武裝 武装
[wǔ zhuāng]
⇒ 军火 兵戎 武器 兵器 双臂 兵戈 干戈 铁 军备 兵 军火公司 军售 军备竞赛 军火交易 裁减军备 交臂 核军备 武库 兵戈扰攘 徽章 双臂抱胸 徽 战友 纹章 国徽 倒戈卸甲 檄书 武器禁运 檄文 甩手
⇒ 用具 装备 装置 器械 器材 器具 设备 具 舾装 刑具 标配 音频设备 传输设备 电子器件 网络设备 医疗器械 滤毒通风装置 音响设备 旅行装备 卫生设备 测距仪 消声器 个人防护装备 数字导览设施 用户端设备 鸟枪换炮 桁杨 桁杨刀锯 机电 移机 巧妇难为无米之炊 电子环保亭
to arm
⇒ 动粗 㧟 挽 挟 掖 甩动 合抱 搀扶 不即不离 搀 比试 曲肱而枕 拉拉扯扯 顺拐 袒免
⇒ 军 兵 军方 军事 武 军功章 武力 武勇 戎车 兵权 军民 牙城 治军 号手 兵力 军事部门 校官 军事体育 兵站 工事 军事威胁 军事科学 军用 军演 军装 兵制 前线 尉 海陆军 后勤学 战力 战役
armed (forces)
⇒ 持械 荷枪实弹 持枪抢劫 武装部队 人武 军队 武装冲突 激进武装 全副武装 激进武装分子 武警 镖客 武警战士 叛乱 兵力 戈船 戎马 械斗 武装力量 武装分子 羽林 部队 美军 枪匪 扩军 治军 武警部队 自卫队 弩兵
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 名
1 arms; military equipment; battle outfit:
- 全副武装 fully armed; in full battle gear
2 armed forces:
- 武装夺取政权 seizure of power by armed force
II 动 equip (or supply) with arms; arm:
- 武装不足 underarmed
- 武装到牙齿 armed to the teeth
- 用现代思想武装头脑 arm one's mind with modern ideas
- 武装带 Sam Browne belt
- 武装部队 armed forces
- 武装冲突 armed conflict
- 武装斗争 armed struggle
- 武装干涉 armed intervention
- 武装警察 armed police
- 武装力量 armed power; armed forces
- 武装起义 armed uprising (or insurrection)
- 武装泅渡 swim with one's weapons; swim in battle gear
- 武装人员 armed personnel
- 武装随员 galloglass; gallowglass
- 武装中立 armed neutrality
- 武装直升机 helicopter gunship
I 名
1 arms; military equipment; battle outfit:
- 全副武装 fully armed; in full battle gear
2 armed forces:
- 武装夺取政权 seizure of power by armed force
II 动 equip (or supply) with arms; arm:
- 武装不足 underarmed
- 武装到牙齿 armed to the teeth
- 用现代思想武装头脑 arm one's mind with modern ideas
- 武装带 Sam Browne belt
- 武装部队 armed forces
- 武装冲突 armed conflict
- 武装斗争 armed struggle
- 武装干涉 armed intervention
- 武装警察 armed police
- 武装力量 armed power; armed forces
- 武装起义 armed uprising (or insurrection)
- 武装泅渡 swim with one's weapons; swim in battle gear
- 武装人员 armed personnel
- 武装随员 galloglass; gallowglass
- 武装中立 armed neutrality
- 武装直升机 helicopter gunship
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 军事装备 {arms; military equipment; battle outfit}:
- ~力量 {armed forces; armed power}
- 解除~。 {disarm}
2. 用武器来装备 {arm; equip; provide troops with arms}:
- 缴获的武器,足够~我军两个师 {The captured arms are enough to equip two divisions of our army.}◇用现代科学知识~头脑。 {Arm our mind with modern scientific knowledge.}
3. 用武器装备起来的队伍;军队 {army; armed forces}:
- 地方~。 {local armed forces}
1. 军事装备 {arms; military equipment; battle outfit}:
- ~力量 {armed forces; armed power}
- 解除~。 {disarm}
2. 用武器来装备 {arm; equip; provide troops with arms}:
- 缴获的武器,足够~我军两个师 {The captured arms are enough to equip two divisions of our army.}◇用现代科学知识~头脑。 {Arm our mind with modern scientific knowledge.}
3. 用武器装备起来的队伍;军队 {army; armed forces}:
- 地方~。 {local armed forces}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
名 army uniform; military uniform/clothing
名 armed forces
名 battle arms; military equipment; battle outfit
动 equip or supply with arms; arm
名 army uniform; military uniform/clothing
名 armed forces
名 battle arms; military equipment; battle outfit
动 equip or supply with arms; arm
名 armed forces department
名 armed forces department
wǔzhuāng bùduì
