
to hammer in (a nail)

to drive (a wedge)
驱动 车行 带动 驱策 乘车 驾乘 驾驭 驱赶 驾驶 赶出 驱离 倒开 赶跑 逐走 开走 撵走 赶走 赶羊 推进 倒车 驱走 驶离 驱除 撵出
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT

把楔子、钉子等捶打到物体里面 {drive (a wedge, nail, etc.) into sth.}:
- 榫子缝ㄦ里~上个楔子 {drive a wedge into the slot of a tenon}
- 墙上~个钉子 {drive a nail into the wall}
- 往地里~根橛子。 {drive a short wooden stake into the ground}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典

drive (a wedge/nail); wedge
- 把钉子揳入木板 drive/knock a nail into the plank
- 这扇窗户关不住,得用楔子揳上。 The window doesn't stay closed unless you wedge it.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典