眼淚 眼泪
[yǎn lèi]
⇒ 泪液 涕 泪水 泪点 泪 猫哭耗子 热泪 猫哭老鼠 汍 鳄鱼眼泪 假慈悲 血泪 痛哭流涕 淌眼泪 垂泪 流泪 涕泣 汪汪 涕零 垂泣 泪汪汪 落泪 掉泪 挥泪 感激涕零 啼笑皆非 潸然泪下 泪如雨下 泪花 催泪 苦练
⇒ 唉唉 哇哇 替古人担忧 呱 喜极而泣 替古人耽忧 呱呱 哇 贼喊捉贼 血债累累 覆水难收 鬼使神差 神差鬼使 既往不咎 泪人
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
名 tear:
- 流眼泪 shed tears
- 强咽下眼泪 choke down (or back) one's tears
- 她的眼泪说来就来。 She breaks out into tears at a moment's notice.
- 为这件事她没少掉眼泪。 It cost her many tears.
名 tear:
- 流眼泪 shed tears
- 强咽下眼泪 choke down (or back) one's tears
- 她的眼泪说来就来。 She breaks out into tears at a moment's notice.
- 为这件事她没少掉眼泪。 It cost her many tears.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
泪液的通称。 {general term for 泪液lèiyè}
泪液的通称。 {general term for 泪液lèiyè}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 tears
- 擦干眼泪 dry/wipe one's eyes; brush/dash the tears away
- 掉眼泪 drop/shed tears
- 挤出几滴眼泪 squeeze out a few tears
- 流了许多眼泪 shed copious tears
- 忍住眼泪 choke down/back one's tears; suppress/refrain one's tears; gulp/dam/keep back one's tears
- 止住眼泪 stanch one's tears
- 眼泪刷刷地流 burst into a flood of tears; tears are welling from one's eyes
- 眼泪簌簌 tears fall fast
- 眼泪汪汪 be in tears; tears well up in sb's eyes; eyes brimming with tears
- 悔恨的/幸福的眼泪 regretful/happy tears
- 辛酸的眼泪 bitter/poignant tears
- 哭得一把鼻涕一把眼泪 cry tearfully
- 她的眼泪夺眶而出。 Tears started from her eyes. / She couldn't help her tears rolling down her face.
名 tears
- 擦干眼泪 dry/wipe one's eyes; brush/dash the tears away
- 掉眼泪 drop/shed tears
- 挤出几滴眼泪 squeeze out a few tears
- 流了许多眼泪 shed copious tears
- 忍住眼泪 choke down/back one's tears; suppress/refrain one's tears; gulp/dam/keep back one's tears
- 止住眼泪 stanch one's tears
- 眼泪刷刷地流 burst into a flood of tears; tears are welling from one's eyes
- 眼泪簌簌 tears fall fast
- 眼泪汪汪 be in tears; tears well up in sb's eyes; eyes brimming with tears
- 悔恨的/幸福的眼泪 regretful/happy tears
- 辛酸的眼泪 bitter/poignant tears
- 哭得一把鼻涕一把眼泪 cry tearfully
- 她的眼泪夺眶而出。 Tears started from her eyes. / She couldn't help her tears rolling down her face.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
tear; waterworks
tear; waterworks
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典