披掛 披挂
[pī guà]
to put on a suit of armor
to put on dress
to wear
⇒ 佩 着 带 面带 面露 穿 佩戴 配戴 佩带 衣 身穿 身着 蹬 掼 穿破 用坏 消磨 销蚀 消蚀 累 磨合 磨 磨损 蹑履 戴孝 穿反 披麻戴孝 戴表 戴帽子 戴有色眼镜 蒙面 戴套
简体中文>英语, CC-CEDICT
I 动 put on a suit of armour:
- 披挂上阵 buckle on one's armour and go into battle
II 名 [usu. used in the early vernacular] suit of armour
I 动 put on a suit of armour:
- 披挂上阵 buckle on one's armour and go into battle
II 名 [usu. used in the early vernacular] suit of armour
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英词典
1. 〈旧指 old〉穿戴盔甲,后也泛指穿戴衣装 {put on a suit of armour; (in a broad sense) put on clothes}:
- 猎人们~整齐,准备上路 {The hunters dressed and got ready to set out.}◇几员足坛老将再次~上阵。 {Several veteran footballers will be playing again.}
2. 指穿戴的盔甲(多见于早期白话 {oft. in early vernacular})。 {suit of armour}
1. 〈旧指 old〉穿戴盔甲,后也泛指穿戴衣装 {put on a suit of armour; (in a broad sense) put on clothes}:
- 猎人们~整齐,准备上路 {The hunters dressed and got ready to set out.}◇几员足坛老将再次~上阵。 {Several veteran footballers will be playing again.}
2. 指穿戴的盔甲(多见于早期白话 {oft. in early vernacular})。 {suit of armour}
简体中文>英语, 现代汉语词典
动 put on a suit of armour; be in battle attire
- 披挂上阵 buckle on one's armour and go into action
动 be/get accoutred
- 猎人们披挂整齐,准备上路。 The hunters are attired and ready to leave.
名 a suit of armour
动 put on a suit of armour; be in battle attire
- 披挂上阵 buckle on one's armour and go into action
动 be/get accoutred
- 猎人们披挂整齐,准备上路。 The hunters are attired and ready to leave.
名 a suit of armour
- 简体中文>英语, 汉英大词典