掩蓋 掩盖
[yǎn gài]
to conceal
⇒ 藏匿 包荒 荫蔽 藏 昧 囥 隐瞒 侜 遮 壅蔽 窾 隐蔽 藏藏掖掖 潜伏 包藏 掩饰 盖 潜 隐藏 暗藏 瞒骗 揞 蔽 藏躲 掖 隐匿 掩 饰 薆 包藏祸心 瞒 打埋伏
to hide behind
⇒ 玩弄词藻
to cover up
⇒ 揞 隐匿 掩 袒庇 粉饰 包庇 藏匿 捂 遮 潜伏 隐瞒不报 掩饰 遮遮掩掩 藏掖 隐瞒 遮掩 敜 遮羞 弥缝 文过饰非 洗地 东掩西遮 解嘲 支吾其词 贼喊捉贼
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
1 cover (up); overspread:
- 大雪掩盖着田野。 The fields were covered with snow.
2 conceal; cover up:
- 掩盖不住内心的喜悦 be unable to conceal one's joy
- 谎言掩盖不了事实。 Lies cannot cover up (or conceal) the facts.
1 cover (up); overspread:
- 大雪掩盖着田野。 The fields were covered with snow.
2 conceal; cover up:
- 掩盖不住内心的喜悦 be unable to conceal one's joy
- 谎言掩盖不了事实。 Lies cannot cover up (or conceal) the facts.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. same as 遮盖 {zhēgài}① :
- 大雪~着田野。 {The fields were cocooned under a mantle of snow.}
2. 隐藏;隐瞒 {conceal; cover up}:
- ~罪行 {cover up one's crime}
- ~不住内心的喜悦。 {be unable to conceal one's joy}
1. same as 遮盖 {zhēgài}① :
- 大雪~着田野。 {The fields were cocooned under a mantle of snow.}
2. 隐藏;隐瞒 {conceal; cover up}:
- ~罪行 {cover up one's crime}
- ~不住内心的喜悦。 {be unable to conceal one's joy}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 cover; overspread
- 大雪掩盖了田野。 The fields were overspread with snow.
动 conceal; cover up; disguise; shroud
- 掩盖丑闻 cover/hush up a scandal; whitewash a scandal
- 掩盖错误 cover up one's mistake
- 掩盖动机 disguise one's motive
- 掩盖过失 whitewash an offence; smooth over/cover up/suppress one's fault
- 掩盖缺陷 gloss over a flaw
- 掩盖事实 cover up the facts; sink/shroud the facts; conceal/hide the facts
- 掩盖问题 sweep an issue under the carpet
- 掩盖行踪 cover (up) one's tracks
- 掩盖意图 conceal one's intention
- 掩盖真理 eclipse a truth
- 掩盖罪行 smother (up) a crime
- 他们之间的分歧太大,无法掩盖。 Their differences were too wide to paper over.
- 他急于掩盖自己的不端行为。 He is anxious to keep his misdeeds from coming to light.
- 这香水掩盖不住难闻的气味。 This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.
动 cover; overspread
- 大雪掩盖了田野。 The fields were overspread with snow.
动 conceal; cover up; disguise; shroud
- 掩盖丑闻 cover/hush up a scandal; whitewash a scandal
- 掩盖错误 cover up one's mistake
- 掩盖动机 disguise one's motive
- 掩盖过失 whitewash an offence; smooth over/cover up/suppress one's fault
- 掩盖缺陷 gloss over a flaw
- 掩盖事实 cover up the facts; sink/shroud the facts; conceal/hide the facts
- 掩盖问题 sweep an issue under the carpet
- 掩盖行踪 cover (up) one's tracks
- 掩盖意图 conceal one's intention
- 掩盖真理 eclipse a truth
- 掩盖罪行 smother (up) a crime
- 他们之间的分歧太大,无法掩盖。 Their differences were too wide to paper over.
- 他急于掩盖自己的不端行为。 He is anxious to keep his misdeeds from coming to light.
- 这香水掩盖不住难闻的气味。 This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典
conceal; cover up; cushion; enshroud; gloss over; screen from
conceal; cover up; cushion; enshroud; gloss over; screen from
简体中文>英语, 简明汉英词典
yǎn gài
- 大雪掩盖着田野,鸟雀都无法觅食。 Snow covered the fields and birds were unable to look for food.
- 在我们对面应当悬挂舞台幕布的地方,有一块大黑板掩盖住了整个墙面。 Opposite to us, covering the entire wall, where the theater curtain would be, was a gigantic black board.作“掩盖”解的cover up往往带有贬义。
- 妈妈想给儿子掩盖,但没有成功。 Mother tried to cover up for her son but without success.
- 我知道你们公司里想掩盖过去几年来的错误的人并不多。 I know there are not many people in your company who are trying to cover up the mistakes in the past few years.
conceal,也指有意识地掩盖,故一般可与cover 换用,但比较正式。
- 谎言掩盖不了事实。 Lies cannot conceal (cover up) the facts.
- 他彬彬有礼、镇定自若的外貌之下掩盖着痛苦。 He concealed (covered up) anguish under a mask of courtesy and composure.
- 对,他是帮着家里掩盖家丑来着。 Yes, he did help the family conceal (cover up) its disgrace.
- 我看的时候,一片匆匆飘过的浮云有一阵子掩盖住了太阳。 A hurrying cloud hid the sun for a moment as I watched.
- 迅速的经济增长掩盖了不少的瑕疵。 Rapid economic growth hides a number of blemishes.
- 糖衣掩盖了药丸的药味。 Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.
paper over,指糟糕的、往往是不成功的掩盖。
- 一些词意含糊的套话往往用来掩盖分歧。 Some vague formulas are often used to paper over the disagreement.
- 分歧只是被几纸声明掩盖了起来,但却很难调和。 The differences had only been papered over by declarations that could hardly be reconciled.
yǎn gài
- 大雪掩盖着田野,鸟雀都无法觅食。 Snow covered the fields and birds were unable to look for food.
- 在我们对面应当悬挂舞台幕布的地方,有一块大黑板掩盖住了整个墙面。 Opposite to us, covering the entire wall, where the theater curtain would be, was a gigantic black board.作“掩盖”解的cover up往往带有贬义。
- 妈妈想给儿子掩盖,但没有成功。 Mother tried to cover up for her son but without success.
- 我知道你们公司里想掩盖过去几年来的错误的人并不多。 I know there are not many people in your company who are trying to cover up the mistakes in the past few years.
conceal,也指有意识地掩盖,故一般可与cover 换用,但比较正式。
- 谎言掩盖不了事实。 Lies cannot conceal (cover up) the facts.
- 他彬彬有礼、镇定自若的外貌之下掩盖着痛苦。 He concealed (covered up) anguish under a mask of courtesy and composure.
- 对,他是帮着家里掩盖家丑来着。 Yes, he did help the family conceal (cover up) its disgrace.
- 我看的时候,一片匆匆飘过的浮云有一阵子掩盖住了太阳。 A hurrying cloud hid the sun for a moment as I watched.
- 迅速的经济增长掩盖了不少的瑕疵。 Rapid economic growth hides a number of blemishes.
- 糖衣掩盖了药丸的药味。 Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.
paper over,指糟糕的、往往是不成功的掩盖。
- 一些词意含糊的套话往往用来掩盖分歧。 Some vague formulas are often used to paper over the disagreement.
- 分歧只是被几纸声明掩盖了起来,但却很难调和。 The differences had only been papered over by declarations that could hardly be reconciled.
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英翻译大辞典