名 armed forces
wǔzhuāng bùduì
名 armed forces
wǔzhuāng chōngtū
名 armed/military clash/conflict
wǔzhuāng chōngtū
名 armed/military clash/conflict
名 Sam Browne (belt)
名 Sam Browne (belt)
wǔzhuāng dòuzhēng
名 armed struggle
wǔzhuāng dòuzhēng
名 armed struggle
wǔzhuāng fànzuì
名 armed crime
wǔzhuāng fànzuì
名 armed crime
wǔzhuāng gānshè
名 armed intervention
wǔzhuāng gānshè
名 armed intervention
wǔzhuāng gējù
名 establishment of separate regime through armed struggle
wǔzhuāng gējù
名 establishment of separate regime through armed struggle
wǔzhuāng gémìng
名 armed revolution
wǔzhuāng gémìng
名 armed revolution
wǔzhuāng jǐngchá
名 armed police
- 武装警察部队 armed police forces; contingent of the armed police
wǔzhuāng jǐngchá
名 armed police
- 武装警察部队 armed police forces; contingent of the armed police
wǔzhuāng lìliàng
名 military power; armed forces
wǔzhuāng lìliàng
名 military power; armed forces
wǔzhuāng qǐyì
名 armed uprising/insurrection
wǔzhuāng qǐyì
名 armed uprising/insurrection
wǔzhuāng qīnlüè
名 armed aggression
wǔzhuāng qīnlüè
名 armed aggression
wǔzhuāng rényuán
名 armed personnel
wǔzhuāng rényuán
名 armed personnel
wǔzhuāng rùqīn
名 armed intrusion
wǔzhuāng rùqīn
名 armed intrusion
wǔzhuāng suíyuán
名 galloglass; gallowglass
wǔzhuāng suíyuán
名 galloglass; gallowglass
wǔzhuāng yǎnhù
名 armed protection
wǔzhuāng yǎnhù
名 armed protection
wǔzhuāng zhíshēngjī
名 helicopter gunship; armed helicopter; attack helicopter
wǔzhuāng zhíshēngjī
名 helicopter gunship; armed helicopter; attack helicopter
wǔzhuāng zhōnglì
名 armed neutrality
wǔzhuāng zhōnglì
名 armed neutrality
wǔzhuāng zìwèi
名 armed self-defence
wǔzhuāng zìwèi
名 armed self-defence
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
arm; armed forces; arming
arm; armed forces; arming
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
wǔ zhuāng
take up arms, under arms,指拿起武器。
- 人们很快就武装起来保卫自己的国家。 People were quick to take up arms to defend their country.
- 大家都相信当时解放区武装起来的民兵有100 多万。 It was believed that more than one million militiamen in the liberated areas were under arms.
- 中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。 In China how unique and lofty are the ideals of the young, who love being armed rather than being adorned in red.
- 我们得与武装到牙齿的敌人较量一番了。 We have to contend with a foe armed to the teeth.
equip with,指装备。
- 我们已用大炮把堡垒武装起来了。 We have equipped the fort with guns.
- 士兵们都是用最新的武器武装起来的。 The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.
wǔ zhuāng
take up arms, under arms,指拿起武器。
- 人们很快就武装起来保卫自己的国家。 People were quick to take up arms to defend their country.
- 大家都相信当时解放区武装起来的民兵有100 多万。 It was believed that more than one million militiamen in the liberated areas were under arms.
- 中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。 In China how unique and lofty are the ideals of the young, who love being armed rather than being adorned in red.
- 我们得与武装到牙齿的敌人较量一番了。 We have to contend with a foe armed to the teeth.
equip with,指装备。
- 我们已用大炮把堡垒武装起来了。 We have equipped the fort with guns.
- 士兵们都是用最新的武器武装起来的。 The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典