shèhuì diàochá
名 social inquiry/investigation/survey
- 搞社会调查 conduct a social survey
- 社会调查报告 social inquiry report
shèhuì diàochá
名 social inquiry/investigation/survey
- 搞社会调查 conduct a social survey
- 社会调查报告 social inquiry report
shèhuì fāzhǎnshǐ
名 history of social development
shèhuì fāzhǎnshǐ
名 history of social development
shèhuì fēngōng
名 social division of labour
shèhuì fēngōng
名 social division of labour
shèhuì fēngqì
名 mood of society; social morals
- 实现社会风气的根本好转 make a fundamental turn for the better in the standards of social conduct
shèhuì fēngqì
名 mood of society; social morals
- 实现社会风气的根本好转 make a fundamental turn for the better in the standards of social conduct
shèhuì fúlì
名 social welfare
- 社会福利彩票 social welfare lottery ticket
- 社会福利工作 social work/service
- 社会福利机构 social welfare agency
- 社会福利事业 social/public welfare services
shèhuì fúlì
名 social welfare
- 社会福利彩票 social welfare lottery ticket
- 社会福利工作 social work/service
- 社会福利机构 social welfare agency
- 社会福利事业 social/public welfare services
shèhuì fǔyǎngfèi
名 social maintenance fee
shèhuì fǔyǎngfèi
名 social maintenance fee
shèhuì gèjiè
名 all sectors of society
- 社会各界人士 people from all sectors of society
shèhuì gèjiè
名 all sectors of society
- 社会各界人士 people from all sectors of society
shèhuì gōngzuò
名 social work
- 社会工作者 social worker
shèhuì gōngzuò
名 social work
- 社会工作者 social worker
shèhuì gōngdé
名 social morals/ethics; public morality
shèhuì gōngdé
名 social morals/ethics; public morality
shèhuì gòumǎilì
名 society's purchasing power
shèhuì gòumǎilì
名 society's purchasing power
shèhuì guānxi
名 social relations/ties
名 one's social connections; one's relatives and friends
shèhuì guānxi
名 social relations/ties
名 one's social connections; one's relatives and friends
动 socialize
- 社会化大生产 large-scale socialized production
- 社会化服务体系 socialized service system
- 劳动社会化 socialization of labour
动 socialize
- 社会化大生产 large-scale socialized production
- 社会化服务体系 socialized service system
- 劳动社会化 socialization of labour
shèhuì huánjìng
名 social environment
- 创造/保持稳定的社会环境 create/ensure a stable social environment
shèhuì huánjìng
名 social environment
- 创造/保持稳定的社会环境 create/ensure a stable social environment
shèhuì huódòng
名 social/public activities
- 参加各种各样的社会活动 take part in various kinds of social activities
shèhuì huódòng
名 social/public activities
- 参加各种各样的社会活动 take part in various kinds of social activities
shèhuì jīchǔ
名 social basis
shèhuì jīchǔ
名 social basis
shèhuì jítuán gòumǎilì
名 institutional purchasing power
shèhuì jítuán gòumǎilì
名 institutional purchasing power
shèhuì jiāndū
名 social supervision
shèhuì jiāndū
名 social supervision
shèhuì jiàoyù
名 social education
shèhuì jiàoyù
名 social education
shèhuì jiētī
名 social ladder
shèhuì jiētī
名 social ladder
shèhuì jìnbù
名 social advancement/progress
shèhuì jìnbù
名 social advancement/progress
shèhuì jīngjì zhìdù
名 socioeconomic system
shèhuì jīngjì zhìdù
名 socioeconomic system
shèhuì kēxué
名 social science
- 社会科学家 social scientist
- 社会科学研究 social studies
shèhuì kēxué
名 social science
- 社会科学家 social scientist
- 社会科学研究 social studies
shèhuì kēxuéyuàn
名 Academy of Social Sciences
shèhuì kēxuéyuàn
名 Academy of Social Sciences
shèhuì lājī
shèhuì lājī
shèhuì lìliang
名 social sectors
- 社会力量办学为发展教育事业做出了很大贡献。 The running of schools by nongovernmental sectors contributed greatly to the development of education.
shèhuì lìliang
名 social sectors
- 社会力量办学为发展教育事业做出了很大贡献。 The running of schools by nongovernmental sectors contributed greatly to the development of education.
shèhuì mínzhǔdǎng
名 social democratic party
- 社会民主党人 social democrat
shèhuì mínzhǔdǎng
名 social democratic party
- 社会民主党人 social democrat
shèhuì mínzhǔzhǔyì
名 social democracy
shèhuì mínzhǔzhǔyì
名 social democracy
shèhuì míngliú
名 eminent person; elite of society; socialite
shèhuì míngliú
名 eminent person; elite of society; socialite
shèhuì qīngnián
名 unemployed youth
- 给社会青年提供更多的就业机会 provide more job opportunities for unemployed youth
shèhuì qīngnián
名 unemployed youth
- 给社会青年提供更多的就业机会 provide more job opportunities for unemployed youth
shèhuì qūshì
名 social trend
shèhuì qūshì
名 social trend
名 <哲学> homo sociologicus
名 <哲学> homo sociologicus
shèhuì rénlèixué
名 social anthropology
shèhuì rénlèixué
名 social anthropology
shèhuì shāwénzhǔyì
名 social chauvinism
- 社会沙文主义者 social chauvinist
shèhuì shāwénzhǔyì
名 social chauvinism
- 社会沙文主义者 social chauvinist
shèhuì shēngtàixué
名 social ecology; socioecology
shèhuì shēngtàixué
名 social ecology; socioecology
shèhuì shíjiàn
名 social practice
- 参加社会实践活动 take part in social practice activities
- 从事社会实践 engage in social practice
shèhuì shíjiàn
名 social practice
- 参加社会实践活动 take part in social practice activities
- 从事社会实践 engage in social practice
shèhuì shìlì
名 social forces
shèhuì shìlì
名 social forces
shèhuì wēijī
名 social crisis
shèhuì wēijī
名 social crisis
shèhuì xiàoyì
名 social benefits/effects
- 正确处理经济效益和社会效益的关系 correctly handle the relationship between economic returns and social effects
shèhuì xiàoyì
名 social benefits/effects
- 正确处理经济效益和社会效益的关系 correctly handle the relationship between economic returns and social effects
shèhuì xīnlǐxué
名 social psychology
shèhuì xīnlǐxué
名 social psychology
shèhuì xíngtài
名 social form
shèhuì xíngtài
名 social form
shèhuì xūqiú
名 social needs
- 不断增加的社会需求 increasing social needs
shèhuì xūqiú
名 social needs
- 不断增加的社会需求 increasing social needs
名 sociology
- 社会学家 sociologist
名 sociology
- 社会学家 sociologist
shèhuì yālì
名 social stress/pressure
- 减小/增加社会压力 reduce/increase social stress
shèhuì yālì
名 social stress/pressure
- 减小/增加社会压力 reduce/increase social stress
shèhuì yītǐhuà
名 social integration
shèhuì yītǐhuà
名 social integration
shèhuì yìshí
名 social awareness
shèhuì yìshí
名 social awareness
shèhuì yíngxiāo
名 social marketing
shèhuì yíngxiāo
名 social marketing
shèhuì yúlùn
名 public opinion
- 诉诸社会舆论 appeal to public opinion
shèhuì yúlùn
名 public opinion
- 诉诸社会舆论 appeal to public opinion
shèhuì yǔyánxué
名 sociolinguistics
shèhuì yǔyánxué
名 sociolinguistics
shèhuì zhāzi
名 dregs of society
shèhuì zhāzi
名 dregs of society
shèhuì zhìdù
名 social system
- 建立/完善社会制度 establish/perfect a social system
- 消灭一切不合理的社会制度 abolish all unreasonable social systems
shèhuì zhìdù
名 social system
- 建立/完善社会制度 establish/perfect a social system
- 消灭一切不合理的社会制度 abolish all unreasonable social systems
shèhuì zhì'ān
名 public order
- 扰乱/维持/维护社会治安 disrupt/maintain/preserve public order
- 社会治安管理条例 regulations on maintenance of public order
- 社会治安情况 public security situation
shèhuì zhì'ān
名 public order
- 扰乱/维持/维护社会治安 disrupt/maintain/preserve public order
- 社会治安管理条例 regulations on maintenance of public order
- 社会治安情况 public security situation
shèhuì zhìxù
名 social order
- 扰乱/维护/整顿社会秩序 disturb/preserve/improve social order
shèhuì zhìxù
名 social order
- 扰乱/维护/整顿社会秩序 disturb/preserve/improve social order
shèhuì zīyuán
名 social resources
shèhuì zīyuán
名 social resources
shèhuì zǒngchǎnzhí
名 aggregate social product
shèhuì zǒngchǎnzhí
名 aggregate social product
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
community; society;
community; society;
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英法学大词典
community; society; world
community; society; world
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典